Ep 13 : X-Men Universe | Movie 4 Part 1

1h 5m | May 13, 2022


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[Joker]: Hello all you mad lads and mad lasses out there. This is Joker. I just wanted to go ahead and throw out a Disclaimer for parts one and two of episode 13 as I'm a dumbass and did not take consideration that there would be Echo from a USB Mike XLR Mike combo for this episode. You get to hear Jordan very well, but myself is very echo-y. And then on top of that, again, dumbass move on my part, I turn down my mic output so I'll be low and echo-y for the majority of these two parts. Please bear with us. It won't last. The next episode 14 will be so much better, but yeah, thanks again and we will see you on the other side. Peace.


[Joker]: So welcome to the only podcast where we are crazier than the life you deal with daily. This is the Mad House. I'm Joker. And then today, of course, I am joined by Unreal aka Jordan who is a part of the Madhouse community.


[Unrealstyle]: Hello everyone,


[Joker]: and lives local to me. So today, oh God, we are going to be talking about X-Men Origin, Wolverine. So the first standalone Wolverine movie.


[Unrealstyle]: They did it justice.


[Mad House Present Group Therapy Introduction Music]


[Joker]:though there was very one comedic portion in there where I was highly confused at why they made it so comic. But we'll get to that part later.


[Unrealstyle]: Okay.


[Joker]: When we get to that particular part of the movie. So doing it justice, what do you mean by that? Is there a particular part that you feel or is it just in general?


[Unrealstyle]: In general, really. Because sometimes when they do origin stories, they do things that just kind of ruin it. They added some things, they changed some things, but I feel like they did the movie justice.


[Joker]: Okay. Now where we start out with I found out via the Wiki page for the movie is that we start out in the 1800s originally. We all knew that as far as Wolverine's original years on Earth.


[Unrealstyle]: Right.


[Joker]: Those that listen to the movies, watch the cartoons and partaked in the original comic books that talked about the Weapon X in the 90s, I believe it was when the Weapon X series of comics came out. Or they talked about him being born in the 1800s.


[Unrealstyle]: Right.


[Joker]: So we got a little bit of clarification via the Wiki page, which we don't necessarily know how accurate it is unless we look at the script itself. But they're saying around 1845. So this would have been well after the Revolutionary War and just prior to the Civil War.


[Unrealstyle]: Yes.


[Joker]: Because it was 1880s, I think was a Civil War.


[Unrealstyle]: I believe so.


[Joker]: God, I think I'd remember these things by now. Let's see,


[Unrealstyle]: They went through so many wars, it's kind of hard to keep up.


[Joker]: 1865 was the end date.


[Unrealstyle]: Okay.


[Joker]: Yeah, that's about right. About 20 years. So yeah, he would have been fairly young back then.


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah, he would have been 20s early…


[Joker]: because he was in 1845, if that was the time frame that they're giving us. Because Logan or James, as they called him


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah


[Joker]: James Logan was what looked like about eight, nine ish because Victor looked


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah


[Joker]: about twelve to 14.


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah,


[Joker]: about right


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah


[Joker]: as far as the depictions. So, yeah, he would have been in his 20s or so during the Civil War.


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah.


[Joker]: All right, so during this first scene, of course, Logan or James is sick in bed as a child. And this, of course, is when his powers first show face.


[Unrealstyle]: Yes.


[Joker]: Now, we find out that his father, Logan. We find out that his father… Is there still an Echo? No, there shouldn't be now. Yeah, we're definitely going to have to pay the money to get dynamic mics because this is trash. Here, let me turn mine down. Didn't sound that echoey when we did the other ones, but whatever. Yeah, it'll happen. You just got to remember to tap it on.


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah.


[Joker]: Oh, God. Anyhow, what was I saying? Oh, yeah. So we find out that James or Wolverine's dad isn't really his dad or his mother slept with one of the groundskeepers, which was Thomas Logan, apparently. Oh, Howlett. Is his real name James Howellt?


[Unrealstyle]: Yes.


[Joker]: This is so stupid.


[Unrealstyle]: I'm having a blast right now.


[Joker]: I can imagine. But the grounds keeper, who was Thomas Logan, which is also Victor's father, which they knew about.


[Unrealstyle]: Well, I think the mother did, but I'm not entirely sure that the father did because he kind of died before anything could be really identified.


[Joker]: Okay, this is going to be horrible. So bad. All right, so when we get through that, of course, the grounds keeper kills Mr. Howellt and announces himself as the boy's father. So then I'm guessing after that, when Logan and Victor run away, that's when he picks up the Logan name,


[Unrealstyle]: probably because it's never really been explained where he got the name. We kind of just figured that it was a name that he just chose after he left the group.


[Joker]: Yeah. Okay. So from there they run off and then they go through all the wars. Civil War, World War I, World War II. I was thinking the Korean War, but according to the Wiki, they didn't do the Korean War. They just skipped straight to Vietnam War in 1970s. So they completely lapsed the Korean War, which happened in the 60s. And that's where they meet Striker for the first time, in like 1970-75 something like six years later.


[Unrealstyle]: 1973


[Joker]: Okay, I see it. So somewhere in early 1970s, late 1970s, he's already a part of Strikers team and they're heading to they've already done their thing during the 70s as a team of Strikers. So it's Wade Wilson, which is, oddly enough, in human form in the Seventies, as an adult, presumably in his mid to early 20s. So that would put him born in 1950, which already is a conflict with the current Deadpool movies. Now with that. So we've got Wade Wilson, John Wraith, who was also known as Kestrel, who was at one point lored to be Nightcrawler's father, which, of course, we find out in Apocalypse. That's not the case.


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah, because Nightcrawler's father is supposed to be a Azazel.


[Joker]: Yes, and that's confirmed in the next movie. In the Apocalypse movie. But it was at one point, Lord. Hence why John Wraith or Kestrel has the same teleportation style powers minus the cloud of smoke. But Sabertooth or Victor Blob, Christopher Bradley, who was by his mute name known as either the Bolt and Maverick. Yeah, that's it. And what was the sharpshooter's name?

[Unrealstyle]: Zero.


[Joker]: Zero. That's right. All right, so we've got those going on. Try it. Maybe that won't go as bad. Maybe. Oh, no, that's probably just as bad. Let me turn this down. Is it still bad, Echo? Because I can't hear it. Even if I. Maybe that'll help. It'll all overpower it. Who knows? Anyway, let's see. Yeah, make clips. Go ahead, make clips. I need clips back on track.


[Joker]: So they're in the plane, they find the Adamantium or the source of the Adamantium. And then Wolverine decides to leave the team.


[Unrealstyle]: Yes.


[Joker]: And according to this, it's about a year or six years after the team broke up, where you find Logan as a logger in the Canadian mountains. And he's now with new girlfriend Kayla Silverfox. Silverfox. Of course, we all or those that follow the X Men universe know that she is actually a mutant who is an empath of sorts where she can basically or she's a telepath, a tactile telepath. She has to touch them


[Unrealstyle]: Yes


[Joker]: to control their mind. So up to this point, as far as the movie and everything, what are your thoughts?


[Unrealstyle]: I think it really shows the difference between Victor and Logan because you see, as they went through all the wars, the Civil War, World War One, World War Two, Vietnam, you see Logan slowly start to have more empathy than Victor. Victor starts to just decline as Logan just he can't do it anymore. At first, it was who he was, but then he started to grow to be a different person. Whereas Victor just became literally the animal that he's named after. Really? I mean, he literally became a Hunter of everyone.


[Joker]: Hey, all right. He was a beast and they told a story. Or Silverfox told him a story while she was still under in the role of his girlfriend without him really knowing any different. But when Striker and Zero were coming in at that point, he was at work and they were trying to recruit him because at this point, Victor had gone off the beaten path according to the way the plot shows, and killed Bradley, who was Bolt/Maverick while he was doing circus type stuff. Now, when they did that, or he portrayed him as a killer off the rocks and tried to initiate the pit of Logan versus Sabertooth. And what is interesting from there is that they play to that by killing Caleb. Killing Silverfox after she dropped him off.


[Unrealstyle]: Yes.


[Joker]: So of course, Logan finds her. Then he goes and joins Striker later and gets injected finally with the Adamantium


[Unrealstyle]: after his fight with Victor. The first time.

[Joker]: Yes. His first fight in the woods, right.


[Unrealstyle]: No, they were at like,


[Joker]: oh, the bar.


[Unrealstyle]: The bar.


[Joker]: That's right. He tracked them back to the bar.


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah.


[Joker]: And then, of course, that's when it came out that they're both. And this was the Lumberjack Bar, if I remember correctly, the famous Lumberjack Bar. Because the lumberjack was sitting out front of the bar.


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah.


[Joker]: And so he goes back to Striker's other facility, which actually wasn't at Alkali Lake because Three Mile Island is in Pennsylvania.


[Unrealstyle]: Technically, that's supposed to be Alkali Lake, but because when they go back for like the Origin store anyway, when they go back, he starts to have some memories. But that is supposed to be Alkali Lake to where Logan began. But I think they did it a different way.


[Joker]: Yeah. So what the consideration here is that he moved to Three Mile Island for the advanced research.


[Unrealstyle]: Yes.


[Joker]: But when he created Logan as Weapon X or Weapon Ten, it was at Alkali Lake facility.


[Unrealstyle]: Yes.


[Joker]: Now, see, that would help make sense to the storyline, but it still gets confusing, especially if you don't pay attention to the lore, because I know I'm very lacking in it myself. They end up his new facility as a Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania as a nuclear facility. And in the process. Excuse me, let me back up. I'm getting ahead of myself. He gets the Adamantium injection. He hears Striker telling one of the other scientists to erase his memory.


[Unrealstyle]: Yes.


[Joker]: Wakes up, does the scene where he comes out of the water ripped and torn like every muscles everywhere, and yells as the water is falling all over him. And then he runs out of the facility naked, jumps over the waterfall.


[Unrealstyle]: That was a long waterfall scene.


[Joker]: I was going to say that was what?


[Unrealstyle]: That was at least a good like 10 seconds.


[Joker]: Oh, yeah. 10 seconds of his naked ass falling.


[Unrealstyle]: No, that was about like 3 seconds. The rest was just plain waterfall. I'm like, this is a long scene.


[Joker]: Oh, yeah. Because he kind of fell behind the waterfall and then it was just water and no splash, obviously, because of the waterfall.


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah.


[Joker]: All right, so from here, let's see from that scene, he goes into the barn naked.


[Unrealstyle]: Yes.


[Joker]: The farmer and his wife see him on their way back to their house. In this process, of course, the farmer's wife is like, “I think there's a naked man in our barn”.


[Unrealstyle]: It’s hilarious.


[Joker]: What is going on? Okay. Yeah. Thank you, Captain Obvious. All right. But Logan attaches himself to a couple because they are reminded of their son, who I'm assuming died in the previous war because they were about the same size and build. He had a motorcycle, got a jacket from them, after he in the awkward teen-like fashion destroyed their sink, their shelf and their water heater.


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah. The radiator. He cut


[Joker]: He cut the valve off because


[Unrealstyle]: He's checking out


[Joker]: He’s checking his new Adamantium claws that he's never had before.


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah.


[Joker]: Like a teen boy looking at his penis erection for the first time.


[Unrealstyle]: Pretty much because he's looking at him and everything's fine. But then when the farmer comes up to tell him that dinner is ready, he moves so quick that he just slices the sink in half. And it's like through everything, it's just like slow your roll, just chill.


[Joker]: Yeah. So he has dinner. He's wearing the kids clothes or their kids clothes. And then he sleeps in the barn, wakes up. Farmer comes out with the son’s leather jacket when Logan is sitting on the bike and seems like a nice little touching scene kind of thing. And then Farmer's wife comes out with, I guess, tea, breakfast and about to give it to him. And then she gets shot by Zero, like a mile away a couple of times, actually. Twice.


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah.


[Joker]: And then farmer gets hit. Logan grabs a farmer, and then the helicopter comes over the Hill after he over. The radio says Logan just killed two civilians. So blames the death of them on Logan. And from there, they proceed to try to blow him up from the Huey, the helicopter, and he, of course, rides out in flames on the motorcycle. And then it chases ensues and Logan kills Zero pretty much by


[Unrealstyle]: He uses his claws to start a fire off of the rock.


[Joker]: Yeah. From the fuel after he's cut the blades and the helicopters crashed.


[Unrealstyle]: Yep.


[Joker]: And he hears, oh, you were trying to kill me, motherfucker. I got you.


[Unrealstyle]: That was a good one.


[Joker]: Yeah, that was pretty well done by the way. Up to this point, it is the 80s now, like roughly about 81 is when this movie is set, just FYI if you want to try to keep along with the chronological order of it as well. So he walks away, and then he's in the process of trying to find Sabertooth or Victor at this point. And he goes and meets up with John Wraith and the Blob, which is [background computer notifications]

this. Are we still good? Okay. That was odd. Did not know that happen. Sorry. For those watching on Twitch we had a glitch. Anyway. I don't even know. Did they say what location that the boxing ring was in the training facility that Rake was at


[Unrealstyle]: Las Vegas?


[Joker]: Oh, yeah, there it is, right there. So the Blob blew up. Instead of being muscular like he was during the team days, he's now a fat slob, which we all know from. If you've watched the animated series, you've seen the Blob as just that, a blob of a human being with Juggernaut-est abilities.


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah. But they've put it for him having a guilt induced eating disorder instead of just how his mutation went.


[Joker]: Yeah. Because in this cartoon, he was just fat. It's almost like a thyroid issue in a sense, once he gained his powers.


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah.


[Joker]: So the whole fight scene between Logan and the Blob, what did you think about that one?


[Unrealstyle]: That was hilarious. That was just hilarious. Because even though he has the adamantium skeleton now, he can't make any damage to his body to Blob's body whatsoever until the Blob does a headbutt, and then it's like bone on bone. There might be something here.


[Joker]: Yeah. Because up until that point, he didn't really shudder at any of the hits that Logan was throwing his way until he, the Blob, headbutt Logan. And Logan was like, Wait, what? And he kind of shudders or the Blob shudders a little bit. And that's when he's like, okay, yeah.


[Unrealstyle]: To end the fight, he jumps from the throat and just brings his elbow down, straight down on his head.


[Joker]: Yeah. And knocks him out.


[Joker]: It was great. So from there, they find out that they need to go, I believe, to Louisiana, because John Race and the Blob know about someone who's been to Three Mile Island, and they go to Louisiana, New Orleans, and meet a favorite mutant of mine, Remy LeBeau Gambit.


[Unrealstyle]: The man with the magic cards, which they never really explained what his mutation was like. You only see that he can control cards, that his eyes glow red when he uses his mutation, which I guess you can say is like a type of magic to the cards. And it's like this energies in these cards. And when you throw it at them or if he throws it at someone, it does something to them and knock them back. And then he has a staff, which he can use that same magic through. But other than that, they really don't really explain what his abilities are, at least in the movies.


[Joker]: Yeah. In the movies, he has maneuverability, and he has the control over the staff, primarily because in the fight scene with Logan, he used it to climb the wall. So taking what presumably would be just a generic metal staff and then shoving it through brick as he climbs the wall to get away from him. This is where I was talking about. The comicesque part of it that didn't make sense to me was when Gambit is trying to get away, he's in the fire escape on the side of the building, and you see Wolverine just slashing and hacking at a very comical rate to cut down the fire escape. So that's what I was talking about that I didn't like.


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah. That kind of added a cartoonish thing to it, but it was hilarious. They got to add some type of comedy to it, or that movie would have been, like straight dark after the death of his wife or girlfriend.


[Joker]: Girlfriend after Silver Fox. The death of Silver Fox. Yeah. It was a lot of drama in the movie versus superhero type stuff. You would honestly think that this was more along the lines of a DC movie than a Marvel movie.


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah.


[Joker]: Excuse me. All right, so after the fight with LeBeau, he's like, I want to know where Victor is at. Blah, blah, blah. Take me to Three Mile Island. This is also, I think, where we see his first real fear of flying because Wolverine has always had a fear of flying.


[Unrealstyle]: Well, no, it's gotten worse. But we first see it when they were on their way, when he was still part of the group, when they were on their way to Africa. You can tell by the way he's sitting and trying not to basically hurl his guts out.


[Joker]: Oh, they did mention it during the team flight. Okay, I forgot about that.


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah. So that was shown there. But then which is kind of ironic because they said if we were meant to fly, we would have been born with wings or we would have had wings, which is just in the mutant world. That's kind of ironic.


[Joker]: Yeah. And I think it was alluding to Angel because by this point in the 80s, he was supposed to admit Angel.


[Unrealstyle]: Maybe because if we go by the movies wise, then no, but if we go in the timeline wise of how these movies take place, then probably.


[Joker]: Well, I'm alluding to more or less the original comics because angel was a part of the original team and Angel was a part of the team back in the 60s and 70s chronologically.


[Unrealstyle]: Possibly. Probably. Yeah, it's a good possibility.


[Joker]: All right, so here's another thing that is definitely way off from the other parts is that definitely not going in line with what most X Men fans are going to be used to as far as who is where and what, because in this case, this is the 80s and Remy LeBeau is well into his 20s. But in the comics, him and Rogue are very close in age.


[Unrealstyle]: Oh, yeah, that's true.


[Joker]: That is one thing that I didn't like about them depicting him and this time or this universe, because they definitely put Rogue and Gambit too far apart from each other because by the time Rogue is depicted in the late 90s, early 2000s as a young teenager, that would put Remy LeBeau well into his thirties.


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah. Honestly, that's probably why they had her and Ice Man together.


[Joker]: Yeah, that is right. Because they depicted them as a couple. So once they get the Three Mile Island and the Little John boat of a plane that they were flying in, Gambit said that he won off of Jack's over seven. Right?


[Unrealstyle]: Jack's over five.


[Joker]: Jack's over five. That's right. They get to Three Mile Island, Logan finds out that Kayla is still alive and finds out her mutant abilities at that point, and he actually starts to walk away just walk away from the island, the whole shin-digging scenario.


[Unrealstyle]: Until Victor shows up. Because he's watching this entire time hidden in the shadows. Striker not knowing that he's there. And after Logan leaves, Victor jumps down and says, you let him go. And Striker is like, now is not the time. There's still plenty of time. Just have to be patient.


[Joker]: Before he said that to Victor, he said the same thing to Kayla, Silver Fox, about her sister. Because her sister was a part of his experiments.


[Unrealstyle]: Yes.


[Joker]: And that's when she realized, wait, he's just using us?


[Unrealstyle]:Yes, pretty much


[Joker]: Because Kayla was indebted to Striker due to her sister and letting her go. Hence why she did everything she did to Logan initially. And from there is when she kind of brought it up, hey, he's using us. Fuck Striker.


[Unrealstyle]: And then when she tries to leave, I guess Victor grabs her by the throat and she screams out loud enough for Logan to hear, which


[Joker]: Somehow he's got superhuman hearing.


[Unrealstyle]: Now, it's been shown that he's had some type of enhanced hearing and sense of smell because he smelled the dead animal before he found Kayla's body. He smelt the dead animal. Whatever. I can't remember what kind of animal it was. It was just a head. But the animal that Victor killed and left close enough to him that he would pick up on it and see his claw marks on the tree. So he's had it. It's just never really been


[Joker]: Pronounced.


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah.


[Joker]: And then that's when it comes out that Striker has been working on a new Weapon X. Weapon Eleven, which of course, he promptly calls the mutant killer. Mutant killer having all of the a couple of mutants powers. And I actually kind of wrote down which ones they resemble. So Wolverine's regenerative abilities and his ability to extend blades from his fists or throughout his arms. Cyclops eyes and Nightcrawler/John Wraith's teleporting ability. Those are the primary ones that we see in this movie. Now, of course, Weapon Eleven being Deadpool, Wade Wilson. In the process of finishing him up, they show that they cut his eyelids off, giving the typical diamond pattern to the eyes. Yeah, I'm wearing a Deadpool shirt, motherfuckers. It's the only Marvel superhero that I decided to wear because he's the coolest one out there. But instead of claws or what would previously be Bones, it was the Katana blades, which I can only presume were manufactured out of the Adamantium that was left over because Wolverine can't cut them in half.


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah, because Wade had the efficiency in the movies. He had the efficiency in some type of extra something.


[Joker]: Basically the martial arts.


[Unrealstyle]: Yes.


[Joker]: Dealing with katanas and blades and weaponry of all sorts. I mean, he's a mercenary, so he was proficient in all kinds of weaponry.


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah, pretty much.


[Joker]: During his human form, he was called Deadpool as his mercenary name, but the team just called him Wave. And they were like, do you ever shut up? And then they get to this stage where he presents himself as Weapon Eleven to Logan. He's like, oh, it looks like Striker finally found a way to shut you up.


[Unrealstyle]: I don't want to know what they did to his mouth, because I was just like, well…


[Joker]: When he was laying on the Gurney, I guess, inactive before they activated him, they showed stitches in his mouth when the general was there.


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah.


[Joker]: So I'm guessing it was like a skin graph over the stitches, which alludes to the mask in this sense. I mean, it was an absolutely poor depiction of the character at this point.


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah. When they used Weapon Eleven, I can't call him Deadpool because that's not Deadpool.


[Joker]: Because that’s not Deadpool. Even Ryan Reynolds said that wasn't Deadpool.


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah, that's not Deadpool. So when Weapon Eleven uses


[Joker]: the lasers,


[Unrealstyle]: The lasers, Scott's powers, they did the diamond…


[Joker]: The blackening of the diamonds around his eyes


[Unrealstyle]: Before Deadpool came out. I liked that. That was kind of cool. But after seeing his actual story and his actual thing, I'm like, they butchered that character. I was highly disappointed.


[Joker]: Yeah. And so they had the single katanas coming out of his hands, which those that watch Deadpool, the new Ryan Reynolds movies are absolutely rendition of the real Deadpool character portrayed in comics. Portrayed in everything. The one from Wolverine origins absolutely sucked ass. It was terrible. But with that. So the blades coming out, the laser eyes, that didn't make any sense. The only things to me that actually made sense of that character was the regenerative powers. Cause as soon as Logan stuck him in the chest, like, lower ribcage with his blades, immediately they snapped too. And it was cool. The fighting style was indicative of a later Deadpool. Once he's been Deadpool for quite a while, very quick on his feet and everything.


[Unrealstyle]: And the red pants, he did have red pants.


[Joker]: Yes, he did have the red pants.


[Unrealstyle]: He had the red pants. But that's about it. Everything else was just. No,


[Joker]: He didn't even bleed when he got stuck.


[Unrealstyle]: No, he didn't. I think they pulled that from. They copied that from Logan too much because it wasn't Deadpool. They tried to make Deadpool in their way in this movie instead of trying to go with because there's a lot of things that they don't add up to the actual story, to the movies. There's a lot of things that they did in here that's not true. And when they introduced this new mutant Deadpool or Weapon Eleven, they just tried something and just basically butchered it.


[Joker]: Yeah. And I mean, it shows, especially when we move through the actual Deadpool movies later on, because they're in this lineage of the series that we'll be talking about. All right. And then towards the end, so after the fight, Logan climbs one of the reactor towers and is met. And this is where we first see the teleport side from John Wraith. And it's more John Wraith style than it is Nightcrawler style teleport. Because of course Nightcrawler teleports and there's a poof of blackish purple smoke. But it would help make sense that Nightcrawler was a part of Striker's experiments and John Wraith wasn't actually in the facility. He was just a part of the team.


[Unrealstyle]: Yes, because we never really see any other teleportation. Except for those. Well, except for the Last Stand. We saw some teleportation from there, but not to the extent of John Wraith where you can kind of actually see his skeleton when he teleports.


[Joker]: It's more like article teleportation versus just proof. I'm here, I'm there.


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah, it's more like that


[Joker]: molecular


[Unrealstyle]: than Nightcrawler and Azazel. Because Nightcrawler is only blue because in the comics Mystique is his mother, spoilers alert! Just saying.


[Joker]: I forgot about that actually.


[Unrealstyle]: Spoilers, Azazel


[Joker]: and Mystique get together.


[Unrealstyle]: Yep. And they have Nightcrawler. In the movies, not a thing.


[Joker]: No go whatsoever. What was it Last Stand where Nightcrawler showed up?


[Unrealstyle] Right. Second


[Joker]: or United? Yeah. One, she acts like she doesn't know him. Two, he is actually older than she is.


[Unrealstyle]: Yes. And Azazel's not mentioned whatsoever. We don't see Azazel until First Class.


[Joker]: That's where he's mentioned.


[Unrealstyle]: No, that's where you see him.


[Joker]: Oh that's right. And Apocalypse is where he's mentioned.


[Unrealstyle]: Yes. Because from Days of Future past. Unless things have changed, I don't know when we re-watch them then I'll figure it out. But he ends up dead along with some other mutants that we've seen in First Class end up dead. So things might change, who knows? But First Class is the last time we see Azazell. And so that's like the only time we see him. That's the only time we know anything about them. And we see like his markings is the same as Nightcrawlers.


[Joker]: Okay, anyway, we get to the fight, he teleports up and they start fighting and Weapon Eleven has impinged back to him, blade stuck in his back and about to decapitate Logan. When Sabertooth shows up, Victor shows up, knocks him off and then they proceed to fight together against him. And it takes a while but Victor shows the regenerative powers and strength that Logan has from the beams because it doesn't destroy them like it does everything else. And while Eleven is focused on Victor, Logan runs around and decapitates because his claws are super heated. And would it make sense since 11th partial Adamantium at this point? Because they said they couldn't finish it.


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah. The nurse that was working on him said the embalming process isn't done yet and I'm like okay, don't know how that goes but alright, because I was very confused when she said embalming because I'm like what?


[Joker]: So they were injecting what Adamantium he had into him to embalm his skeleton.


[Unrealstyle]: Okay, so, yeah, so that would make sense. Especially considering Scott's powers. Cyclops powers can pretty much go through everything but


[Joker]: Adamantium.


[Unrealstyle]: Adamantium, from what we've seen,


[Joker]: Yeah. And that's where he was able to block it with his claws, which there's huge fucking gaps in between them. And how he didn't get hit by any of that I'll never understand. But this is a movie.


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah.


[Joker]: So his Wolverines claws are super heated, cuts off his head. What was it you said? Because his head is decapitated and the beams are still coming out of his eyes as it spirals down inside.


[Unrealstyle]: I said, Well, I'm just sitting there watching it and I'm like, well, at least we know now that if Scott gets decapitated and he's using his powers, his powers are still going to go and it's just kind of like Medusa.


[Joker]: Well, that would be without his visor on, because you remember, he has to activate the release of it.


[Unrealstyle]: Well, I know, but that's what I'm just saying. Like if he got his head cut off and his glasses weren't on because he can't control that at all. So if his glasses are off and he gets his head chopped off, they'll still be going like


[Joker]: Cutting through everything.


[Unrealstyle]: Cutting through everything just keeps on going and be like, all right, how do we do this?


[Joker]: And then of course, we get to the end, y'all prove me wrong, because I swore I saw him shoot six times. But anyway, Logan's carrying Kayla out because she got shot during the escape with the children. And after the reactor falls or the reactor tower falls, Logan finds Kayla in the rubble and he's carrying her away from the island. And then Striker shows up with the Adamantium bullets in a six round revolver. And he goes shoots Logan twice in the back, apparently only once in the chest, which I thought it was twice.


[Unrealstyle]: No, because when he shot him in the shoulder, it only delayed him long enough just for a moment, because after he hits, he's still continuing to run. Striker gets a bit scared. A lot scared actually, and starts sprinting. So when Logan runs up the broken reactor and jumps towards them, Striker does the headshot,


[Joker]: The single head shot right between the eyes and then falls and then he double taps him in the head.


[Unrealstyle]: So he had one bullet left which he was going to use on Kayla. Yeah.


[Joker]: But he got into a range and she grabbed him and that's where she's like, I should make you shoot yourself with this.


[Unrealstyle]: Right.


[Joker]: But she then makes him turn and walk until he can't walk no more.


[Unrealstyle]: Right.


[Joker]:And of course, Logan comes to after a while and LaBeau shows up behind them near Kayla. He's like, do you know who she is?


[Unrealstyle]: And just Logan's going, no.


[Joker]: She's dead. So I don't care about her. I mean, I don't know what I can do for her,


[Unrealstyle]: But you can kind of see it like he felt something for a moment. But given the chaos and everything he can't remember, he just can't do it.


[Joker]: Yeah. So with the Adamantium bullets, it was able to penetrate his skeletal system and damage his brain. Now, of course, his brain is going to regenerate, but the memories associated with those nerve clusters is gone because there's nothing there for those new ones. So all the memories he has, of course, is shoved way back into his subconscious, which he can't recall right away. So he doesn't remember anything for the last, what, 100 years of his life?


[Unrealstyle]: Pretty much.


[Joker]: Actually almost 200 years.


[Unrealstyle]: 1845 to 1981?


[Joker]: In 1845, he was about seven. So he was born in 1830s, so. Yeah, well, over 100 years. Let's just say 32, 37. Give him an eight year old.


[Unrealstyle]: 144 years old.


[Joker]: 144. By this point.


[Unrealstyle]: For our audio listeners, I had to get my calculator from my phone.


[Joker]: Yeah. So 144 years of memory is gone. Like that. That's crazy.


[Unrealstyle]: That's a lot. That's a lot of history. Just wiped out


[Joker]: And they leave. Well, he leaves, goes off, and I guess Gambit goes off and does his own thing, too. Or they leave together. I can't remember.


[Unrealstyle]: No, Remy leaves, presumably to go back to New Orleans, because as the mutants that Logan freed beforehand were brought to safety with the help of Professor Charles Xavier,


[Joker]: Who we see in a helicopter


[Unrealstyle]: Who we see shows up in helicopter, who we see standing.


[Joker]: Yeah. Because he was interacting with young Scott, which looked like about a teenager at this point.


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah, he was about in high school, but he had the glasses. Here's the thing.


[Joker]: He had Blinders on it during his stay with.


[Unrealstyle]: You know what I'm saying? Before Victor grabbed him, he had glasses on. He had red glasses on. Yeah, he had red sunglasses on.


[Joker]: But he didn't get that technology until after Charles Xavier.


[Unrealstyle]: Exactly.


[Joker]: Because it was during his freshman-ish year of high school is when his powers developed in the school.


[Unrealstyle]: Exactly. Exactly. You see where I'm going with this? You see my problems with this, because at the end of this, when the mutants are lost, they don't know which way to go. And Scott hears Professor X tell him to go left. And after they meet each other, they finally get introduced to each other. And I'm just going like, wait, wait.


[Joker]: Yeah, none of this.


[Unrealstyle]: There's a lot holes.


[Joker]: None of this storyline with their interaction makes any sense.


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah, there's a lot that doesn't make sense, but it's still a good movie.


[Joker]: All right. So anyway, in credit or pre credit role, there's a scene where strikers walking still down the road somewhere in Pennsylvania.


[Unrealstyle]: Yes.


[Joker]: And MPs roll up. And funny enough, a striker is what that vehicle was called.


[Unrealstyle]: The irony. I love it.


[Joker]: Yeah. The armored vehicle that the MPs roll up on him is called a striker.


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah


[Joker]: Anyway, so they say you William Colonel Williams Striker, blah, blah, blah. Yes. Well, you're basically being charged with the murder of a General.


[Unrealstyle]: Yes.


[Joker]: And credits roll. And funny enough, what took us so long, honestly, was the fact that we were checking to see if there was any post credit scene which there is.


[Unrealstyle]: Yes.


[Joker]: The post credit scene is of Deadpool Wade Wilson. The skin graft is gone, the stitches are gone. And you see his blade, the Katana blade being sunken back into his arm and his arm moving like he's trying to get out of the rubble. Of course it's detached at this point but it goes to his head, touches his head and then his eyes open that are normal again and you see him say [whispered] shit.


[Unrealstyle]: Which is more towards actual Deadpool’s than anything we had seen the entire movie.


[Joker]: Yeah. Because that was very reminiscent of a Deadpool-esque


[Unrealstyle]: Before all the sapling when there was still a group and they're talking and everything.


[Joker]: When it was Wade Wilson.


[Unrealstyle]: When it was, yeah. That was a little bit more towards Deadpool's personality than the rest of it.


[Joker]: Yeah.


[Unrealstyle]: There were snippets but there wasn't a lot.


[Joker]: Yeah. So that was the final scene in the movie. Post credits. Now, deleted scene that wasn't in the theatrical version but is in the DVD Blu-ray releases. Deleted scene was when they're in Africa. There is a part before this that they talk about that group of people that they go and see at night.

[Unrealstyle]: Yeah.


[Joker]: Well someone is there as a little slave girl.


[Unrealstyle]: Storm.


[Joker]: A youngling from the pictures I've seen looks like she's about seven or eight white hair. But according to the Lore course, Storm is the offspring of an ancient magic Kingdom


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah.


[Joker]: And she's embodied with the powers more of magic than anything with the ancients of their culture where she can manipulate the weather and anything that deals with particles and atoms and molecular. That's how she's able to control the weather and she can do that on any world


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah


[Joker]: According to the lore. But that deleted seemed kind of eluded more towards the lore of Storm. But they deleted it from the theatrical version.


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah. And also kind of doesn't really make sense because Scott is a teenager. Storm, Jean and Scott


[Joker]: Are the same age.


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah.


[Joker]: But Jean is nowhere in this movie


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah


[Joker]: and according to the other movie she would have been born by this time but she would have only been about five or six.


[Unrealstyle]: So was Scott.


[Joker]: So was Scott and Storm was if they wouldn't have deleted it. But I understand why they did because it did not fit the storyline, the plot line of this movie at all. But she was about the only one that was the right age, about five or six years in ’81 It was what ’86 when they did the flashback going to her house.


[Unrealstyle]: I think so. It was in the late 80s, middle late 80s. If they would have used a different mutant with like an exploding like some type of power, somewhat like Scott's but not like the exact replica, I think that would have been better and probably made more sense because the way they have these things going is just moving everybody around.


[Joker]: So what we're getting at is this side of the Marvel Universe definitely is not as intricate as the Avengers side of Marvel because they went real in depth with lore back and forth in the DC versus the X Men Universe


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah, they really stuck to everything, like


[Joker]: Talking about cheeseburgers. I mean, Tony Stark's love for cheeseburgers after he died and Happy is talking to his daughter. She wants cheeseburgers.


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah, exactly. They did the details right.


[Joker]: Mine is Spiderman. MCU’s Spiderman is completely different from the true Spiderman.


[Unrealstyle]: They kind of made up for it, though.


[Joker]: The new one.


[Unrealstyle]: The newest one. They made up for it.


[Joker]: No Way Home. They finally gave the MCU's Peter Parker a true Spiderman, end story.


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah.


[Joker]:Because we finally lost some.


[Unrealstyle]: Yeah.


[Mad House Present Group Therapy Closing Music]


(10 seconds before ending, Joker is intro talking again)

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