Craig Bishop

Season 2 | Episode 9
1h 40m | May 4, 2024

About the Guest(s):

Craig Bishop is a retired Command Sergeant Major with a commendable career spanning over three decades in the U.S. Army. Enlisting in 1992, CSM Bishop's journey began with the 3rd Battalion, 327th Infantry at Fort Campbell before transitioning to the esteemed 75th Ranger Regiment. His tenure at the regiment includes roles with the 175th, 5th Ranger Training Battalion, 375th, and the 75th Ranger Special Troops Battalion, ultimately culminating as the 17th Regimental Command Sergeant Major. Post-regiment, Bishop continued his service with significant positions such as the 1st Infantry Division CSM and senior advisor at the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC). His commendations include the Bronze Star with Valor, the Legion of Merit, and the Purple Heart among several other accolades.

Episode Summary:

In this episode of the Legend of the 75th podcast, listeners are invited to delve into the life and experiences of CSM Craig Bishop, a figure synonymous with resolve and leadership. His narrative takes us from the somber decision to forgo a West Point nomination to the rigors and fulfillment found in the ranks of Army Rangers. Amidst a backdrop of global operations and shifting military paradigms, Bishop's story is one of dedication and transformation.

Bishop openly reflects on his initial enlistment choices, his motivation to join the Rangers, and recounts a powerful, emotional impetus behind his career path. There’s resonance in his account of becoming an 'import' to the 75th Ranger Regiment and the trials and achievements therein. Subsequent paragraphs dive into his career progression, his influential time in 175th, and pioneering leadership amidst the post-9/11 operational landscape. The retired CSM also provides candid insights into the adjustments post-military life, emphasizing continued growth, the importance of a support network, and finding purpose beyond the uniform.

Key Takeaways:

  • CSM Craig Bishop's military career was propelled by a personal narrative of loss, choice, and the pursuit of a higher calling within the Army Rangers.
  • His journey to the 75th Ranger Regiment faced initial resistance, yet his performance transcended the 'import' status, highlighting the importance of personal excellence.
  • Leadership roles throughout his service, including that of the regimental command sergeant major, were shaped by Ranger exemplars and operational exigencies.
  • The conversation casts a light on the evolving nature of Ranger missions and the value of leading by personal example without expectation.
  • Bishop shares post-retirement wisdom around managing transitions, redefining purpose, and the value of Ranger brotherhood in civilian life.

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