Nakada's 2021 Year End Review | Ep 1

Season 1 | Episode 1
58m | Jan 26, 2022

2021 was perhaps my most reflective year in at least 5 years; one that represented a lot of growth in isolation fueled from failed business moves; the deaths of family members and my best friend and deep introspection for the purpose of continuing my evolution.

In this first episode of the I Am Nakada Podcast, Nakada tackles:

  1. Healthy and unhealthy forms of alone time for men
  2. Dealing with and accepting your shadow side
  3. The need to trust your process
  4. The importance of routines for disciplined people
  5. Why men must master relationships in the now (not objectively)
  6. His top picks of content creators in the online manosphere
  7. His major change from a vegan diet

All from a perspective to help you continue your growth and personal development as you move towards your life's purpose.

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I Am Nakada Podcast SII