Why Do I Struggle To Change My Bad Habits? | CWM EP 334

Season 1 | Episode 334
11m | Feb 25, 2024

Stuck in a rut of unhealthy habits? You're not alone! This episode of "How to Not Get Sick and Die" dives deep into the surprising science behind what drives our behaviors, revealing why simple willpower often fails. Host Matty Lansdown explores the hidden connections between your past, brain chemistry, and the habits you struggle with. 

On this episode we talked about:

  • Why habits are more than just actions: They stem from deeper needs and serve a purpose, even if unhealthy. Uncover the "why" for lasting change.
  • Breaking the negativity cycle: Habits formed in tough times might have helped then, but don't define you now. Explore their origins with compassion to empower change.
  • The neuroscience of habits: Understand how dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin influence your behaviors, impacting your emotions and well-being.
  • From autopilot to awareness: Learn strategies to break the cycle of automated habits and cultivate conscious, intentional choices.
  • Replacing, not just removing: Introduce healthy alternatives that address the same needs as your current habit, easing the transition to lasting change.


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Intro/Outro track Tropic Love by "Diviners feat. Contacreast"

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How To Not Get Sick And Die