why "held in sisterhood"? | ep. 01

Season 1 | Episode 1
39m | May 1, 2022

In this episode, we speak about “held in sisterhood” - as a concept, a belief and a methodology that connects us to ourselves and other beings. The episode speaks to what that means to us, looking at the parts “holding/ being held” and “sisterhood” and feeling into it as a whole. Lastly, we unravel why we choose to share this with you in a format of a dialogue. 

Most of our wounds originate in relationships which means they can heal through that interrelational space between beings. As we expand and make room to hold others and ourselves in love, acceptance and belief, we can see each other for all which we are and all which we are becoming.

Welcome to the first episode with many more to come biweekly!


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Special thanks

Intro & Outro music : Rose by Ayla Schafer

Artwork and Podcast cover : Martha Chahary & Marlene Zehnter

Audio Player Image
held in Sisterhood