Simple Generosity

23m | Dec 11, 2023

In the story of Mary and Joseph before the birth of Jesus, the innkeeper remains unnamed, even though we so often focus on the detail of how there was no room for them in the Inn. Yet there is generosity in this unnamed character. After all, they went out of their way to find some room for them – this unnamed character surely didn’t have a home big enough for several extra families to also stay with them. This was an act of generosity and kindness.

Where are we living into generosity and kindness like this? Hopefully we give in response to God’s great gift to us in Jesus. Together, let us reflect: Where are we making space for God in our lives? What are simple ways we can make room for those in need by sharing what we have?

In this week’s Message of the week, we hear about generosity. Pastor Bryce Blank shares from Luke 2, the story of Mary and Joseph’s travel and lodging. They were unable to find room, but because of the generosity of the innkeeper, they found a place for our Savior to be born. How can we be generous in the same way, and what does a life of generosity look like?

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FirstChurch Message of the Week