• Body Image: Self-Care, Self-Love

    In the Confession Booth this week is Patty Mata aka Jesus Ate Too. We talk about turning society expectations and judgments on body image into a healthy perspective to love self. Patty shares how to shift our perspectives, I get vulnerable with my body dysmorphia, and AJ came prepared with a scripture?! Come listen and if you want to get to know Patty more, she's available on Instagram @jesusatetoo or her email is jesusatetoo@gmail.com

    S2E10 - 1h 10m - Oct 28, 2021
  • The Toxicity of Constant Positivity - Part II

    Part 2 with our friend Katie Grimes! We've got the advice portion as well as a little something extra for you long time fans - a rant from yours truly about Pitbull and DJ Khaled. Come listen to us wrap things up nicely then unravel out of character with some shenanigans!

    S2E9 - 46m - Oct 22, 2021
  • The Toxicity of Constant Positivity - Part I

    Being positive when things are going poorly is a great quality, but too much positivity can become dismissive. Katie Grimes is in The Confession Booth this week and next to discuss the dangers of Toxic Positivity. We discuss the dangers of always saying "God's got you" or "Just be faithful", as well as why Katie doesn't have a sense of smell. If you have any questions or want to talk with Katie more she is available through email at katie.grimes13@gmail.com or Instagram at Katerrss. And as always, follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date!

    S2E9 - 47m - Oct 7, 2021
  • When Inclusive Churches Have Exclusive Friendships

    A sense of community is one of the greatest strengths to any group of people and church is no exception. It can be great for holding each other accountable and growing together, but does that Christian love stay when someone leaves Christianity? Allen Kittrell is in The Confession Booth to discuss how Jesus' love shouldn't be conditional to church attendance. If you have any questions for Allen or want to talk more, he is available at kittrellallen9@gmail.com and also on Instagram at @kittrell_4. And as always follow us on Instagram and Facebook!

    S2E8 - 1h 23m - Sep 30, 2021
  • I Am Who I Am, With or Without God

    "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation..." but does that mean we have to lose our sense of self? Cat Castillo is in the Confession Booth to discuss her journey to embracing her true self and authenticity, even though it meant leaving church culture. We discuss the pressures she felt, when she knew it was time to leave, and how others can best help friends who are going through something similar. If you want to contact Cat, she is available on Instagram and Twitter, @catcastillo_, and don't forget to follow us on Instagram and Facebook if you want to reach out to AJ and me!

    S2E7 - 1h 9m - Aug 12, 2021
  • Is Toxic Masculinity Poisoning Pure Church?

    What does it mean to be a man of God? Well, the men God chose and the ones society tells us to be are in contrast. DeZavier Dewberry sits in the Confession Booth this week to tell us his experiences with a toxic standard of men. We discuss how mental health and taking care of one's hygiene has been twisted into being less of a man within a church that should be looking at how God sees us, not society. If you want to get in touch with DeZavier, you can reach him via email at dza.talks@gmial.com.

    S2E6 - 1h 38m - Jul 29, 2021
  • Misconceptions & Misunderstandings of "Mormon Church"

    We got a long one but a very important one - this is why we do the show. Fresh in The Confession Booth is Caroline Seal - a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. She helps us understand the church better, pushing away the smokescreens of stereotypes and assumptions. We discuss how she connects with God and how it's not different at all from the streamline churches most of us know. If you have any questions for Caroline, she can be reached on Instagrame at Carolineislaughing or on Twitter at Seal153. Please like and subscribe wherever you're listening!

    S2E5 - 1h 15m - Jul 22, 2021
  • Apostolic to Atheist Agnostic part 2

    Jermaine and Erin Cort continue our conversation of the deconversion from Christianity. The struggles of telling friends, keeping friendships, and the hindsight perspective are all on full display during this week's episode! If anyone has questions, they can reach them via Facebook, just use their names to search.

    S2E4 - 47m - Jul 15, 2021
  • Apostolic to Atheist Agnostic part 1

    Jermaine and Erin step in the Confession Booth this week to discuss going from a devout Christian life and way of thinking to one that questions the existence of any higher power. Join us as we discuss our first jobs, changing perspectives, and the battles of leaving a church culture.

    S2E3 - 47m - Jul 8, 2021
  • A Date With Doubt pt. 2

    Part 2! This week we dive into the nitty-gritty of Tucker's doubt, leaving church culture, and his advice for those who have their own doubts. Listen along as we discuss how to best talk about doubt between friends in a way that isn't dismissive. If you want want to reach out to Tucker to talk more or need a safe space to discuss doubt, his email is tuckerwinstanley@gmail.com. And don't forget to subscribe!

    S2E2 - 42m - Jul 2, 2021
  • A Date with Doubt pt. 1

    SEASON 2 IS LIVE! Stepping in The Confession Booth for a 2 parter is Tucker Winstanley to talk about doubt and how it can be hushed in church culture. We discuss the fears of expressing doubt, the health of doubt, and how to be a great friend to someone who has doubts in their faith. If you want to reach out to Tucker to talk more or need a safe space to discuss your doubts, his email is tuckerwinstanely@gmail.com. Please like and follow on Facebook, Instagram and wherever you listen to podcasts!

    S2E1 - 40m - Jun 24, 2021
  • New Year, New Season, New...Host??

    AJ pops in The Confession Booth but she's here to stay! AJ Brannan is joining me as a co-host heading into season 2, giving a yin to my yang, a zig to the zag. Listen in as she gives her story, how we know each other, and what we are looking forward to in Season 2 when it inevitably debuts!

    S2 - 59m - Jan 12, 2021
  • Church's Pressure to Peaceful Imperfection

    SEASON FINALE! Hannah is in The Confession Booth to discuss legalism and perfectionism. The pressure we put on ourselves and the pressure by the church can sometimes cause a constant feeling of failure or not being enough. Hannah shares her past and experiences and advises how we can better embrace a peaceful imperfection! Due to professional reasons, Hannah can't share her private information but you are free to message me at the podcast pages on Instagram and Facebook and I can relay any questions or comments for her!

    S1E12 - 1h 16m - Dec 3, 2020
  • Teaching the New Generation with Our Old Struggles

    The things we learn can be great tools to teach those who are younger than us or could go through something similar. Baba is in The Confession Booth this week to discuss his walk with God and how that has helped him in being a youth pastor, teaching younger kids through both wisdom and example to a genuine faith. Baba is available to continue this conversation through email at bpenntimity@lifechurchroa.org and even has a Youtube page, Baba Penn-Timity! And as always I'm free to talk as well at the podcast Instagram @_forgivemefather or on Facebook at Forgive Me Father Podcast!

    S1E11 - 54m - Nov 19, 2020
  • Body Image Struggles From Modesty Teachings

    How can we believe that we are fearfully and wonderfully made when certain body parts are pointed out like they're sin itself? Olivia sits down in The Confession Booth to talk about how good intention modesty created lasting harmful body image struggles. We discuss what hurt us the most, how to create a healthier teaching of modesty, and how we were unqualified to shop at Abercrombie & Fitch. Olivia is free to continue the conversation on her Instagram @locaaliv and as always I'm free to talk as while over at the podcast Instagram @_forgivemefather or on the Facebook page Forgive Me Father Podcast!

    S1E10 - 55m - Nov 12, 2020
  • Sobered View of Life and God

    Can you drink and still have God first in your life? Do drugs make you less than other Christians? Robert is in The Confession booth to discuss how his life has been affected by drugs and alcohol, and how they play a role in how he lives as a Christian now. We discuss how much is too much, breaking the chain, and much more this week! Robert is available through Facebook at Robert Mullins and his email is gingerbeard1538@gmail.com

    S1E9 - 1h 1m - Nov 6, 2020
  • Self-Awareness: Foggy Questions to Clear Conscience

    We all have questions that go against what we may have first believed or been told. Blake is in The Confession Booth to discuss why those questions need to be asked. There's nothing better than a clear conscience and to get there we need to ask the questions that are unclear to us about church, God, or society. Through honesty and courage to speak up, we can find the clarity that we need, whether that's in a church or otherwise!

    S1E8 - 59m - Oct 29, 2020
  • The Great Healer, My Mental Health

    Jordan sits in The Confession Booth to talk about her battles with mental health and her fight to keep God first. We talk about how "Just pray about it" cannot be a one size fix all for those who struggle with depression, anxiety and more. Being a heart with ears is the best way to love someone as Christ would, and Jordan does a great job sharing her own stories and giving advice to those who want to walk with God in the midst of dark personal times! She is available for messaging and talking more on Instagram at jojoalamo94 and her email is 49nadroj@gmail.com for anyone who needs advice or a safe space to talk about their own experiences!

    S1E7 - 44m - Oct 22, 2020
  • Unwed Mother Before A Holy Father

    Jacqueline Rhodes is a dear friend of mine with the sweetest daughter you've ever seen. But having a child out of wedlock comes with its own struggles, and the church is no exception. Jac bravely discusses how her religious family reacted, how she felt walking into a church with a child but no ring, and gives some great advice for how church goers can love without judging past sins. You can contact her through facebook at Jacqueline Rhodes or email her at jdaners07@yahoo.com if you have more questions or need a safe space to talk!

    S1E6 - 52m - Oct 15, 2020
  • Tearing Away Toxic Traditions/Teachings

    Unlearning ways of thinking about God and church is never an easy task, especially if they are unhealthy rules we lived by. Scot is in The Confession Booth to talk about deconstructing those thoughts and traditions and talks about reconstructing his relationship with God in a way that is his own authentic faith! He writes for Roanokestar.com, a online newspaper, so check out his articles/essays there and feel free to comment! He is also available through email at scotbellavia@gmail.com to talk more about deconstruction or to share your story with him!

    S1E5 - 47m - Oct 8, 2020
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