Episode 4. Podcasting

14m | Jul 5, 2020

Podcasts are unique in that they allow the audience to freely engage in other activities while listening. The growing popularity of podcasts (about 20% year on year) and podcast usage stats seem to suggest that this practical nature is something, that really appeals to people. The growing availability of subjects and episodes, means this is a trend that will definitely keep growing.

I am sure that having created a podcast of my own, will give me far greater insights into what is important when creating, developing and growing a podcast, than if I were to just read about the subject and I want to share that journey with you. In this episode, I talk about what I have learnt so far, like what platform to host your podcast on for free or the importance of voice when you don’t have any visual aids and cannot use body language. I also share some things I discovered connected more broadly to public speaking and storytelling, like the power of threes in crafting the structure of your podcast or the power of vulnerability in presenting yourself to your audience.

I finish with the consideration of sonic branding, as something that’s bound to become important in the age of smart speakers and home pods.

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