• Imposter Kill Count

    A story written by ZukaZalad. A short, sweat and fun little video game pasta! Links for both of us below.

    [] LINKS []

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/UncleKokoYT

    Twitch: Twitch.tv/kungody

    Author: ZukaZalad

    Zuka's Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/ZukaZalad

    Link to the story: https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/kcau1c/impostor_killcount/

    Music by Myuu:


    S1E5 - 4m - Dec 17, 2020
  • Meek

    This is one of the stories I remember hearing when I first learned about creepypastas. It has a very special place in my heart. There will be some classics read on this channel, not just newer stories.

    Yup, that means lost episodes and those gaming related stories as well. They all have a little history with me and my journey into the horror genre.

    Link to the story from Mystreve:


    Music by Myuu:


    Please understand that I am new to this, critiques are welcome! This video in particular I really tried to get a better grasp on pacing. It's all a work in progress.

    My twitter:


    My reddit handle thing:


    Content is available under CC BY-SA


    S1E4 - 12m - Dec 12, 2020
  • I Know What I Want To Be When I Grow Up...

    Ok so this was so damn fun. It may be short but damnit its worth every second in my opinion. I tried to take a little bit of a different approach on this one and narrate how I think the character would talk instead of the slow style typically narrated in stories


    My twitch page: (im Kungody because uncle Koko was taken...)


    Twitter: https://twitter.com/UncleKokoYT

    Discord: https://discord.gg/c837jmv

    The Author: N. Murdock

    His Twitter: https://twitter.com/NMurdock6

    Link to the story: https://www.reddit.com/r/stayawake/comments/k74wqw/i_know_what_i_want_to_be_when_i_grow_up/

    Music By Myuu:


    S1E3 - 6m - Dec 12, 2020
  • Laser Tag - Author: Digigekko

    This was my first attempt at a long narration. Honestly felt if I couldn't do this I would never make it as a narrator. This was a hurdle that I set for myself and I'm happy to say, 4 days of work later, it is finished!


    Author: Digigekko


    Music: Myuu


    My Twitter:


    My Youtube:


    E2 - 52m - Dec 5, 2020
  • You Should Have Ran...

    My First Narration

    This is my very first narration. Honestly, I am very proud of how it came out. I very much hated my own voice and I still kind of do but it is getting easier.

    Special thank you

    to the author (Planet_777) for giving someone with zero content the ability to take a swing at narrating these stories. With out that yes, this and other narrations may not exist. People like this make the world turn!


    To the story: https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/jlfyhw/you_shouldve_ran/

    To the music used by myuu:


    My Youtube Channel:


    My Twitter:


    If you have a story you would like me to narrate, either send me a message on twitter or email me at UncleKokoYT@gmail.com

    S1E1 - 6m - Dec 4, 2020
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Uncle Koko's Scary Stories