• EP 67: Island Vibes and Mind Tides: Reacting to Caribbean News Rollercoaster- Part 2

    We had so much to react to, one episode was not enough. Grab your favorite tropical drink and join us for part 2 of sun-soaked episode of Unfiltered Limin, where we're diving into the captivating world of Caribbean vs American culture, mental health, and the wild ride of social media and news outlets. It's all palm trees, and a sprinkle of mental health awareness on this enlightening island getaway.

    Caribbean News Stories Under the Microscope, from colorful festivals to heartwarming traditions, the Caribbean is a treasure trove of stories. But what happens when the headlines take a serious turn? We're unpacking some recent news stories from the region and sharing our reactions – the good, the bad, and the thought-provoking.

    Liming by the Mind Shore , the Caribbean is known for its zest for life, but let's peel back the layers. We're chatting about how mental health is making waves within this vibrant culture. Are discussions around mental health breaking through cultural barriers? How are conversations shifting from taboo to "let's talk it out"?

    Social Media Limbo, Hashtag this, retweet that – social media has become the town square of the 21st century. How can we find our mental safe haven amidst the digital whirlwind?

    Caribbean Breeze of Hope – Extending a Helping Hand

    It's not all coconuts and carnival; many individuals in the Caribbean face mental health challenges. How can the community come together to provide a safety net for those navigating choppy mental health waters?

    So, whether you're lounging on the beach or stuck in a traffic jam, plug in your earbuds and join us as we explore the intersection of Caribbean vs American culture, mental well-being, and the digital era. It's an episode full of laughter, insights, and a whole lot of sunshine – both metaphorical and tropical!

    C O N N E C T W I T H U S:

    Instagram: @UnfilteredLimin

    Twitter: @UnfilteredLimin

    Facebook: Unfiltered Limin



    S5E67 - 15m - Feb 15, 2024
  • EP 66: Island Vibes and Mind Tides: Reacting to Caribbean News Rollercoaster- Part 1

    Grab your favorite tropical drink and join us for a sun-soaked episode of Unfiltered Limin, where we're diving into the captivating world of Caribbean vs American culture, mental health, and the wild ride of social media and news outlets. It's all palm trees, and a sprinkle of mental health awareness on this enlightening island getaway.

    Caribbean News Stories Under the Microscope, from colorful festivals to heartwarming traditions, the Caribbean is a treasure trove of stories. But what happens when the headlines take a serious turn? We're unpacking some recent news stories from the region and sharing our reactions – the good, the bad, and the thought-provoking.

    Liming by the Mind Shore , the Caribbean is known for its zest for life, but let's peel back the layers. We're chatting about how mental health is making waves within this vibrant culture. Are discussions around mental health breaking through cultural barriers? How are conversations shifting from taboo to "let's talk it out"?

    Social Media Limbo, Hashtag this, retweet that – social media has become the town square of the 21st century. How can we find our mental safe haven amidst the digital whirlwind?

    Caribbean Breeze of Hope – Extending a Helping Hand

    It's not all coconuts and carnival; many individuals in the Caribbean face mental health challenges. How can the community come together to provide a safety net for those navigating choppy mental health waters?

    So, whether you're lounging on the beach or stuck in a traffic jam, plug in your earbuds and join us as we explore the intersection of Caribbean vs American culture, mental well-being, and the digital era. It's an episode full of laughter, insights, and a whole lot of sunshine – both metaphorical and tropical!

    C O N N E C T W I T H U S:

    Instagram: @UnfilteredLimin

    Twitter: @UnfilteredLimin

    Facebook: Unfiltered Limin



    S5E66 - 38m - Feb 8, 2024
  • EP 65: Forging a Brighter Path: What's Next Haiti?

    Join us in a compelling episode of Forging a Brighter Path, what's next Haiti? as we touch on our thoughts on what's going on in Haiti. We discuss recent events, challenges, and opportunities and wonder if we will witness peace in Haiti in our lifetime. Through this exploration, we recognize the immense significance of envisioning and working towards a positive change for Ayiti.

    C O N N E C T W I T H U S:

    Instagram: @UnfilteredLimin

    Twitter: @UnfilteredLimin

    Facebook: Unfiltered Limin



    S5E65 - 17m - Feb 1, 2024
  • EP 64: Coins and Cultures: Financial Adventures of the Upbringing of Two Mavericks

    Hold onto your wallets, because it's about to get lively in here! Welcome to a rollicking episode of Coin and Cultures: Financial Adventures of the Upbringing of Two Mavericks, where we're bringing together two hosts from opposite financial galaxies to discuss the good, the bad, and the bewildering when it comes to their money-molding backgrounds.

    Co-host Bertide: The Entrepreneurial Dynamo Bertide, The Haitian Sensation, a dynamo raised in an entrepreneurial storm! From an entrepreneurial home and family foundation, their financial journey has been a rollercoaster of risks and rewards. Tune in as they share how their family's shaped their financial mindset, and how it's come in handy when steering the American dream.

    Co-Host Lisa- The Savings Sage, now, say hello to Lisa, the savings sage who grew up in a world where "saving for a rainy day" was a way of life. Their parents preached the gospel of steady jobs, secure pensions, and hiding money under mattresses (okay, maybe not the last one). Get ready for anecdotes of allowance-pinching and their journey from a safe financial cocoon to spreading their financial wings.

    Applying the Rule of 72: Caribbean Spice Meets American Slice, but wait, there's more! We're throwing the rule of 72 into the mix – that magical formula for understanding the power of compound interest. Bertide is spicing things up with a Caribbean twist, showcasing how their upbringing led them to appreciate the slow-cooked, rich flavors of financial decisions. Lisa, on the other hand, is adding an American slice of life, sharing how their family's cautious money habits and learning to turned the rule of 72 into a trusty compass for their financial voyage.

    Learning from Each Other: Dollars and Diversions, in this episode, you'll witness a fantastic exchange of financial philosophies. From Bertide's tales of observing family member embark in the entrepreneurial grind to Lisa's amusing stories of job-hopping dilemmas, you'll discover how contrasting backgrounds can create a symphony of financial wisdom.

    So, if you're ready to laugh, learn, and let your financial fantasies roam free, join us on this episode. It's a cocktail of cultures, a dash of dollars, and a splash of savvy. Who knew financial literacy could taste this good?

    C O N N E C T W I T H U S:

    Instagram: @UnfilteredLimin

    Twitter: @UnfilteredLimin

    Facebook: Unfiltered Limin



    46m - Jan 25, 2024
  • EP 63: Leap of Faith: Embracing Courage and Stepping into the Unknown

    Join us on a reframing journey as we explore the concept of stepping out on faith in this encouraging episode of Leap of Faith: Embracing courage and stepping into the unknown. Discover the power of embracing courage and taking bold actions based on trust and intuition. From personal stories of triumph to practical strategies for overcoming fear and doubt, we plunge into the art of stepping into the unknown. Explore how calculated risks, resilience, and aligning with purpose play pivotal roles in this journey. Learn how to navigate failure, celebrate success, and nurture gratitude along the way. Tune in to gain insights, find motivation, and uncover the secrets of stepping out on faith to unlock your true potential. Don't miss this empowering episode that will motivate you to take that leap of faith towards a brighter future.

    C O N N E C T W I T H U S:

    Instagram: @UnfilteredLimin

    Twitter: @UnfilteredLimin

    Facebook: Unfiltered Limin



    #TheChamber #LeapWithConfidence #TrustYourself #TrustYourJourney #EmbraceFailure #LeapOfFaith

    S5E63 - 34m - Jan 18, 2024
  • EP 62: The Quest for Fulfillment: Unraveling the Mystery

    In this ear-hustling coffee shop talk episode, we light-heartedly ponder on this concept of fulfillment. What exactly does it mean, and what does it look like in our lives? Join us as we explore the common struggles people face in finding fulfillment in their careers, relationships, and overall existence. Are we all on a perpetual quest for something or someone to fill the void within us? Tune in for a self-reflecting discussion that peels back the layers of human desire and the relentless pursuit of satisfaction. Get ready to unkink the mystery of fulfillment in this witty and insightful episode!

    In this quick clip, we highlight the importance of communicating your career goals. Don't expect your job to automatically know your ambitions – express them! It's up to you to set goals and share your aspirations for professional growth. Take charge of your career journey.

    C O N N E C T W I T H U S:

    Instagram: @UnfilteredLimin

    Twitter: @UnfilteredLimin

    Facebook: Unfiltered Limin



    #SelfReflection #OprahsBookClub #TakeTheLeap #UnlockFulfillment #KnowYourself #UnleashFulfillment

    S5E62 - 33m - Jan 11, 2024
  • EP 61: Cutthroat Colleagues and Office Gladiators: Navigating Workplace Alliances

    Buckle up, folks, because in this no-nonsense episode of Cutthroat Colleagues and Office Gladiators, we're plunging headfirst into the corporate jungle, where office friendships can be as fierce as a pack of wild lions and upper management wields power like a double-edged sword. Get ready to armor up and sharpen your wits as we tackle the intricacies of workplace dynamics, from talent poachers to leadership theatrics.

    Allies or Adversaries? Unmasking Workplace Friendships, office friendships – are they genuine bonds or just survival tactics in the concrete wilderness? We're dismembering the complexities of forming alliances among the looming threat of watercooler gossip and competitive glares.

    Talent Vultures and Skill Swipers, ever felt like your talents are being eyeballed by coworker vultures? We're sharing war stories of colleagues who'd snatch your Excel wizardry if they could. Join us as we explore the art of protecting your skills while still being a team player.

    Executive Glitz and Leadership Blitz, upper management – they're the generals in this corporate battlefield, but do they have your back or are they just gathering the troops for their grand parade? We're discussing the fine line between leading by example and leading with a whip.

    Classy and Sassy: Navigating Professional Friendliness, friendly smiles, tactical nods – how do you maintain a professional veneer while your inner monologue sounds more like a stand-up comedy show? We're spilling the tea on staying composed in the face of Ladder Climbers and Corporate Survivors Unite, strategies for survival – from mastering the art of polite deflection to wielding your coffee cup like a sword of truth. Join us for a candid conversation on how to thrive in the corporate arena while holding on to your sanity and integrity.

    So, if you're ready to sharpen your office survival skills, trade workplace anecdotes like battle scars, and maybe even pick up a few snarky retorts to boot, plug in those earbuds and tune in to this episode. It's a crash course in the art of maintaining your cool, staying fierce, and conquering the corporate wilderness one sassy remark at a time.

    DLiminCrew Tips & Tools:

    1. L- do the work and get their on your own merrit
    2. B- learn the lessons and find out what's next?

    C O N N E C T W I T H U S:

    Instagram: @UnfilteredLimin

    Twitter: @UnfilteredLimin

    Facebook: Unfiltered Limin



    #PersonalGrowth #StayFocused #SelfWorth #officefriendships #workplacealliances #careeradvice #cutthroat

    S5E61 - 31m - Jan 4, 2024
  • EP 60: Parenting: Nurturing Independence in the Journey to Adulthood

    Embark on an evolving parenting journey in our latest episode of Parenting: Nurturing Independence in the Journey to Adulthood. Join us as we explore the unique challenges and opportunities that arise when transitioning parenting styles for children aged 17 to 18, as they step into young adulthood. Discover practical strategies for promoting independence, fostering open communication, and setting appropriate boundaries while still providing supportive guidance. We explore the shifting roles and expectations of both parents and teenagers during this critical phase, emphasizing the importance of nurturing individuality and self-expression. Tune in to gain valuable insights on adjusting expectations, encouraging responsibility, and navigating the dynamic terrain of parenting during this transition period. Don't miss this episode that will empower you to embrace parenting stage with confidence and grace.

    DLiminCrew Tips & Tools:

    • B - Read and find out what development stages your child is going through to adjust your parenting style.
    • L - if you are going to act like an adult, you are going to be treated like an adult.

    C O N N E C T W I T H U S:

    Instagram: @UnfilteredLimin

    Twitter: @UnfilteredLimin

    Facebook: Unfiltered Limin



    #Parenting #Culture #Perspective #Understanding #Growth #Respect #Support #Children #Teens #YoungAdults #Empathy #Connections #Community #Learning #Love #Together 💙

    S5E60 - 45m - Dec 28, 2023
  • EP 59: Church Chronicles: When Halo Hides a Hornswoggle

    Hold onto your pews, listeners, because this episode of Church Chronicles: When Halo Hides a Hornswoggle is about a shocking tale that will leave you questioning the very foundations of faith. Join us as our cohost shares a jaw-dropping account of their personal encounters with church leaders who wear the cloak of compassion but hide a labyrinth of manipulation, lies, and entitlement underneath.

    Halo of Deception: The Paradox of Faith, what exactly is the church? an institution founded on love and humility but, at times, veering into the realm of manipulation and bullying. Our cohost grapples with the unsettling truth that the same institution meant to uplift souls can also become a breeding ground for falsehoods and power plays.

    It's a tale of disbelief, disappointment, and the search for a glimmer of genuine spirituality.

    So, whether you're a devout worshipper, a spiritual skeptic, or simply curious about the underbelly of faith institutions, tune in to this episode that will leave you challenging your perception of what it truly means to be a part of a community guided by compassion and integrity.

    DLiminCrew Tip & Tools:

    L: Tip/Tool- you have to treat people individually, you cannot prejudge, have an open mind. Rome was not build in day. I do not really know the answer

    B: Tip/Tool- know your intentions and perceptions of others and of yourself, until you experience a situation everyone's life experience has given the perceptions that they have, but we should be able to self reflect before projecting on other ignorance is not bliss.

    1. definition "idiom. used to say that a person who does not know about a problem does not worry about it. He never keeps up with the news or cares about the troubles 

    C O N N E C T W I T H U S:

    Instagram: @UnfilteredLimin

    Twitter: @UnfilteredLimin

    Facebook: Unfiltered Limin



    #ChurchChronicles #RacismAsATool #TheQuestForChange

    S5E59 - 41m - Dec 21, 2023
  • EP 58: Discovering Inner Stillness in a Chaotic World

    Discover the power of silence in a world filled with noise. In this episode of Discovering Inner Stillness in a Chaotic World, we search for the art of silencing the noise to cultivate inner calm and enhance overall well-being. Come along as we explore practical strategies for decluttering our physical and digital environments, setting boundaries, and embracing moments of silence for introspection and creativity. Learn how to navigate the digital landscape, practice mindful consumption, and find balance in an age of constant connectivity. Unlock the secrets of silencing the noise and discover the profound impact it can have on our mental, emotional, and spiritual growth. Don't miss this insightful episode that will help you discover the inner stillness amidst the chaos.

    DLiminCrew Tips & Tools:

    L - Tip/Tool: How do you find your silence? Take a walk for 10 minutes, without the phone being on, and focus on deep breathing.

    B - Tip/Tool: Reference book: The Dalai Lama's Little Book of Buddhism, find time to read about how to find your silence.

    C O N N E C T W I T H U S:

    Instagram: @UnfilteredLimin

    Twitter: @UnfilteredLimin

    Facebook: Unfiltered Limin



    #DigitalDetox #MindfulConsumption #Stillness

    S5E58 - 50m - Dec 14, 2023
  • EP 57: The COVID Hangover: Lessons, Laughs, and Lots of Hand Sanitizer

    Hey there, pandemic survivors and sanitizer enthusiasts! Grab your masks and your sense of humor, because we're tackling a hangover like no other in this hilarious yet enlightening episode of The COVID Hangover: Lessons, Laughs, and Lots of Hand Sanitizers. We uncork the bottle on the "COVID Hangover" – not the headache you get from too much virtual happy hour, but the lingering effects of the pandemic that just won't quit.

    The COVID Hangover Unveiled, first things first, what's this COVID Hangover we keep talking about? Think of it as the ultimate party pooper – it's like the unexpected guest who overstayed their welcome. We're tackle the ongoing challenges that stick around even as we try to bid farewell to the most epic global party crasher.

    Social Distancing from Social Lives, remember socializing? Yeah, us neither. We're reflecting how the pandemic has put a giant magnifying glass on our relationships – the ones that thrived, the ones that tanked, and the ones that are now just awkward Zoom silences.

    From Sweatpants to Life Lessons, we've all grown a little wiser, right? RIGHT? Let's chat about the silver linings and life lessons we've amassed while binge-watching Netflix in our sweatpants. And hey, these lessons aren't just about perfecting the art of baking banana bread; we're talking about setting the stage for a better future.

    So, if you're ready to laugh, reminisce, and raise a virtual toast to hand sanitizers and resilience, tune in to this Unfiltered Limin episode! Get ready for a dose of camaraderie, a splash of insights, and a splash of optimism as we navigate the hangover that history books will remember. Cheers to us!

    DLiminCrew Tips & Tools:


    C O N N E C T W I T H U S:

    Instagram: @UnfilteredLimin

    Twitter: @UnfilteredLimin

    Facebook: Unfiltered Limin



    #PandemicHangover #CareerChallenges #FinancialResilience #COVIDHangover

    S5E57 - 37m - Dec 7, 2023
  • EP 56: Inspiring Self-Care: Find Your Motivation

    Are you seeking inspiration and motivation to enhance your self-care routine? You've tuned in to the right episode as we explore our Caribbean vs American power of self-care in cultivating motivation and empowerment. Discover practical tips for setting goals, nurturing emotional well-being, practicing mindfulness, and incorporating physical exercise into your routine. We'll also discuss the importance of seeking inspiration from our cultural roots, building a supportive network, and celebrating your progress. Take a deep breathe and relax as you gain valuable insights and actionable steps to inspire and uplift yourself on your self-care journey.

    DLiminCrew Tips & Tools:

    B - Grace for Purpose https://www.youtube.com/@GraceForPurpose

    L - Jay Shetty https://youtu.be/sxPqNpt6SRw

    C O N N E C T W I T H U S:

    Instagram: @UnfilteredLimin

    Twitter: @UnfilteredLimin

    Facebook: Unfiltered Limin



    S5E56 - 32m - Nov 30, 2023
  • Mini Series Part 2-Breaking the Mold: Exploring New Topics and Perspectives

    C O N N E C T W I T H U S:

    Instagram: @UnfilteredLimin

    Twitter: @UnfilteredLimin

    Facebook: Unfiltered Limin


    #SelfCare #FitnessTips #SelfCareShorts #AccountabilityPartner

    S5 - 3m - Nov 28, 2023
  • Season 5 Commericals - Renewed Realities From Chaos to Clarity


    Join us as we embark on a transformative journey through diverse perspectives, uncovering the tranquility within life's turbulence, revealing the truths behind halos and hidden agendas, riding the waves of news and emotions, laughing through the hangover of unprecedented times, and conquering the corporate coliseum with wit and wisdom.

    It's a season of rediscovery, resilience, and realignment, guiding you from the chaos of the past to the clarity of the future.

    C O N N E C T W I T H U S:

    Instagram: @UnfilteredLiminwithBLT

    Twitter: @UFLiminWBLT

    Facebook: Unfiltered Limi


    S5 - 2m - Nov 18, 2023
  • EP55: The Pleasure of Automatic Love

    P.A.L. (Pleasure of Automatic Love)

    Do you know how many people NEVER have and maybe NEVER will experience the PLEASURE of AUTOMATIC LOVE? To automatically love someone, spontaneously, without effort or thought, what an awesome feeling!! Everyone on some level wants to feel that PLEASURE of AUTOMATIC LOVE. How do we get it, keep it and maintain the PLEASURE of AUTOMATIC LOVE?

    Click. Download. and step into the PLEASURE OF AUTOMATIC LOVE!

    C O N N E C T W I T H U S:

    Instagram: @UnfilteredLiminwithBLT

    Twitter: @UFLiminWBLT

    Facebook: Unfiltered Limin` w/BLT



    S4E55 - 27m - Jan 12, 2023
  • EP54: Agree or Disagree that is the question...

    We don't always have to agree with someone/something just to make peace or disagree to be combative. But when you hear what we AGREE or DISAGREE on you will sh*t your ass with laughter......

    Hit the download button to tune into this episode, You will AGREE this is one of our many belly-laughing topics.

    C O N N E C T W I T H U S:

    Instagram: @UnfilteredLiminwithBLT

    Twitter: @UFLiminWBLT

    Facebook: Unfiltered Limin` w/BLT



    S4E54 - 22m - Jan 5, 2023
  • EP53: to SELL OUT or not to SELL

    What is SELLing OUT? Selling out", or "sold out" in the past tense, is a common expression used in everyday terminology as the compromising of one's integrity, morality, authenticity, or principles in exchange for personal gain, such as money. Are we living up to our truth? Are we honest about our agendas? Is there careful consideration of the ramifications of our actions or reactions? If our end goal is to sell out, why do we feel so empty and incomplete? To SELL OUT or NOT to SELL OUT!

    Interested? Click. Download. Listen. Comment.

    C O N N E C T W I T H U S:

    Instagram: @UnfilteredLiminwithBLT

    Twitter: @UFLiminWBLT

    Facebook: Unfiltered Limin` w/BLT



    S4E53 - 32m - Dec 29, 2022
  • EP52: SALMON, we going up STREAM

    Salmon are fish that swim upstream (against the current). They fight through and keep going further upstream until they reach their goal.

    Why are we in fear of going against the current and being successful? Why do we allow fear/opposition paralyze us? This episode is really interesting as we spill thought-provoking questions and statements that make you think....hmmm what the hell is stopping me? Click. Download. Listen.

    C O N N E C T W I T H U S:

    Instagram: @UnfilteredLiminwithBLT

    Twitter: @UFLiminWBLT

    Facebook: Unfiltered Limin` w/BLT



    S4E52 - 29m - Dec 22, 2022
  • EP51: Psalm 139

    Psalm 139:13-14

    New King James Version

    13 For You formed my inward parts;

    You covered me in my mother’s womb.

    14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

    Marvelous are Your works,

    And that my soul knows very well.

    This is a MUST listen-to episode as we chat about.....BEING TRUE TO SELF!

    C O N N E C T W I T H U S:

    Instagram: @UnfilteredLiminwithBLT

    Twitter: @UFLiminWBLT

    Facebook: Unfiltered Limin` w/BLT



    S4E51 - 21m - Dec 15, 2022

    Why are individuals in fear of giving their all? All Relationships are WORK: friendship, romantic, parental, siblings, family, job, etc.... all WORK, so why not make the effort to do MORE? There is always more you can do but, the question is, are you willing to put in the WORK?

    Click. Download. Listen. to hear our opinions of what it means to do JUST ENOUGH TO GET BY and simple tips on how to do more...to get MORE!

    C O N N E C T W I T H U S:

    Instagram: @UnfilteredLiminwithBLT

    Twitter: @UFLiminWBLT

    Facebook: Unfiltered Limin` w/BLT



    S4E50 - 37m - Dec 8, 2022
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