046 | What Happens When You Die (Told From The Other Side)

Season 2
41m | Jul 26, 2021

Today Emily is bringing solo episodes back and this one is extra special. As a medium, Emily has an insider’s look into many of humanity’s biggest mysteries and this conversation is all about death. She shares messages received from a man on the other side about his personal experience following his death. If you are someone who fears death, wonders what happens when a soul leaves the human body, and how people transition, this episode is an invitation into the other world. 

Today on Emily the Medium: 

  • Understanding what happens to a soul after it leaves the physical body
  • Exploring the concept of free will during and after death 
  • Insights about the transition period and healing chambers
  • What souls do in the afterlife 

Connect with Emily: 

This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

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Emily The Medium