being called out for interrupting + other toxic behaviours

41m | Oct 13, 2020

I hear you. I interrupt Dejan a lot! Admitting this to myself hurt my ego and made me really sad for like three days before I realized that truth hurts and this is something I can absolutely change. Moving forward I am going to be more conscious of this toxic behaviour and stop. In this super meta episode, we dive into why I tend to interrupt Dejan, surprisingly there are a bunch of different reasons and ways that I can better hold space for him in this podcast. This episode is in response to a few reviews that we recently red and I just want to say thank you so much to everyone that takes the time to leave us a review - it means the world to us when you take the time to say something nice or constructive about our work. We are so grateful and as a result we want to share the best versions of us with you all always. hosted by @yourgirlneens and @dejansdayoff / find us on IG @neensanddeens. interested in advertising on our show? email us at

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