4. The Power of Embodied Grieving

37m | May 15, 2024

“As humans, there is no escaping loss. There's no amount of money that you can make. There's no amount of impact or fame you can have that is going to shield you from loss. Death is inevitable. Loss is inevitable. This is one of those really beautiful emotions that bonds us as humans, just like love does. And so, the capacity to grieve is also the capacity to be connected to humanity, to have a thread through which you can not only feel your own grief but also feel the grief of other people.” — John Wineland

Today on Embodied Relationship Experience:

  • Understanding grief beyond loss
  • John's experience and insights from grieving his daughter
  • The importance of establishing personal and communal grieving practices
  • How fully felt emotions can transform into energy that enhances vitality
  • The role of community in providing support and witnessing one’s grief process
  • Grief as a pathway to deeper self-understanding and connection

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This show is produced by Synchro Social

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The Embodied Relationship Experience