• EP24// Quitting My Job at 500 Subscribers…

    Welcome [or welcome back] to the Pages Of My Diary Podcast; the weekly show where we take a look through my diaries that I kept throughout the writing, recording & release of my latest album ‘The Human Experience’. Every Monday I take you behind the scenes and try to give insight into what goes into making an album, as well as going in depth about some of the things that happened on our journey of making ours, so be sure to FOLLOW so you never miss an episode and don’t feel left out of the party. 🤍

    On the final episode of the podcast we overcome the final obstacle between us and this bloody Maliblu Music Video! I also take you on set and tell you what it was like shooting the music video with The Dream Team and how excited I was to see that Bentley for the first time! 🤩

    “Quitting My Job At 500 Subscribers” is a video that will be out Jan 1st 2022 and is already up on my Patreon channel, and we talk a lot about why I started this journey to become a musician, who I want to inspire and why the hell my hat says “For The Dreamers”… sounds like a pretty good final episode, right? Right…?

    As it’s the last episode it’d be rude and heartbreaking if you didn’t LIKE it, and because I’m going to be a little quieter on here whilst I get things ready for the new year, It’d be really great if you followed us or else that algorithm will be like a bitter ex-boyfriend and drive us apart 💔


    Listen to the POMD podcast on your preferred platform: https://redcircle.com/shows/diary

    Stream & Share 'The Human Experience': https://smarturl.it/thehumanexp

    Join our Patreon Community: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Patreon​​​​

    Follow me on Instagram: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Sana-IG​​​

    23m - Dec 20, 2021
  • EP23 // You Wont Feel This Way Forever…

    Welcome [or welcome back] to the Pages Of My Diary Podcast; the weekly show where we take a look through my diaries that I kept throughout the writing, recording & release of my latest album ‘The Human Experience’. Every Monday I take you behind the scenes and try to give insight into what goes into making an album, as well as going in depth about some of the things that happened on our journey of making ours, so be sure to FOLLOW so you never miss an episode and don’t feel left out of the party. 🤍

    This episode contains 2 tablespoons of Podcast-ception, a sprinkling of talking about working on our new project [the next chapter] and whole jar full of FINALLY arriving at the Maliblu Music Video’s final form! Kinda… 

    We also talk about the dangers of hill sprints [but also why I love fitness and working out], get prepped for the 30 days of music challenge in November and we head to Will’s Farm for the very first AROUND THE GLOBE SESSIONS live performance video - but you know the deal by now, we’ll also be talking about a lot more and a whole lot of nothing!

    If I make you smile, cry or feel any emotion at all during this episode, you have to LIKE the episode: deal? Also FOLLOW if you never want to miss a new upload because I’d hate for us to lose touch ✨


    Listen to the POMD podcast on your preferred platform: https://redcircle.com/shows/diary

    Stream & Share 'The Human Experience': https://smarturl.it/thehumanexp

    Join our Patreon Community: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Patreon​​​​

    Follow me on Instagram: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Sana-IG​​​

    22m - Dec 13, 2021
  • EP22 // So, I Hired A PR Company…

    Welcome [or welcome back] to the Pages Of My Diary Podcast; the weekly show where we take a look through my diaries that I kept throughout the writing, recording & release of my latest album ‘The Human Experience’. Every Monday I take you behind the scenes and try to give insight into what goes into making an album, as well as going in depth about some of the things that happened on our journey of making ours, so be sure to FOLLOW so you never miss an episode and don’t feel left out of the party. 🤍

    In episode 22 we’re talking about spreading a little more HumanKind(ness) in the world, the start of the POMD podcast releases, as well as what it was like using a Music Marketing company and my advice for any independent musicians looking to release their own album or use a PR company!

    The Dream Team also help out big time by getting the Maliblu music video back on track and taking us into “The Maliblu Smoke Video” phase of the saga, and we come to the end of diary No.2 (which is sad because we only have one diary left but also makes me happy because that’s less episodes that I can stumble over my words and ramble about things that have nothing to do with what I’m talking about 😂)

    All the usual suspects at this point people; if you LIKE the episode then please LIKE the episode (it’s free!) and if you don’t wanna miss out on future content and episodes… FOLLOW US! 😁😁😁😁


    Listen to the POMD podcast on your preferred platform: https://redcircle.com/shows/diary

    Stream & Share 'The Human Experience': https://smarturl.it/thehumanexp

    Join our Patreon Community: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Patreon​​​​

    Follow me on Instagram: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Sana-IG​​​

    24m - Dec 6, 2021

    Welcome [or welcome back] to the Pages Of My Diary Podcast; the weekly show where we take a look through my diaries that I kept throughout the writing, recording & release of my latest album ‘The Human Experience’. Every Monday I take you behind the scenes and try to give insight into what goes into making an album, as well as going in depth about some of the things that happened on our journey of making ours, so be sure to FOLLOW so you never miss an episode and don’t feel left out of the party. 🤍

    The big day has finally come in this weeks episode… We close the recording phase and celebrate the new chapter of our journey, THE RELEASE OF “THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE”!

    We’re also getting in the holiday spirit with the arrival of Casey Santa and what would life be without some good old doubts & insecurities, eh? We’ll be diving deep into the dreams and aspirations I have for the future and how I almost gave up on music altogether on the day of my album release [it must’ve been a really bad rehearsal…] 😂

    If you actually read the description then this one’s for you - I want you to know that you are worthy; worthy of life, worthy of love and worthy of a place in this world. Remember that the world is not the news, and it’s not your school, and it’s not your parents: it’s a big place and there are a lot of others out there who’d love to get to meet you. 🤍


    Listen to the POMD podcast on your preferred platform: https://redcircle.com/shows/diary

    Stream & Share 'The Human Experience': https://smarturl.it/thehumanexp

    Join our Patreon Community: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Patreon​​​​

    Follow me on Instagram: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Sana-IG​​​

    26m - Nov 29, 2021

    Welcome [or welcome back] to the Pages Of My Diary Podcast; the weekly show where we take a look through my diaries that I kept throughout the writing, recording & release of my latest album ‘The Human Experience’. Every Monday I take you behind the scenes and try to give insight into what goes into making an album, as well as going in depth about some of the things that happened on our journey of making ours, so be sure to FOLLOW so you never miss an episode and don’t feel left out of the party. 🤍

    “PRACTICE, PATIENCE, PERSISTENCE” is the name of the game today & I really believe that whatever you’re trying to get better at - whether it’s a new hobby, sport, career aspiration or relationship - if you apply the principles of being able to practice the skill daily, be patient with yourself when making mistakes and learning (which is a natural part of getting better at something), and having the persistence to continue through the challenges and put in the work CONSISTENTLY, then that all leads to progress!

    We also schedule the album for release today and talk about some big changes in “The Maliblu Box Project” which left us thinking if the video was even possible or not, plus we think of a new video idea for Baby Boy & finally shoot the Allahlujah video portraits music video!

    If you get a warm feeling at the end of the episode or you learnt something really valuable, then please LIKE the episode and take a look at the links below… they could be helpful! 😏


    Listen to the POMD podcast on your preferred platform: https://redcircle.com/shows/diary

    Stream & Share 'The Human Experience': https://smarturl.it/thehumanexp

    Join our Patreon Community: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Patreon​​​​

    Follow me on Instagram: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Sana-IG​​​

    22m - Nov 22, 2021
  • EP19//Don’t Worry About the ‘How’…

    Welcome [or welcome back] to the Pages Of My Diary Podcast; the weekly show where we take a look through my diaries that I kept throughout the writing, recording & release of my latest album ‘The Human Experience’. Every Monday I take you behind the scenes and try to give insight into what goes into making an album, as well as going in depth about some of the things that happened on our journey of making ours, so be sure to FOLLOW so you never miss an episode and don’t feel left out of the party. 🤍

    On episode 19 we talk about the first test of the Maliblu box and the questions that were answered after seeing it in real life, the difference between enjoyment and fulfilment [which involves a lot of talk about cheesecake and Elvis] and we start rehearsals for the very first AROUND THE GLOBE SESSIONS before it was even called that…

    Now if that doesn’t tickle your pickle I don’t know what will, so my advice would be to just listen to the episode anyways! If you like the podcast, then please LIKE the episode and if you want good karma then be sure to FOLLOW! [I don’t know if guilt tripping you into following is bad karma but I’m prepared to take that risk lmao]


    Listen to the POMD podcast on your preferred platform: https://redcircle.com/shows/diary

    Stream & Share 'The Human Experience': https://smarturl.it/thehumanexp

    Join our Patreon Community: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Patreon​​​​

    Follow me on Instagram: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Sana-IG​​​

    27m - Nov 15, 2021
  • EP18 // “The Maliblu Box Project”

    Welcome (or welcome back 🤍) to the Pages Of My Diary Podcast; the weekly show where we take a look back at my personal diaries that I kept throughout the entire writing, recording & release of my latest album “The Human Experience”. In today’s episode “The Maliblu Box Project” we’re back with The Dream Team working on phase 1 of the Maliblu music video, as well as gearing up to shoot the music video for Allahlujah!

    Also, we’re back with some more self-improvement/development gems for you, seeing the powers of journalling working their magic once again and a couple of tips on how to get out of bad moods and back sipping on that positivi-tea ☕️

    As always, let us know your thoughts on what we covered in todays show and have your say in the comments about what you’d like to see in future Pages Of My Diary podcast episodes. I’m also going to try this new NLP technique which apparently helps people to do what I want them to, so here it goes…. LIKE THE EPISODE IF YOU LIKED THIS EPISODE AND FOLLOW IF YOU WANNA BE A MEMBER OF THE CASEY SANA FAN CLUB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (did you notice? did it work on you?)


    Listen to the POMD podcast on your preferred platform: https://redcircle.com/shows/diary

    Stream & Share 'The Human Experience': https://smarturl.it/thehumanexp

    Join our Patreon Community: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Patreon​​​​

    Follow me on Instagram: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Sana-IG​​​

    34m - Nov 8, 2021
  • EP17 // Sometimes Things Go Wrong…

    “Sometimes things have to go wrong short term so they can go right long term” - TRUST THE PROCESS! Welcome back to the pages Of My Diary Podcast my lovelies! On today’s episode there’s a lot to uncover; everything from the power of journalling to my progress on the piano, the release of Allahlujah & meeting lovely strangers who help bring our dream music videos to life!

    I also tell a hilarious story (at least I think so) about why my mom is my favourite human to hang around with at music video shoots and the role she takes on as “Chief Health & Safety Officer” for The Dream Team!

    We also wrap up the recording phase of T.H.E and move on to another chapter and equally important part of an album release… the release. There’s a lot of smiles, stories and the occasional helpful self-improvement tool to come in future episodes of the Pages Of My Diary Podcast so if you enjoyed what you heard today, please FOLLOW this podcast so you never miss a video: I would hate to see that happen for you.


    Listen to the POMD podcast on your preferred platform: https://redcircle.com/shows/diary

    Stream & Share 'The Human Experience': https://smarturl.it/thehumanexp

    Join our Patreon Community: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Patreon​​​​

    Follow me on Instagram: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Sana-IG​​​

    31m - Nov 1, 2021
  • EP16 // Finding Unity in Our Differences

    (drum roll please) For episode 16 of the Pages Of My Diary podcast I’ve decided to spoil you lovely lot, so we’re going to be talking a little bit about working on my next project and an exciting new music video concept, both of which came to me in the middle of the night whilst I was trying to sleep!

    Welcome or welcome back to the podcast, I hope you’re taking good care of yourself and enjoying all the wonders life has delivered to you! I’m really happy with how this episode came out (even though at the time I felt like crying because it was such a long one to film) and so I really hope you enjoy it as much as I now do! We’ll be talking about all the usual stuff; mindsets to help develop you as a person, get you out of negative headspaces; along with breaking down some ‘The Human Experience’ related gossip as well.

    When you reach the end of the episode (and only then!), feel free to leave us a heartwarming REVIEW and/or FOLLOW to the podcast so you never miss another upload of ours… and after hearing about this new project we’ve started working on I know you’ll agree that’s something you don’t want to happen 🤍


    Listen to the POMD podcast on your preferred platform: https://redcircle.com/shows/diary

    Stream & Share 'The Human Experience': https://smarturl.it/thehumanexp

    Join our Patreon Community: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Patreon​​​​

    Follow me on Instagram: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Sana-IG​​​

    32m - Oct 24, 2021
  • EP15//Consistency Over Intensity!

    “Consistency Over Intensity” is a reminder to myself that this journey is a marathon, not a sprint! If you have a big goal or vision for your future but you’re currently feeling burnt out, it may be because you’re taking a sprinters mentality to a marathon race… Consistency over Intensity means that you make a commitment to do a challenging (but sustainable and manageable) amount of work every day, knowing that the effects of your work will compound over time to get you the results and places you want to be in your life!

    Along with this philosophy which has helped me avoid burnout, on todays episode we’re talking about how the small things make the big things, how setting the bar low can actually help you start & maintain new habits and routines, and I’m giving an in depth review of one of my favourite books OF ALL TIME: The 7 Spiritual Laws Of Success by Deepak Chopra!

    If you enjoy these next 37 minutes of rambling tangents then be sure to FOLLOW because there’s a whole lot more where that came from, and have your say and leave us a review about what you think of this weeks podcast, as well as what you’d like to see in future episodes!


    WHERE I GOT THE iNSPIRATION FOR CONSISTENCY OVER INTENSITY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fbCcWyYthQ

    Listen to the POMD podcast on your preferred platform: https://redcircle.com/shows/diary

    Stream & Share 'The Human Experience': https://smarturl.it/thehumanexp

    Join our Patreon Community: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Patreon​​​​

    Follow me on Instagram: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Sana-IG​​​

    37m - Oct 17, 2021
  • EP14// The Message Behind The Mask…

    If you’re new, then welcome to the Pages Of My Diary podcast! And if you’re a returning listener… WELCOME BACK! Whatever category you fit into, thanks so much for checking out episode 14 of the best music podcast that’s kind of about music but not at the same time; do you know what I mean?

    Anyways, on todays show you’ll wanna get your snorkel and swim suit at the ready, because we’re getting deep again! We’re tackling the big questions like “Does anyone really read the Spotify Artist Bios?”, “Do people REALLY like manicures?” & “Who is Casey Sana and what is the deal with that mask?!”

    We also delve into some more serious stuff about the origins of Casey Sana, how much I love The Casey Sana Fan Club (aka YOU), my views on labels and being an identity-less artist, and how i see that as a good thing because it empowers people with a dream…

    You know what to do at this point my lovelies; I could give you a long speech about how you should FOLLOW the podcast, because then you’ll never have to worry about missing another upload and we won’t lose touch once the algorithm goes back to hating us; I could say that if you like the episode… YOU SHOULD LIKE THE episode to let us know you had a good time and probably leave us a REVIEW saying what you love most about the podcast.

    But I guess I’ll just play it cool and say you can do what you want, I don’t care.


    Listen to the POMD podcast on your preferred platform: https://redcircle.com/shows/diary

    Stream & Share 'The Human Experience': https://smarturl.it/thehumanexp

    Join our Patreon Community: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Patreon​​​​

    Follow me on Instagram: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Sana-IG​​​

    27m - Oct 10, 2021
  • EP13// The 5 Step Guide To Writing a Hit…

    Another beautiful Monday means another episode of the POMD podcast! In episode 13 I’m giving you my brand new programme ‘The 5 Step Guide To Writing a Hit’ - I guarantee you’ll write a hit in 10 hours and become an overnight millionaire OR YOUR MONEY BACK (just kidding, you didn’t pay anything to watch this so I guess we’re even?).

    What we’re actually going to be doing is talking about the ambiguity and mystery of songwriting and how it’s really hard to get into that flow state, but when you do magical things happen! We also try to break down the science of songwriting, I break down “Baby Boy”, “Allahlujah” and almost have breakdown a couple times myself. (that was just a joke I’m ok, I quite enjoy making these if I’m honest)

    (this one felt so good I wanted to put it in 2 podcast description notes, just in case you missed it last time) When the time comes, and you’ve gotten over your commitment issues after that girl went out with you then dumped your ass 20 minutes later when you were 7 years old, feel free to FOLLOW the podcast so you & I can see more of each other, then you can compliment me on how nice my hair looks and how you love my ‘unique’ clothing choices in every video.  


    Listen to the POMD podcast on your preferred platform: https://redcircle.com/shows/diary

    Stream & Share 'The Human Experience': https://smarturl.it/thehumanexp

    Join our Patreon Community: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Patreon​​​​

    Follow me on Instagram: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Sana-IG​​​

    36m - Oct 3, 2021
  • EP12//Happily Exhausted

    “Happily Exhausted” is possibly the best title for not only episode 12 of the Pages Of My Diary podcast, but also for a lot of people walking around this earth at this very moment, tired as hell but still getting up every day to get after it! Come and join me on the sofa for a while as we talk “To Fall Asleep & Wake Up With You…” mixes, how lessons from fitness, workouts & UFC interweave into everyday life and the powerful tool that will save you from a bad day: Journalling! (wow, writing those out just now made me realise we literally go EVERYWHERE on this podcast lmao - welcome to my brain I guess)

    When the time comes, and you’ve gotten over your commitment issues after that girl went out with you then dumped your ass 20 minutes later when you were 7 years old, feel free to FOLLOW the podcast so you & I can see more of each other, then you can compliment me on how nice my hair looks and how you love my ‘unique’ clothing choices in every video.  


    Listen to the POMD podcast on your preferred platform: https://redcircle.com/shows/diary

    Stream & Share 'The Human Experience': https://smarturl.it/thehumanexp

    Join our Patreon Community: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Patreon​​​​

    Follow me on Instagram: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Sana-IG​​​

    35m - Sep 27, 2021
  • EP11//Ask And You Shall Receive…

    We’re back with episode 11 of the Pages Of My Diary podcast people - today we’re talking about kissing boys in the rain, songwriting struggles and how 4+4 can occasionally equal 273÷9x1.333333…. I know, it makes no sense to me either!

    One big perk of being an independent musician is that when one thing isn’t going well (like those songwriting struggles), it’s okay because there’s plenty to be getting on with; everything from social media content, music videos, editing podcast episodes and planning future releases to doing things to continue to grow as a normal, functioning member of society. (or so I’m told)

    If at the end of this episode you get that warm fuzzy feeling inside that signals you liked what you just watched, DON’T BE SHY ABOUT IT! Make sure you like and follow the podcast so that the algorithm doesn’t snatch us away from each other and I end up waiting by the phone for your call everyday… please call me back, Sandra :’(


    Listen to the POMD podcast on your preferred platform: https://redcircle.com/shows/diary

    Stream & Share 'The Human Experience': https://smarturl.it/thehumanexp

    Join our Patreon Community: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Patreon​​​​

    Follow me on Instagram: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Sana-IG​​​

    29m - Sep 20, 2021
  • EP10//New Years Resolutions…

    It’s that time of year in episode 10 of the POMD pod… the time of year where we talk about new years resolutions! As I said in the intro, todays video is all about the three Gs; goals, growth and g….good music! so let’s stop this dilly dallying and get straight into the episode, shall we?


    Listen to the POMD podcast on your preferred platform: https://redcircle.com/shows/diary

    Stream & Share 'The Human Experience': https://smarturl.it/thehumanexp

    Join our Patreon Community: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Patreon​​​​

    Follow me on Instagram: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Sana-IG​​​

    35m - Sep 12, 2021
  • EP9//Going To Space In A Cardboard Spaceship!

    Ladies & gentlemen, people of all colors, shapes and sizes… welcome (or welcome back) to the Pages Of My Diary podcast! For episode 9 of this podcast, I wanted to talk about THE GREATEST team that money couldn’t buy, but free food could… THE DREAM TEAM (aka my mom, dad, brother and sister! I also have another sister but we don’t talk about her in this one because she didn’t help)

    The Dream Team and I managed to realise one of our childhood dreams, or mine at least… we made a life sized spaceship entirely out of cardboard! It wasn’t an easy shoot and by no means did it run smoothly, but we got it done in spite of everything that happened.

    Every person you share this podcast episode with is one person who could know or be related to Elon Musk, so make sure you’re sharing the podcast with everyone you see so we can get Elon to launch the SanaShip into space!


    Listen to the POMD podcast on your preferred platform: https://redcircle.com/shows/diary

    Stream & Share 'The Human Experience': https://smarturl.it/thehumanexp

    Join our Patreon Community: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Patreon​​​​

    Follow me on Instagram: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Sana-IG​​​

    25m - Sep 5, 2021
  • EP8//Leaving Home & The Next Chapter…

    Beautiful people, welcome (or welcome back) to the Pages Of My Diary podcast! In this podcast I take you inside the diary I kept whilst writing, recording and releasing my latest album “The Human Experience” and we look back on some of the highest highs, as well as the low points of the process.

    Episode 8 talks about the progress with The SanaShip, my family life, hopes and dreams in “The Next Chapter” and so much more… This is an episode you don’t want to miss and one that I was really looking forward to releasing!

    If you like what you hear in todays episode make sure you share it with at least 3 people for good karma - they can be people you know or people you don’t, just remember what I said about the people who want you to get in their vans…


    Listen to the POMD podcast on your preferred platform: https://redcircle.com/shows/diary

    Stream & Share 'The Human Experience': https://smarturl.it/thehumanexp

    Join our Patreon Community: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Patreon​​​​

    Follow me on Instagram: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Sana-IG​​​

    31m - Aug 29, 2021
  • EP7//Easter Eggs In Music Videos…

    What’s up people! I hope y’all are ready for episode 7 of the POMD podcast, because in this video I’m giving you an insight into everything we encountered on the journey of making The Human Experience; the good, the bad, the beautiful, it’s all in here! 

    Today we talk about recording the demos for The Human Experience, some easter eggs hidden in the Cardboard Spaceships music video, the inspiration behind “The Next Chapter” and I also nail an absolutely horrendous impression of a rom-com film scene...

    If you enjoy this episode and wanna show some love, make sure you let me know! Either HEART this video, leave a REVIEW, get in touch via Instagram (@thecaseysanafanclub) or send a carrier pigeon, whichever you prefer…


    Listen to the POMD podcast on your preferred platform: https://redcircle.com/shows/diary

    Stream & Share 'The Human Experience': https://smarturl.it/thehumanexp

    Join our Patreon Community: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Patreon​​​​

    Follow me on Instagram: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Sana-IG​​​

    29m - Aug 22, 2021
  • EP6//Connor McGregor’s New Walkout Song?!

    Welcome (or welcome back) to episode 6 of the POMD podcast! In today’s episode I’m taking you behind the curtain as we explore some of the changes that we had to make as a result of the worldwide event that shall remain nameless…

    There’s a segment where we talk about a song I describe in my diary as a real “lets f***king do this!” record, which is a great summary of a song (if I do say so myself). It’s no Foggy Dew but if McGregor was looking for a new walkout song, I think this would be a good replacement. 🔥 

    We also go into detail about what an album rollout is, how I used it for The Human Experience and how it can be a godsend for indie artists! Lots to talk about and lots of tangents to go on, so I hope you enjoy the episode and get a lot of value from it!

    Make sure you share the podcast with some friends! And if you don’t have friends, well then share it with random strangers you see on the street, from a socially distanced distance of course. And also if they say they have candy in their van don’t believe them, it’s not the kinda candy you want…


    Listen to the POMD podcast on your preferred platform: https://redcircle.com/shows/diary

    Stream & Share 'The Human Experience': https://smarturl.it/thehumanexp

    Join our Patreon Community: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Patreon​​​​

    Follow me on Instagram: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Sana-IG​​​

    28m - Aug 15, 2021
  • EP5//Which Decision Is The Right One To Make?

    Ladies & gentlemen, people of all colors, shapes & sizes… welcome to episode 5 of the POMD podcast! Today’s episode entitled “Which Decision Is The Right One To Make?” sees us dive into a full album narrative breakdown where we talk about the meaning behind the ordering of the tracklist on The Human Experience, we reminisce about the ambitious music video idea for Cardboard Spaceships & touch on some of the themes in Steven Pressfield’s book ‘The War Of Art’ because BOOKS-R-FUN!

    If you enjoy the episode and want to show some love, make sure you share the podcast with a friend & follow so you don’t miss out on future episodes! 1 follow = 1 Casey Coin of absolutely no value…


    Listen to the POMD podcast on your preferred platform: https://redcircle.com/shows/diary

    Stream & Share 'The Human Experience': https://smarturl.it/thehumanexp

    Join our Patreon Community: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Patreon​​​​

    Follow me on Instagram: https://smarturl.it/Casey-Sana-IG​​​

    26m - Aug 8, 2021
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