• In 2054 Capitalism Dies in Space

    When people in space are cut off from Earth an imbalance of owner vs. customers comes to a breaking point. The people in space believe no one is left alive on Earth. As far as they know, the (around) 12,000 in space is all that's left of humanity.

    Those living on and near the moon form Luna Nation. Space refugees scattered near Earth must find a way to insure a future for themselves and their children.

    AI that in many ways exceed human intelligence play a part in a skirmish for resources. What does it take to outsmart an AI that can make you think you're having a video call with a co-conspirator when it's the AI you are talking to?

    An finally, if AI can make a six part miniseries staring Drew Barrymore and Crispin Glover about using DNA banks to spawn a new human race, what parts would the two actors play?

    Here's a list of the technology mentioned in the story:

    1. Orbital stations and space habitats

    2. Micro-gravity adapting robots (e.g., vacuum bots)

    3. Smart glass walls

    4. Satellite cameras

    5. AI assistants (e.g., Butler AI)

    6. Augmented Reality (AR) glasses

    7. Canal links (brain-computer interfaces)

    8. Virtual Reality (VR) equipment

    9. Life support systems for space

    10. Automated mining and manufacturing in space

    11. Fusion-powered spaceships

    12. Electric thrusters for spacecraft

    13. Legacy tracking systems for spacecraft

    14. Ejection systems for spacecraft

    15. Motion stabilizers for space suits

    16. Emergency beacons in space suits

    17. Artificial wombs

    18. DNA banks

    19. Brain scanning and digital copying technology

    20. Robots capable of performing complex tasks

    21. Centrifuges for simulating gravity

    22. Terraforming technology (theoretical, for Venus)

    23. Advanced medical automation

    24. Custom cell cultivators

    25. Organ printing technology

    26. Stasis technology for long space journeys

    27. Laser tight-beam communication

    28. Rockets and missiles (mentioned as being disabled)

    29. Closed-circuit TVs in spacecraft

    30. Space construction vehicles (e.g., "spider")

    31. Delivery cruisers

    32. Research ships

    33. Hologram-producing screens

    Many of the characters in this project appear in future episodes. 

    Using storytelling to place you in a time period, this series takes you, year by year, into the future. If you like emerging tech, eco-tech, futurism, perma-culture, apocalyptic survival scenarios, and disruptive science, sit back and enjoy short stories that showcase my research into how the future may play out. 

    This is Episode 56 of the podcast "In 20xx Scifi and Futurism." The companion site is https://in20xx.com where you can find a timeline of the future, descriptions of future development, and printed fiction.

    These are works of fiction. Characters and groups are made-up and influenced by current events but not reporting facts about people or groups in the real world.

    Copyright © Leon Horn 2024. All rights reserved.

    1h 3m - Jul 24, 2024
  • In 2053 Genius Kids at the End of the World

    In a world where gifted children attend an elite academy to shape the future, seventeen-year-old Lenny finds himself an outsider among prodigies. When a mysterious weather event forces the school into an underground shelter, the students must continue their studies in isolation. As days turn to months, tensions rise and the line between genius and madness begins to blur. Lenny struggles to find his place and purpose in this pressure cooker environment, all while grappling with the allure of forbidden knowledge and the growing sense that something is terribly wrong in the world above. This coming-of-age tale explores the heights of human potential and the depths of despair when faced with an uncertain future.

    1. Fusion rockets

    2. Holograms-in-water technology

    3. Personal companion AI (e.g., Octavia)

    4. Augmented Reality (AR) glasses and interfaces

    5. Virtual Reality (VR) environments

    6. Hologram desk tops

    7. My-crete (a building material)

    8. Self-weaving foam cable

    9. Collagens (building material)

    10. Interactive sleeves (wearable tech)

    11. Closed net system for the school

    12. Medusa (some kind of hacking tool)

    13. Weather alert systems

    12. The Cylinder (a multi-story elevator/shelter)

    13. Iron Maiden (brain-scanning device for post-mortem digitization)

    14. Slick Shoes (some kind of footwear)

    15. Bipedal-bots and other types of robots

    16. Med kiosks

    17. Computational universe technology (using pool tables as computers)

    18. Neuplus (cognitive enhancement drug)

    19. Air purifiers

    20. Emma Doll Bot

    21. Emergency communication channels

    22. Above-ground camera feeds

    23. Advanced AI systems

    Many of the characters in this project appear in future episodes. 

    Using storytelling to place you in a time period, this series takes you, year by year, into the future. From 2040 to 2195. If you like emerging tech, eco-tech, futurism, perma-culture, apocalyptic survival scenarios, and disruptive science, sit back and enjoy short stories that showcase my research into how the future may play out. 

    This is Episode 55 of the podcast "In 20xx Scifi and Futurism." The companion site is https://in20xx.com where you can find a timeline of the future, descriptions of future development, and printed fiction.

    These are works of fiction. Characters and groups are made-up and influenced by current events but not reporting facts about people or groups in the real world.

    Copyright © Leon Horn 2021. All rights reserved.

    40m - Jun 23, 2024
  • In 2053 Sub-Street Dwellers

    A gripping narrative set in a post-apocalyptic Detroit where society has crumbled, and the city is teeming with desperate survivors. The story follows Filipo, an elderly man stranded in the real world after living most of his life in virtual reality. As he struggles with the harsh conditions and the loss of essential supplies to a ruthless gang, he finds hope in the form of Pen, a resourceful individual who provides him with food and water. The interaction between these characters highlights the dire circumstances and the small acts of kindness that keep hope alive.

    Pen, the food brewer, becomes a beacon of hope for many. He not only aids Filipo but also embarks on a quest to find resources and help others survive the catastrophic conditions. His journey through the forested remnants of old neighborhoods and his encounters with other survivors illustrate the resilience and ingenuity required to adapt and survive in this new world. Pen's determination to find cooling units and create food from available plant materials shows his commitment to helping his community withstand the extreme heat and scarcity of resources.

    The story delves into the lives of other characters like Merch, who runs a gaming hall and dreams of creating an AI to excel in video games. His interactions with the children in the gaming hall and his subsequent struggle for survival in the tunnels reflect the broader theme of adaptation and the clash between past comforts and current necessities. Merch's ingenuity and the harsh reality he faces underscore the drastic changes the world has undergone.

    As Pen navigates this treacherous landscape, he confronts personal tragedies and moments of desperation. His efforts to reach his family, the loss he suffers, and his relentless pursuit to provide for them paint a poignant picture of the human spirit's endurance. The emotional weight of these experiences is palpable, making the reader empathize with the characters' plight and root for their survival.

    A tale of survival, resilience, and the enduring human spirit in the face of overwhelming adversity. The story's richly detailed setting, complex characters, and interwoven narratives create a compelling and immersive experience. It serves as a reminder of the fragility of civilization and the strength that lies in unity and compassion amidst chaos.

    Virtual Reality (VR) Systems: Used extensively by characters like Filipo, who spent most of his life in VR. These systems also include VR girlfriends and other VR social interactions .

    Prosthetic Arms: Advanced prosthetics that require subscription keys to function. A character is mentioned to have hacked a prosthetic arm to bypass these keys .

    AI and Gaming: Merch uses an open-source app to record human gameplay data to train an AI. He aims to create an AI that can play games indistinguishably from humans to reach higher character levels .

    Food Brewer Technology: Pen uses brewing technology to create food from plant materials. This includes a process for making "burger-tasting" food items from raw ingredients .

    Cooling Units and Suits: Developed by Merch, these units and suits use air-blowing systems to keep the wearer cool, crucial for survival in extreme heat .

    Hydrogen-Powered Generators: Used to power cooling systems in emergency trailers. They consume hydrogen canisters to provide electricity for cooling during heatwaves .

    BritLight Panels: Light-emitting slabs that hold a static charge and can be recharged by rubbing fabrics together. These panels are used for illumination in the dark underground areas where survivors reside .

    AR Glasses: Augmented Reality glasses worn by Pen, which tag animal and plant locations, identify plant types, and provide night vision. They enhance his ability to forage and navigate through the forested areas .

    VR Dots: Tiny RF chips implanted in faces to enable video calls by mapping facial expressions, allowing realistic 3D portraits of the speaker without needing to aim cameras .

    Eco-Terrorist Engineered Plants: Genetically modified plants with enhanced RuBisCO enzymes and nitrogen-fixing capabilities, designed to grow rapidly and thrive in harsh environments. These plants are a result of eco-terrorism, aimed at reforesting urban areas but causing ecological imbalance .

    Many of the characters in this project appear in future episodes. 


    Using storytelling to place you in a time period, this series takes you, year by year, into the future. From 2040 to 2195. If you like emerging tech, eco-tech, futurism, perma-culture, apocalyptic survival scenarios, and disruptive science, sit back and enjoy short stories that showcase my research into how the future may play out. 


    This is Episode 54 of the podcast "In 20xx Scifi and Futurism." The companion site is https://in20xx.com where you can find a timeline of the future, descriptions of future development, and printed fiction.

    These are works of fiction. Characters and groups are made-up and influenced by current events but not reporting facts about people or groups in the real world.

    Copyright © Leon Horn 2021. All rights reserved.

    52m - Jun 3, 2024
  • In 2053 The Canyon Dwellers

    In a post-apocalyptic world, a group of resilient individuals have established the Nursery, a botanical splicing center located in a desert valley surrounded by giant wind turbines, canyons, and mountains. As they prepare for impending environmental catastrophes, they work tirelessly to adapt wild plants to the harsh desert conditions, employing cutting-edge genetic engineering techniques to create drought-resistant, nutrient-dense crops. Their efforts have drawn attention from around the globe, attracting visitors and scientists alike to witness the wonders of their innovative approach to sustainable agriculture.

    However, as the looming threat of a catastrophic storm approaches, tensions arise within the Nursery community. Daisuke, the visionary founder, leads a breakaway group to establish a more secure shelter in the nearby canyons, where they discover a unique microclimate that promises a better chance of survival. As they race against time, they face challenges in setting up a self-sustaining ecosystem, from harnessing renewable energy sources to implementing water conservation strategies and ensuring a reliable food supply.

    Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, the group must navigate interpersonal conflicts, confront past traumas, and embrace unconventional solutions. With the arrival of the great storm, they find themselves facing a battle for survival, forcing them to confront the harsh realities of their new world and question the true nature of their existence. Will their ingenuity and determination be enough to endure the looming catastrophe? The fate of the Nursery hangs in the balance, as they strive to create a sustainable future in the face of adversity.

    1. Genetic engineering/splicing of plants (ex: desert-adapted plants, shade cacti, corn that grows in saltwater, stomach plants, ivory agaves)

    2. Carb-mesh and my-creet (materials for storm-proofing buildings)

    3. Lutin Bots and Mover Bots (construction robots)

    4. Quadcopter drones for mapping and data collection

    5. Hologram table and quantum computer for simulations

    6. Weather sensors and monitoring systems

    7. Food brewing systems (for producing meat, dairy products)

    8. Algae beds

    9. Saltwater tanks

    10. Synthetic collagen crates

    11. Neuplus (a cognitive enhancement drug)

    12. Mind's Encore (a brain scanning/emulation service)

    13. Bio-heritage Guardians (collect DNA samples)

    14. Medusa (a local internet/communication system)

    15. Protein computers

    16. Autonomous vehicles (jeeps, autono-cabs)

    17. Solar panels, wind turbines, hydrogen grills (renewable energy sources)

    18. Synthetic lignin (biodegradable material replacing paper/cloth)

    19. Link anklets (wearable communication devices)

    20. Life Evolver AI (for designing lifeforms)

    Many of the characters in this project appear in future episodes. 


    Using storytelling to place you in a time period, this series takes you, year by year, into the future. From 2040 to 2195. If you like emerging tech, eco-tech, futurism, perma-culture, apocalyptic survival scenarios, and disruptive science, sit back and enjoy short stories that showcase my research into how the future may play out. 


    This is Episode 53 of the podcast "In 20xx Sci fi and Futurism." The companion site is https://in20xx.com where you can find a timeline of the future, descriptions of future development, and printed fiction.

    These are works of fiction. Characters and groups are made-up and influenced by current events but not reporting facts about people or groups in the real world.

    Copyright © Leon Horn 2021. All rights reserved.

    41m - May 6, 2024
  • In 2053 Hacker's Prison Break

    In a world ravaged by a catastrophic storm, a daring hacker named Tessa finds herself imprisoned in a maximum-security facility. With the world in chaos and the prison on the brink of collapse, Tessa must use her extraordinary skills to not only escape but also to restore the internet and communication systems that have been destroyed.

    Teaming up with a fellow inmate, Kelly, Tessa embarks on a desperate mission to overcome the formidable obstacles that stand in her way. From outwitting the prison's advanced security systems to navigating the treacherous landscape outside, every step is fraught with danger and uncertainty.

    As they delve deeper into the heart of this post-apocalyptic world, Tessa and Kelly uncover shocking truths about the nature of the calamity and the forces that may have orchestrated it. With time running out and the fate of humanity hanging in the balance, they must summon all their courage, ingenuity, and resilience to confront the challenges that lie ahead.

    A curious AI waits isolated in a sub, sub-basement for the people to return. One of the worlds most notorious hackers and a killer who used a sex bot to kill her victim are trapped in a prison during the "World Storm," the first global scall storm. The Warden AI stops inmates from breaking out even though the world outside is wrecked to a point of no return. Who will survive?

    1.World Simulator 2.0 - The most accurate micro-to-macro simulation

    2. Peripheral devices like ballpoint pens that can share data

    3. Canal links and implants (body modifications)

    4. AR glasses

    5. Foldables (likely foldable displays/devices)

    6. Prison robots and guard bots

    7. Cleaning bots

    8. Tranquilizer pistols/darts

    9. Tablets and generic off-brand tablet models

    10. Pleasure bots

    11. Emergency first aid devices with tablets

    12. Encrypted streamers

    13. Solar jackets

    14. Locks/security systems

    15. Computer terminals and servers

    16. Prison security systems like Warden AI

    17. Protein computers that can be grown in the body

    18. Links/neural links for computing devices

    19. Snaky Cat Puppet videos

    20. Robot programming like Robot Team

    21. Cyber security AI

    22. Alignment AI for AI ethics

    23. Transparency AI

    24. Curious AI system like Calcifer

    25. Simulation sandbox environments

    Many of the characters in this project appear in future episodes. 


    Using storytelling to place you in a time period, this series takes you, year by year, into the future. If you like emerging tech, eco-tech, futurism, perma-culture, apocalyptic survival scenarios, and disruptive science, sit back and enjoy short stories that showcase my research into how the future may play out. 

    This is Episode 52 of the podcast "In 20xx Scifi and Futurism." The companion site is https://in20xx.com where you can find a timeline of the future, descriptions of future development, and printed fiction.

    These are works of fiction. Characters and groups are made-up and influenced by current events but not reporting facts about people or groups in the real world.

    Copyright © Leon Horn 2024. All rights reserved.

    46m - Apr 10, 2024
  • In 2053 Survivors Underground

    In a world where technology has woven itself into the fabric of daily life, the Tribes stand as beacons of resilience and adaptation. Set in a not-so-distant future, this riveting tale follows the journey of survivors caught in the midst of a catastrophic storm that has severed them from the world they once knew.

    Amidst the chaos, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and robotics become more than mere tools; they are lifelines, guiding the characters through a labyrinth of challenges. From first-aid bots and automated suitcases to virtual reality meetings and remote-controlled avatars, the story immerses readers in a world where the boundaries between technology and humanity blur.

    As the survivors navigate their new reality, they are forced to confront the harsh truth that the world as they knew it may never be the same. In this dystopian landscape, themes of community, survival, and the delicate balance between tradition and progress intertwine, creating a thought-provoking narrative that will resonate with readers long after the last page.

    Cindy and Winston take shelter in a tunnel system owned by a Native tribe. As temporary accommodations are set up, they both grapple with most like losing friends and loved ones. The World Net is down but they get on the net run by the tribe.

    Tamika leaves a cruise with her husband to fix a problem in the largest neighborhood complex on the East Coast. Most of the residence of this NC are game addicts so she hardly sees anyone even though she goes to the NC mall. As storms around the world reach many locations, her husband makes a fearful call to her from a shelter and she loses contact with a co-contractor.

    Links (Augmented Reality devices/glasses)

    Assistant (AI assistant)

    First aid bot

    Robots (general mentions of robots)

    Hume-noid bots (humanoid robots)

    Automated suitcases

    Foldable (folding tablet/computer)

    Solar clothes with link chargers

    Sleep caps (devices to help with sleep)

    Magnetic resonator sleep caps

    Virtual reality (VR) games

    Aeroponic grow towers

    Remote-meeting bots

    Cleaning robots

    Animatronic band


    Internet/World Wide Web backups

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems like the one Cindy trained

    Many of the characters in this project appear in future episodes.

    Using storytelling to place you in a time period, this series takes you, year by year, into the future. From 2040 to 2195. If you like emerging tech, eco-tech, futurism, perma-culture, apocalyptic survival scenarios, and disruptive science, sit back and enjoy short stories that showcase my research into how the future may play out.

    This is Episode 51 of the podcast "In 20xx Scifi and Futurism." The companion site is https://in20xx.com where you can find a timeline of the future, descriptions of future development, and printed fiction.

    These are works of fiction. Characters and groups are made-up and influenced by current events but not reporting facts about people or groups in the real world.

    Copyright © Leon Horn 2021. All rights reserved.

    37m - Mar 22, 2024
  • In 2053 The Dawn of World Storm

    Meg is a wealthy businesswoman who seeks shelter in her luxury bunker. She watches in horror as her home and businesses are destroyed. Nabo is a young man addicted to virtual reality gaming who gets trapped in an abandoned gas station during the storm. Carlos is an astronaut who volunteers to search for survivors.

    The storm causes widespread destruction - knocking down buildings, uprooting infrastructure, flooding neighborhoods, and killing many people. With power and internet knocked out, survivors struggle to get food, water, and medical aid. Meg, Nabo, Carlos and others try to find safety as the unrelenting storm rages on for days.

    A VR where everything is 5% better than in real life.

    Augmented reality

    Canal links

    Foldables (advanced mobile devices)

    Ballet bots (humanoid robot servants)

    Lutin bots (another type of robot servant)

    Stretcher bots 

    Blimp drones

    Rocket travel

    Autono-cabs (self-driving taxis)

    Stasis beds

    Magnetic resonance pain relief devices

    Bio-printing stem cells for skin regeneration 

    The Sims 24 video game with advanced AI

    Peep's link data collection network

    Emergency Operations Centers

    Underground luxury bunkers

    Robot arms for skin care

    Wall-sized displays

    Food technologies like shroom-caf and yeast grown eggs

    CCTV surveillance systems

    Weave roads (advanced road technology)

    Neighborhood Complex buildings with survival bunkers

    emerging tech, eco-tech, apocalypse, survival, disruptive, science, climate, future, short, solarpunk, post-apocalyptic, predictions, futurology, futurism, scifi, sci-fi, technology, tech, black mirror, skepticism, space, permaculture, robotics, inventions, advancements, exploration, singularity, speculative.

    Many of the characters in this project appear in future episodes. 


    Using storytelling to place you in a time period, this series takes you, year by year, into the future. From 2040 to 2195. If you like emerging tech, eco-tech, futurism, perma-culture, apocalyptic survival scenarios, and disruptive science, sit back and enjoy short stories that showcase my research into how the future may play out. 


    This is Episode 50 of the podcast "In 20xx Scifi and Futurism." The companion site is https://in20xx.com where you can find a timeline of the future, descriptions of future development, and printed fiction.

    These are works of fiction. Characters and groups are made-up and influenced by current events but not reporting facts about people or groups in the real world.

    Copyright © Leon Horn 2021. All rights reserved.

    46m - Feb 29, 2024
  • In 2052 Countdown to End Days

    As world scientists predict a catastrophic world weather event. On the cusp of such an event follow those who hide from the news of such an event. Who survives a new Earth? Humanity is at an evolutionary bottleneck. Some will survive, but who. And why are they the fortunate ones?

    Many of the characters in this project appear in future episodes. 

    Using storytelling to place you in a time period, this series takes you, year by year, into the future. From 2040 to 2195. If you like emerging tech, eco-tech, futurism, perma-culture, apocalyptic survival scenarios, and disruptive science, sit back and enjoy short stories that showcase my research into how the future may play out.

    This is Episode 49 of the podcast "In 20xx Scifi and Futurism." The companion site is https://in20xx.com where you can find a timeline of the future, descriptions of future development, and printed fiction.

    These are works of fiction. Characters and groups are made-up and influenced by current events but not reporting facts about people or groups in the real world.

    Copyright © Leon Horn 2021. All rights reserved.

    47m - Feb 10, 2024
  • In 2052 Three Months Before the Apocalypse

    A story set in a dystopian near-future where climate disaster and political unrest have led to extreme prepping and survival measures. Madge loses her job at a data farming company and turns to Tai Chi. As doomsday fears grow, people build bunkers, flood walls, and even convert homes into shelters. What will ascetic Madge do to prepare for a chaotic future?

    Meanwhile, Kelly travels the country struggling with anxiety and questioning the meaning of her life when the threat of climate catastrophe looms.

    When a right-wing political activist is murdered by a hacked sex doll, an MRI machine that reads brain patterns is used as key evidence.

    Key search terms: sci-fi, dystopia, tai chi, microbiome, survivalism, prepping, bunkers, MRI brain scan, hacked sex doll, murder mystery, prison, climate anxiety,

    Data farming

    Artificial intelligence assistants

    Augmented reality (AR) glasses

    Bone mounts for AR glasses

    Holographic video walls

    Tube transportation

    Medical kiosks

    Living medicines

    Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) headsets


    Portable MRI caps

    MRI brain scanning and analysis

    Intimacy dolls

    Dark net software

    Bots (e.g. lutin bots, sentry bots, cop bots)

    Microbial power cells

    Microbe food production

    Air and water filtration systems

    Century batteries

    Robot construction

    climate change

    global warming  

    disaster preparedness


    dome homes 

    Tiny homes



    fecal transplants

    intimacy dolls

    murder mystery

    Many of the characters in this project appear in future episodes. 

    Using storytelling to place you in a time period, this series takes you, year by year, into the future. From 2040 to 2195. If you like emerging tech, eco-tech, futurism, perma-culture, apocalyptic survival scenarios, and disruptive science, sit back and enjoy short stories that showcase my research into how the future may play out. 

    This is Episode 48 of the podcast "In 20xx Scifi and Futurism." The companion site is https://in20xx.com where you can find a timeline of the future, descriptions of future development, and printed fiction.

    These are works of fiction. Characters and groups are made-up and influenced by current events but not reporting facts about people or groups in the real world.

    Copyright © Leon Horn 2021. All rights reserved.

    56m - Jan 20, 2024
  • In 2052 Six Months Before the Apocalypse

    People are scared the world will end when the Moon Canons Project is shut down. A couple move to an Xtian Nationalist state to care for an elderly mother and soon face fanatics and local terrorist. A woman comes to town for revenge on people who killed her family.

    Moon canon project - Canons on the moon that shoot dust to create cloud trails, intended to reduce sunlight and combat climate change. Shut down unexpectedly.

    Autonomous planes - Used to ferry residents out of Springfield airport after schools close.  

    Luggage bots - Suitcases that can walk and follow their owners on legs.

    Survive-all pod - A refrigerator-sized pod filled with equipment, walks on legs, provides power, water, etc. An essential survival tool.

    AR glasses - Provide 360 degree vision, night vision, infrared, and other enhanced senses. Allow accessing the internet through AR.

    Mechanical stomach - Produces nutritional bars from plant matter. An off-grid food source.  

    Atmospheric water harvester - Condenses moisture from the air into drinkable water. Useful in arid environments.

    Century battery - Provides constant power for over 100 years through microbial fuel cell technology. Powers the survive-all pod.

    Medusa - An AI that can infect devices and create shadow servers to enable internet access off the grid. 

    DNA eraser - Chemical that destroys DNA, used to cover tracks. The Tuckers use it when the main character escapes in a jeep. 

    Cop bots - Robots used as autonomous police in Springfield. Brought back online to search for the fugitive.

    Many of the characters in this project appear in future episodes.

    Using storytelling to place you in a time period, this series takes you, year by year, into the future. From 2040 to 2195. If you like emerging tech, eco-tech, futurism, perma-culture, apocalyptic survival scenarios, and disruptive science, sit back and enjoy short stories that showcase my research into how the future may play out. 

    This is Episode 47 of the podcast "In 20xx Scifi and Futurism." The companion site is https://in20xx.com where you can find a timeline of the future, descriptions of future development, and printed fiction.

    These are works of fiction. Characters and groups are made-up and influenced by current events but not reporting facts about people or groups in the real world.

    Copyright © Leon Horn 2021. All rights reserved.

    49m - Jan 4, 2024
  • In 2052 Curious Minds Prosper

    Twin 15 year old brother. One loves science and evidence based discovery, the other loves magic, ghosts, and conspiracy theories. What fates await these two as their outlooks pull them apart?

    New addictive games covertly test young minds and children are recruited to an school for brilliant minds hosted by one of the biggest corporations.

    Moon canons that shoot clouds of dust between the Sun and Earth, reducing the effects of climate change, have been stopped. Is a climate catastrophe inevitable?


    Augmented reality (AR) glasses/headsets for messaging alerts, presentations, and other overlays on the real world

    Virtual reality (VR) headsets for immersive gaming experiences and training simulations

    Rig setups with motion capture, robot arms, and other features for immersive VR experiences

    Giantess/Biotic distribution centers able to produce food, clothing, and other goods on demand, up to 10 stories tall

    Delivery blimp drones for transporting goods

    Bio-bot smelters and other recycling technology

    Aeroponic farming

    Yeast-based proteins (brewed foods) with textures like beef, shrimp, etc.

    Snow vacuums

    Spinal implants and printed vertebrae for paralysis treatment

    Gravity batteries using weights and generators

    Automated surveying robots and building AI for architects

    Highly adaptive AI/robots able to learn new medical and other skilled tasks without training


    Many of the characters in this project appear in future episodes. 


    Using storytelling to place you in a time period, this series takes you, year by year, into the future. From 2040 to 2195. If you like emerging tech, eco-tech, futurism, perma-culture, apocalyptic survival scenarios, and disruptive science, sit back and enjoy short stories that showcase my research into how the future may play out. 


    This is Episode 46 of the podcast "In 20xx Scifi and Futurism." The companion site is https://in20xx.com where you can find a timeline of the future, descriptions of future development, and printed fiction.

    These are works of fiction. Characters and groups are made-up and influenced by current events but not reporting facts about people or groups in the real world.

    Copyright © Leon Horn 2021. All rights reserved.

    40m - Dec 11, 2023
  • In 2051 Virtual Gravity in Space

    Leia, a war-weary veteran, grapples with the challenges of adapting to civilian life in a future Atlanta where automation has reshaped society. As Leia navigates the complexities of her family dynamics and civilian routine, the narrative unfolds against the canvas of a society marked by political tensions and the ever-present influence of advanced technology, where even personal interactions are mediated by augmented reality.

    Leia's journey takes an unexpected turn when she learns of a unique job opportunity that beckons her to the vastness of space. As she contemplates this new chapter, political unrest on Earth adds a layer of suspense, culminating in a shocking twist that alters the course of Leia's life.

    1. Augmented Reality (AR) Glasses: Leia's civilian life is marked by the use of lightweight AR glasses, equipped with encrypted stream cameras for recording, and an Assistant AI that offers assistance and suggestions.
    2. Lutin Bots: Automated bots play a role in Leia's daily life, performing tasks like making omelets and biscuits. Premium skills, such as massage capabilities, can be added to these bots.
    3. Canal Link: A futuristic communication device that Leia uses, capable of providing an ads-free link, and undergoing regular updates for various features.
    4. Drone Blimps: Police employ drone blimps equipped with specialized AIs to locate potential threats, particularly mass shooters, during public demonstrations.
    5. Space Mining Company Opportunities: The narrative introduces the concept of space mining companies seeking technicians willing to live and work in space, reflecting advancements in extraterrestrial resource exploration.
    6. Superconductive Solar Arrays: The research and manufacturing space station in Earth's orbit features enormous superconductive solar arrays, harnessing near-zero gravity and temperature for advanced technological developments.
    7. 3D-Printed Organs: In the narrative, organ transplants are 3D printed in space, using cells from the recipients, eliminating the need for immunosuppressants.
    8. Quantum Engines: A research group on the space station develops quantum engines for deep space travel, running in very low temperatures to power ships far from sunlight.
    9. Bio-Bots and Protein Transistors: Medical procedures involve bio-bots growing protein transistors next to nerves in the inner ear regions to mitigate space adaptation syndrome, providing a form of artificial gravity in virtual reality experiences.
    10. Phages for Disinfection: The space station employs phages for disinfection, replacing air with microbes that seek out and neutralize harmful agents, creating a forest-like environment.
    11. Voting via Canal Link: The story features a futuristic voting system where individuals receive encrypted ballots in their AR, allowing them to pre-vote using their Canal Links.

    Many of the characters in this project appear in future episodes. 

    Using storytelling to place you in a time period, this series takes you, year by year, into the future. From 2040 to 2195. If you like emerging tech, eco-tech,

    futurism, perma-culture, apocalyptic survival scenarios, and disruptive

    science, sit back and enjoy short stories that showcase my research into how

    the future may play out.  

    This is

    Episode 45 of the podcast "In 20xx Scifi and Futurism." The companion

    site is https://in20xx.com where you can find

    a timeline of the future, descriptions of future development, and printed


    These are

    works of fiction. Characters and groups are made-up and influenced by current

    events but not reporting facts about people or groups in the real world.


    © Leon Horn 2021. All rights reserved.

    40m - Nov 19, 2023
  • In 2051 Gene Outlaws

    An addict of virtual reality has a one night stand. Now most everyone can afford a humanoid robot. A couple decide to break the law by seeking gene screening for their newborn. A war overseas has ended. Deep mines cause prices to plummet. New military complexes are being built. Why so many babies?!

    Many of the characters in this project appear in future episodes. 

      Using storytelling to place you in a time period, this series takes you, year by year, into the future. From 2040 to 2195. If you like emerging tech, eco-tech, futurism, perma-culture, apocalyptic survival scenarios, and disruptive science, sit back and enjoy short stories that showcase my research into how the future may play out. 

    This is Episode 44 of the podcast "In 20xx Scifi and Futurism." The companion site is https://in20xx.com where you can find a timeline of the future, descriptions of future development, and printed fiction.

    These are works of fiction. Characters and groups are made-up and influenced by current events but not reporting facts about people or groups in the real world.

    Copyright © Leon Horn 2021. All rights reserved.

    39m - Nov 4, 2023
  • In 2051 Journalist Cut Loose

    Someone who works for NPR Detroit rides the waves of change and it's a bumpy ride. She makes use of AI to get legal advice. She interviews self-sustainers, people who maintain methods of surviving completely on their own in case the grid goes down, society collapses, or AI decides people are not needed. She interviews a rich person who lives in the wilderness and goes to work remotely.

    Many of the characters in this project appear in future episodes.

    Using storytelling to place you in a time period, this series takes you, year by year, into the future. From 2040 to 2195. If you like emerging tech, eco-tech, futurism, perma-culture, apocalyptic survival scenarios, and disruptive science, sit back and enjoy short stories that showcase my research into how the future may play out.

    This is Episode 43 of the podcast "In 20xx Scifi and Futurism." The companion site is https://in20xx.com where you can find a timeline of the future, descriptions of future development, and printed fiction.

    These are works of fiction. Characters and groups are made-up and influenced by current events but not reporting facts about people or groups in the real world.

    Copyright © Leon Horn 2021. All rights reserved.

    31m - Oct 11, 2023
  • In 2051 The Love Doll Operator

    New AIs come out that allow access to personal lawyers and doctors free of cost. Kelly from episode 35 works remote controlling love dolls because people still feel AI lack personality. AIs may be able to fool humans in the short term but over time the lack of a person behind the persona bothers people. Because of her work, Kelly gains expertise in trouble shooting robot settings. She also works with a client who confesses to her a terrible secret.

    36m - Sep 26, 2023
  • In 2050 AI Will Maximize Your Life

    Two new AIs come out. One AI’s purpose and only purpose is to “upgrade your standard of living.” It finds income sources for you but also advises and guides you to maximize the duration and amount of your wealth. The second AI does all the work of finding love interests for you.

    Someone retrofits their house for storms. A dog/goat chimera come out. It eats compost and guards your house.

    Many of the characters in this project appear in future episodes. 

    Using storytelling to place you in a time period, this series takes you, year by year, into the future. From 2040 to 2195. If you like emerging tech, eco-tech, futurism, perma-culture, apocalyptic survival scenarios, and disruptive science, sit back and enjoy short stories that showcase my research into how the future may play out. 

    This is Episode 41 of the podcast "In 20xx Scifi and Futurism." The companion site is https://in20xx.com where you can find a timeline of the future, descriptions of future development, and printed fiction.

    These are works of fiction. Characters and groups are made-up and influenced by current events but not reporting facts about people or groups in the real world.

    Copyright © Leon Horn 2021. All rights reserved.

    54m - Sep 10, 2023
  • In 2050 All Criminals are Hackers

    The character Beth returns and now she involves herself in cyber crime. This episode focuses on hacking and crime in the future. In a lot of ways it’s nearly impossible to commit a crime. Cameras are everywhere and AI watch through cameras 24/7. DNA forensics can place people who did nothing more than walk through a crime scene. Prison life is also changed when prisoners are put in stasis.

    Many of the characters in this project appear in future episodes. 

    Using storytelling to place you in a time period, this series takes you, year by year, into the future. From 2040 to 2195. If you like emerging tech, eco-tech, futurism, perma-culture, apocalyptic survival scenarios, and disruptive science, sit back and enjoy short stories that showcase my research into how the future may play out. 

    This is Episode 40 of the podcast "In 20xx Scifi and Futurism." The companion site is https://in20xx.com where you can find a timeline of the future, descriptions of future development, and printed fiction.

    Copyright © Leon Horn 2021. All rights reserved.

    43m - Aug 26, 2023
  • In 2050 The Revolution Starts Here

    In 2050 A new border wall is completed. A parent takes her kid out of school because the Supreme Court has put on pause secular education. A fem takes weight loss meds that completely bring her to slimness. An elderly person uses muscle building meds designed for spacers. The shadow server Medusa is catching on as people have less choices. A father salvages a neuromorphic computer and gives it to his math-wiz daughter. Is this the edge of the Singularity?

    Many of the characters in this project appear in future episodes.

    Using storytelling to place you in a time period, this series takes you, year by year, into the future. From 2040 to 2195. If you like emerging tech, eco-tech, futurism, perma-culture, apocalyptic survival scenarios, and disruptive science, sit back and enjoy short stories that showcase my research into how the future may play out.

    This is Episode 39 of the podcast "In 20xx Scifi and Futurism." The companion site is https://in20xx.com where you can find a timeline of the future, descriptions of future development, and printed fiction.

    Copyright © Leon Horn 2021. All rights reserved.

    26m - Aug 3, 2023
  • In 2050 Moms Kill Education

    In this episode people at MIT are working on total VR emersion tech. Great crowds of people protest in part because data farming jobs give them the free time to protest. The Supreme court rules on no messing with fertility and embryo development. Genetically modified pets become popular. A group, Moms for Freedom, attack higher education.

    Many of the characters in this project appear in future episodes. 

    Using storytelling to place you in a time period, this series takes you, year by year, into the future. From 2040 to 2195. If you like emerging tech, eco-tech, futurism, perma-culture, apocalyptic survival scenarios, and disruptive science, sit back and enjoy short stories that showcase my research into how the future may play out.

    This is Episode 38 of the podcast "In 20xx Scifi and Futurism." The companion site is https://in20xx.com where you can find a timeline of the future, descriptions of future development, and printed fiction.

    These are works of fiction. Characters and groups are made-up and influenced by current events but not reporting facts about people or groups in the real world. Copyright © Leon Horn 2021. All rights reserved.

    31m - Jul 22, 2023
  • In 2049 Luna Habitat

    Hums are being hired to scout in space. In a habitat on Luna, People take meds to maintain bone and muscle density. Of all the problems caused by living in space, mental health remains the hardest to solve.

    A couple fall in love, want to have a baby and learn about the embryo screening and germ-line editing options.

    Many of the characters in this project appear in future episodes. 

    Using storytelling to place you in a time period, this series takes you, year by year, into the future. From 2040 to 2195. If you like emerging tech, eco-tech, futurism, perma-culture, apocalyptic survival scenarios, and disruptive science, sit back and enjoy short stories that showcase my research into how the future may play out. 

    This is Episode 37 of the podcast "In 20xx Scifi and Futurism." The companion site is https://in20xx.com where you can find a timeline of the future, descriptions of future development, and printed fiction.

    Copyright © Leon Horn 2023. All rights reserved.

    33m - Jul 8, 2023
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In 20xx Scifi and Futurism