Wrestlers Have Feelings Too with Jay Washington

Season 3 | Episode 2
1h 17m | Nov 24, 2021

Jay Washington (wrestler, comedian, and host) joins us to talk about black men's mental health, how he got his start in wrestling and comedy, and how you can learn to feel better even when you've hit rock bottom. Some other topics include:

  • Divorce and recovery
  • How Jay kept his confidence and swagger, booking gigs even while he was sleeping in his car!
  • His wake up call when a friend stopped him from jumping out of a window
  • The power of positive affirmations

Follow host Keila Dolle: @keiladolle // @cryingbehindpod

Guest Jay Washington: @mrjaywashington // Blerds in the Hood podcast // Mad Titan podcast


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Crying Behind Sunglasses with Keila Dolle