There is Life After Divorce with Matthew Solomon

Season 2 | Episode 26
1h 7m | Aug 20, 2021

Dating, relationships, marriage, divorce - all of these things deeply impact and are affected by our mental health. On today's episode, host Keila Dolle dives deep with Matthew Solomon. He's an empowerment coach specializing in communication and relationships, and the author of “Man School: Relating with Women in the #MeToo Era.”

TRIGGER WARNING - sexual assault

Topics include:

  • Helping men to understand their role in the #MeToo movement
  • Reinventing yourself after divorce
  • conscious uncoupling
  • Being creative with your life path

Follow host Keila Dolle: @keiladolle // @cryingbehindpod

Follow Matthew Solomon: @mattytheglue

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Crying Behind Sunglasses with Keila Dolle