2. Playing Hard-to-Get is Not a Game

30m | Mar 17, 2021

Feel stuck in dating? Are the same dating patterns happening over and over again? Do you wish you felt better about your dating experience? This episode explores how to feel more confident and valued while you are searching for a great relationship. I will talk about how 'Hard-to-Get' (with a twist) can be a powerful tool in making dating more positive, equitable and rewarding. I'll also cover why this dating strategy creates more excitement and sparks while you navigate the world of dating.

Thanks so much for listening to Relationship University and being a part of this conversation! Feel free to follow us on Instagram @relationshippodcast for more inspiration and content!

Lastly, I don't endorse the following book or recommend it for dating skills, however, I did mention on my episode that I would include it in the show notes, so here it is: The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists by Neil Strauss. INSTEAD I would recommend this dating book for everyone, not only people who identify as girls/women: Get the Guy by Matthew Hussey. I found this book to be intelligent, compassionate, creative and on-point for dating skills across the board.

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Relationship University