ep5: how to stay motivated? | ashwin

44m | May 2, 2022

“Huh, so what does SI even mean?”

We feature our beloved director as we share more about our committee, the 10th Social Innovation (SI) Wing! Tune in as Jean and Ashwin have a heartfelt conversation about why we continue doing the work we do, and how we keep the passion going.

How do we continue to inspire ourselves and others in the face of all the tough moments we encounter? We come clean about our own struggles in finding ourselves and reaching peace with our evolving identity.

We want to ask you, “Are you willing to fight for the things you believe in?”

⭐️ CAPTains Featured:

🍵 Ashwin Pandiyan

🎙Tay Jean Yee (LinkedInYouTube)

⭐️ Podcast Editor: Priscilla Lee (LinkedIn)

⭐️ Sound Engineer: Ryan Cheung

Proudly Produced By,

❤️10th Social Innovation Wing, CAPT



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