Eating Healthy with "The Mixologist" Anthony Stewart | Black Health Matters STL Podcast Ep 01

Season 2 | Episode 1
22m | Oct 24, 2022

Hey. Welcome to Black Health Matters. My name is Harlan Bee Hodge. I am super excited today, man. I'm going to skip over all of the intros and all of that stuff today because we got to maximize our time today. We got the Anthony Stewart in the studio with us today, man, and I'm excited. This man is what we call a polymath.

He is a master of many, many, many things. As a matter of fact, we're going to jump into as much of that as possible today. But in particular, because this is about black health matters, we're going to talk about health. As a matter of fact, this morning we've been already diving into a bunch of stuff. So welcome, Mr. Anthony Stewart.

Host: Harlan B. Hodge

Founder Black People Bike

About Harlan

It is my belief that people find meaning, purpose, and happiness through meaningful work. Meaningful work is labor that results in the enhancement of others. The act of exercising one's gifts brings joy to the individual while the act of service to others creates a stronger community. Thus, the individual and society are interdependent. The act of working for and with each other enhances the individuals and the relationship. Ultimately, the quality of one's life and the well-being of any community can be measured by the quality and quantity of their connections. There is no greater method of enhancing social bonds than cooperative labor. The most efficient method is the sharing of stories.

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Black Health Matters