Life | Health | Fitness with Stan Le'Roy Owner of Team Resurrection Gym St. Louis, MO | Black Health Matters Ep 03

Season 1 | Episode 3
40m | Oct 31, 2022

We've been talking to Stan, the Roy, who is a pillar in St Louis. Everybody has seen this man. And today, I'm honored to have him on Black Health Matters with us today. We invite great people on and talk to them about what they're doing to try to improve the health of our folks.

We talk about black people a lot, not just because we are black, but because we know that the health and well-being of black people is paramount. We have some of the the greatest challenges facing us in the nation, from heart disease to cancer. Every preventable disease you could imagine. We're at the top of the list right. And I think that there's a whole lot of stuff that we can do to change it.

More importantly, we have a whole lot of change agents out here. And so I ran into Stan the other day, and we had a chance to finally just connect on a on a personal level. Let me introduce you to Stan Le'Roy!

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Black Health Matters