• The Build Cast #3 - Meadow

    On this episode Meadow and I just sit down and have a causal conversation, rambling on about stuff as a we build puzzles from target.

    1h 27m - Apr 26, 2021
  • The Build Cast #2 - Palmer

    On episode 2 of the build cast; We talked to palmer where we discuss where she's from and who she is. We go on conversing about random topics while we build Legos. I built a Lego dinosaur and Palmer built a Lego angler fish.

    E2 - 2h 50m - Mar 21, 2021
  • The Build Cast #1 p2 - Amelia Jimenez

    On Episode 1 part 2 of the build cast: We talk to Amelia Jimenez where we discuss her upbringing, answer questions, and ramble on as we each built a Lego set . I built a Lego street sweeper and Amelia built her first ever Lego which was a plane.

    57m - Mar 16, 2021
  • The Build Cast #1 - Amelia Jimenez

    On Episode 1 of the build cast: We talk to Amelia Jimenez where we discuss her upbringing, answer questions, and ramble on as we each built a Lego set . I built a Lego street sweeper and Amelia built her first ever Lego which was a plane.

    E1 - 1h 42m - Mar 16, 2021
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Ethos Pathos Legos