003 - How Jodi Sodini Skyrocketed a Women's Academy Launch by 150%

Season 1 | Episode 3
7m | May 8, 2024

Ever wondered what it takes to kickstart a thriving women's academy? Well, Jodi Sodini has got the inside scoop! Teaming up with the dynamic Valorie Burton, they embarked on a journey to make waves in the education realm. Recognizing the importance of a stellar launch, they pulled out all the stops. From brainstorming a killer hook to sweetening the deal with irresistible incentives, they had their strategy locked and loaded.

But that's not all. With lead gen ads and a meticulously crafted funnel, they unleashed a marketing frenzy that surpassed all expectations. The result? A 150% overachievement on their targets, with membership numbers skyrocketing beyond their expectations. Yep, you heard that right—what many would aim to achieve in a year, they conquered in just one epic launch!

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