• Building Bridges Across Generations: The Role of Fathers in Intergenerational Relationships

    In this episode, we delve into the essential role fathers play in fostering strong intergenerational relationships within the family. Discover practical ways to build and maintain meaningful connections with grandparents, impart family heritage and traditions to children, and navigate differing parenting styles across generations. We share expert insights, real-life examples, and actionable tips to help you strengthen these bonds and enrich your family's legacy. Tune in for an engaging and insightful discussion that highlights the importance of fathers in bridging generational gaps and preserving family unity.

    19m - Jul 17, 2024
  • Importance of Fathers in the teaching of values in children

    👉🏻 to join our fatherhood zoom meetings reach out to us at jonathan.avila@lumineducation.org

    17m - Aug 21, 2023
  • Playing with our children

    In this episode we talk about how important it is for parents to play with their children

    16m - May 1, 2023
  • Why do children lie?

    In this episode we talk about why do children lie and what we as parents can do about it.

    24m - Mar 9, 2023
  • 5 Habits that makes a family function

    American psychologist and popularizer Bruce Foile has theorized in his latest essay, The Secrets of Happy Families (William Morrow) a kind of guide for parents on how to strengthen ties and approach the dynamics of day-to-day life in a new way.

    18m - Jan 23, 2023
  • What is a habit and how does it help me

    In this new episode we talk about what is a habit and why it is important for our lives.

    25m - Jan 12, 2023

    Today we speak about the strength of a father's love

    19m - Nov 14, 2022
  • Fathers and Discouragement

    Discouragement in our roles as fathers is real. Let's learn how to deal with it.

    17m - Sep 27, 2022
  • Rebel Fathers

    Rebelling against the status quo that society puts of fatherhood...

    Conference excerpt taken from Ted talk "Fatherhood can change the world" by Ned Schaut...


    23m - May 23, 2022
  • 6 Obstacles for father involvement

    we discuss in this episode some obstacles that are keeping fathers from being more involved in their children's life.

    28m - May 4, 2022
  • Are You Enjoying Your Children?

    Fatherhood is one of the best experiences in life. in this episode we talk about the importance of enjoying our fatherhood.

    19m - Apr 11, 2022
  • What if Adults and Children would speak more?

    In this episode we speak about the importance of communication between adults and children and some of the benefits we find in it.

    This espisode was inspired by the TED talk in Spanish "¿Y si adultos y niños habláramos más?" by Javier Ochoa García de León | TEDxPitic

    If you understand Spanish we encourage you to pay a listen to it. here's the link.


    22m - Mar 30, 2022
  • Memory Makers

    In this episode we talk about the importance of being Memory Makers for our children.

    S2 - 14m - Oct 6, 2021
  • Teaching our children to find Joy in times of uncertainty

    When times of uncertainty hit, it can throw you and your family’s life off-balance. Adulting has become an even harder role to fill if you have a child. Keeping your kiddos joyful and engaged in fun activities may seem like a thing of the past.

    14m - Apr 5, 2021
  • Emotional Intelligence in Children

    Children need the experience of feeling emotions and practice tolerating them to develop self-control and emotional intelligence.

    E2 - 13m - Mar 24, 2021
  • Getting to Know our Children

    Our rol as fathers goes beyond just providing financially. Today we talk about getting to know our children

    15m - Feb 1, 2021
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The Fatherhood Podcast