102. High Achievers' Dilemma: The Shadow of Success

29m | May 9, 2024

This week's episode of The Path explores the theme of achievement that feels empty - something all too common today. It delves into the impact of childhood programming and conditioning on our beliefs and behaviors, particularly in relation to achievement and success. The conversation emphasizes the importance of going inward, questioning who we've known ourselves to be, and living authentically. It also highlights the need for curiosity, courage, and commitment in the pursuit of personal growth and fulfillment.

Topics Include:

  • The Impact of Childhood Programming
  • Recognizing Achievement that Feels Empty
  • The Necessity of Curiosity, Courage, and Commitment
  • The Enneagram Type 3
  • Prioritizing Inner Fulfillment over External Markers of Success


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The Path with Mike Salemi