Licensed Chiropractor Dr. Tony Brooks

30m | Nov 4, 2021

A licensed chiropractor in the state of Washington. Helping people improve their health with diet, exercise, and chiropractic adjustments. Tony currently resides in the Seattle area with their wife (the unicorn) and two children. Growing up in the Sacramento valley in the town of Roseville, CA. A seemingly normal unassuming, yet driven young individual. Quietly excelled in the classroom and athletics until his sophomore year when he tore his right ACL in a pickup basketball game. Quickly, he jumped on his knee surgery with aggressive rehabilitation and was 100% before leaving high school. After high school, he enrolled at the University of Arizona in Tucson. During his first month in college, an event that is ingrained into most Americans’ minds took place. The month was September and the year was two thousand and one. 9/11/01. That day forever changed Tony, his mindset, and his drive to serve something greater than himself. In January of 2002, Black Hawk Down was released and he watched it with a few of my fellow fraternity brothers. This movie brought back the memories of his brother growing up and telling him all about how “badass” Rangers were.

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Structurally Sound w/ Dr. Jason Alviene