Watch Teej S2 Episode 4: TJPW BRANDNEW WRESTLING 3

2h 56m | May 2, 2023

This week after 3 weeks of saying she is coming down with something AngeSoyMilk really is feeling poorly and has to take a week off from recording. So this show features a surprise visit from everyone's favorite squared circle moderator, A Kitty Cat!

After much deliberation, the gang opts to watch "BRANDNEW WRESTLING 3 - Stronger Than Anybody" which features the tag team of Unagi & Pom vs Mahiro and the short-lived YUMI. Mina Shirakawa, Yuki Kamifuku & Yuna Manase vs Nodoka Tenma, Raku & Rika Tatsumi in a match based around boob-based offense than anyone remembered. Su Yung vs. Yuka Sakazaki in the match that .gif is from. Yes, THAT .gif. Mizuki vs Maki. Suzume's debut. Natsumi Maki (Natsupoi) vs Gisele Shaw in an amazing battle for the International Princess Title. And because Ange isn't here... NEO Biishiki-gun vs Miu & Miyu. 

If you have never watched TJPW before in your life this is an amazing show to start with! If you are a fan of TJPW... this is where half of Joshi Twitters .gif's come from. 

We hope you enjoy!

Hosts: @void_of_opinion, @OneThirtyH, @SC_AKittyCat

Show: BRANDNEW WRESTLING 3 - Stronger than anyone -


Start Time: 31min 0 seconds

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