• Watch Teej S2 Episode 10 - The One Where H Swears a lot

    This week the gang once again watches a bunch of great matches from TJPW's YouTube channel in an effort to provide data on the ultimate wrestling question : Is @AngeSoyMilk the popular one or did viewers just enjoy the convenience of watching matches on YouTube ?

    Find out as @OneThirtyH and @EgoPanik join @Void_of_Opinion as they watch Kamiyu & Hikari Noa vs Rakupomu. Team 1:1,000,000 vs God Raku & Friends sans God Raku. So I guess just "Friends?" Mina, Unagi, Nodoka, Yuki Aino, Raku and Hyper Misao in a Beach Floaty Battle! Mina vs Kamiyu. Yes we really like bother their faces. And finally Raku, Neko, and Aja, Kamiyu and Nodoka in an Aja Kong Masked Battle Royale Extravaganza!

    Hosts: @Void_of_Opinion, @OneThirtyH, @EgoPanik

    Start Time: All Matches Start at 00:00.

    Match 1:


    Match 2:


    Match 3:


    Match 4:


    Match 5:


    1h 40m - Jun 13, 2023
  • Watch Teej S2 Episode 9: Hyper Misao Produced Show - HYPE!

    This week the gang watches the Hyper Misao Produced show! 

    @void_of_opinion and Twitter user @angesoymilk are joined by @far5222 & resident artist @JengaNeck on a journey between time, and space to the world where there is a battle royal over who doesn't want to be Hyper Misao 2, Shoko commits homicide on Yoshiko by throwing him from the top rope into the 5th row of the audience, Mahiro fails to save the world, Rika has the best time of her life, Ange gleefully celebrates a certain someones leg still being broken, and no one commits grand conspiracy and vote rigging.

    Hosts: @Void_of_Opinion, @angesoymilk, @FAR5222, @JengaNeck

    Show Link: Hyper Misao Produced Show - HYPE!

    Start Time: 3min 30 sec

    S2E9 - 2h 36m - Jun 8, 2023
  • Watch Teej S2 Episode 8: Ange Produce Show

    This week on the first all-female cast of Watch Teej, Twitter user @angesoymilk returns armed with a heart full of sadness from the shock announcement of Saki Akai's retirement, and a text document filled with vengeance. Ange takes us on a journey through four of NEO Bishikii Gun's greatest matches of all time. Including Sakisama & Mei Saint-Michel vs Rakupomu which also happens to be one of Raku & Pom's greatest matches. She is joined by Resident Artist @JengaNeck and Special Guest @amyhay___ Five Stars' very own Fashion Guru extraordinaire!

    All the matches for today's show are freely available on TJPW's own YouTube Channel. Ange wanted to make sure as many of us peasants could bask in the glory and the light of Sakisama.

    Hosts: @angesoymilk, @JengaNeck, @amyhay___

    Video links:

    1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSh5tYFD3BA

    2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1O15X-tr5wk&feature=youtu.be

    3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlOLnKFwrnw&feature=youtu.be

    4 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGm1Vt8bV74

    S2E8 - 1h 53m - May 29, 2023
  • Watch Teej S2 Episode 7: TJPW Grand Princess '22 Part II

    @FAR5222 joined the Watch Teej gang once more as they finish up the second half of Grand Princess '22. Twitter user @Angesoymilk was given the option of returning for this episode dear listeners but she claimed we had already watched the NEO Bishikii Gun match without her and there was going to be a Yuki Arai match on the card so it would be like punishing her twice so she peaced out and is instead working on the ultimate NBG show instead (TBA).

    So that means Ange missed out on:

    Hikari Noa getting her teeth kicked in by Hikaru Shida in the most graduations way possible. Maki Itoh relentlessly punishing Yuki Arai in one of the most devastating losses of her career. Rika losing and crying a lot. Like, ugly crying. I'm not even joking. It broke my heart. Just look at the banner image for this page. And Shoko getting beaten up for 19 minutes solid only to win in the cheapest, most unconvincing way possible because it's TJPW and that's how Koda does it. Nine amazing matches so you will suck down the result of the Finale.

    Did I mention Rika cries?

    Hosts: @Void_of_Opinion, @OneThirtyH, @FAR5222


    Link: https://wrestle-universe.com/en/videos/48PbsUKJQReayYnfsUUESs

    Start Time: 2h 35m 10sec

    S2E7 - 2h 3m - May 23, 2023
  • Watch Teej S2 Episode 6: TJPW Grand Princess '22 Part I

    Hello Ladies and Gentlemen! This week the Watch Teej gang is joined by wrestling expert and Hyper Misao enthusiast @far5222 who takes them on a journey with him in recreating his very first TJPW experience, including but not limited to - Light buzzing noises during Suzume matches. Yuna, YuuRi, and a girl with a jockstrap on her face vs Cat-Bird, Nao, and everyone's favorite wrestling matron Mahiro. An amazing hardcore match between Hyper Misao and the bossman himself, Sanshiro. That bike entrance from Kamiyu. The retirement of Nodoka. And the only NEO Bishikii Gun match that matters.

    Hosts: @void_of_opinion, @OneThirtyH, @far5222

    Show: Grand Princess 22, 3/19/22

    Start Time: 16min 40sec

    2h 32m - May 16, 2023
  • Watch Teej S2 Episode 5: TJPW Inspiration '23

    This week the gang watches TJPW Inspiration, which is possibly TJPW Inspiration 6 but they have stopped adding numbers and just listing the show as "Inspiration" which is unhelpful for those of us who like counting things so were simply going with Inspiration '23 because then you will know the one we're talking about regardless of numbering. 

    Watch Teej: We Get Numbering. 

    Anyway, this week we are joined by Twitter User @angesoymilk and our resident artist @jenganeck (and @void_of_opinion is there as all I guess) as they discuss what its like growing up as female wrestling fans and what it was like to realize that they were an unwanted demographic and what it was like to discover Joshi Puroresu. They also have great things to say about HIMAWARI vs Toga. Discuss Suzume's new outfit. Watch a hilarious match involving the old man known as Gabai G-chan, and marvel at Hikari Noa's first-ever true death match against Sawyer Wreck. Yes, without @EgoPanik around to see it.

    Hosts: @angesymilk, @JengaNeck, @void_of_opinion

    Show: TJPW Inspiration, 5/1/23. Hosted by Wrestle Universe


    Start Time 1: 13 minutes, 40 seconds

    Time 2: 1 hour, 6 minutes, 0 seconds

    S2E5 - 1h 45m - May 9, 2023
  • Watch Teej S2 Episode 4: TJPW BRANDNEW WRESTLING 3

    This week after 3 weeks of saying she is coming down with something AngeSoyMilk really is feeling poorly and has to take a week off from recording. So this show features a surprise visit from everyone's favorite squared circle moderator, A Kitty Cat!

    After much deliberation, the gang opts to watch "BRANDNEW WRESTLING 3 - Stronger Than Anybody" which features the tag team of Unagi & Pom vs Mahiro and the short-lived YUMI. Mina Shirakawa, Yuki Kamifuku & Yuna Manase vs Nodoka Tenma, Raku & Rika Tatsumi in a match based around boob-based offense than anyone remembered. Su Yung vs. Yuka Sakazaki in the match that .gif is from. Yes, THAT .gif. Mizuki vs Maki. Suzume's debut. Natsumi Maki (Natsupoi) vs Gisele Shaw in an amazing battle for the International Princess Title. And because Ange isn't here... NEO Biishiki-gun vs Miu & Miyu. 

    If you have never watched TJPW before in your life this is an amazing show to start with! If you are a fan of TJPW... this is where half of Joshi Twitters .gif's come from. 

    We hope you enjoy!

    Hosts: @void_of_opinion, @OneThirtyH, @SC_AKittyCat

    Show: BRANDNEW WRESTLING 3 - Stronger than anyone -

    Link: https://www.wrestle-universe.com/en/videos/nBb75amYxF3LH1uoGhwfmy

    Start Time: 31min 0 seconds

    2h 56m - May 2, 2023
  • Watch Teej S2 Episode 3: TJPW Stand Alone '23

    This week the gang watches TJPW Stand Alone '23 because OneThirtyH watched it and immediately started screaming like a little girl that this was the show we had to do next (probably because Pom and Max are on the same team and cause complete destruction). The show records a lot later than normal as Void's mic exploded and for some reason, the recording gods decided this episode wasn't going to happen between broken hardware, failed recordings, and people being massively out of sync. But the gang made it happen, for you, our loyal viewers whom we love so very, very dearly. And OneThirtyH had to spend a lot of time in the editing room. 

    Also on this week's episode, Yuki Arai has an unfair advantage when her friend (not angesoymilk) shows up as a special referee that cartwheels her way into our hearts. Kamifuku gets swung by her neck, Pom almost breaks her arm, OneThirtyH decides Wakana no longer exists, Void fails at ASMR, everyone catches up on which Joshi they are currently following, and the group becomes obsessed with Muzuki's dangling fluffy balls.


    @void_of_opinion, @angesoymilk, @OneThirtyH

    Show: Stand Alone '23


    Start Time: 57min 40sec

    S2E3 - 2h 18m - Apr 25, 2023
  • Watch Teej S2 Episode 2: TJPW Inspiration 5

    This week the Watch Teej Gang blow out their voices after doing 24 hours of streaming on Twitch so they opt to watch an extremely short episode of TJPW which just so happens to feature Mizuki murdering the ever-loving shit out of DDT's mascot, Pokotan. Just as Chris Brookes is set to fight the mascot Chitan, so it's topical. Trust me on this. It tracks. We totally did our research. It will be less topical if you listen to this episode after Chris fights Chitan but the vital thing to know is a mascot is getting beaten up. Also, that's just how the passage of time works in context with other moments in time. Also, leave me alone. What did I do to you? All I've ever wanted was to bring you a few hours of joy a week.

    Hosts: @void_of_opinion, @angesoymilk, @OneThirtyH

    Start Time: 00h:13m:07sec

    Wrestle Universe Link: https://www.wrestle-universe.com/en/videos/p6LZJN8V1oZH3NpfuPbDn1

    S2E2 - 1h 31m - Apr 18, 2023
  • Watch Teej S2 Episode 1: TJPW Live In Los Angeles

    This week the gang returns after their short break to watch the TJPW LA Show with our boots-on-the-ground reporter @OneThirtyH who leads us moment by moment through what it was like to be at this groundbreaking, earth-shattering event, as a friend of half the crowd @angesoymilk continues on her quest to make @void_of_opinion's life miserable. Tune in and listen to the group so professionally they repeatedly forget they are recording a show!

    Hosts: @Void_of_Opinion, @angesoymilk, @OneThirtyH


    Start Time: 03:00

    Link: https://fite.tv/watch/tjpw-live-in-los-angeles/2pcne/

    S2E1 - 2h 28m - Apr 11, 2023
  • Episode 12: Season 1 Finale

    Have you ever wondered why every episode of Watch Teej is listed as Season 1? Well, that's because every 12 Episodes we take a short break so we can rest, recuperate, and schedule our Guests for the next Season! But don't worry Watch Teej Fans, we will be returning April 11th for Season 2 for more fun and chaos! And if you simply can't get enough of the Watch Teej Gang you are more than welcome to join our Twitch channel where we will be playing games, and our Discord where you can suggest Episodes you would love to see in Season 2! Anywho, enough of the serious business. You want to know what to expect from the Season 1 Finale!

    This week the gang watches the TJPW LIVE Tour in Spring '23, the 3/24/23 show which is not the Ramp Up or Go Home Show as Void wrongly suggested and could not find evidence of while recording. OneThirtyH threatens Ange with Revenge Merch. And Ange goes on a swearing tirade during the kid's match that was so vile, so vulgar, so indefensible it had to be bleeped out.

    Also, this is the first show Void has not been responsible for editing, indeed that honor went to OneThirtyH who does this sort of thing for a living so if you appreciate the massively improved sound and editing quality, send him a thank you on Twitter!

    Thank you to everyone that has supported us as Five Star and to all of our fans for listening and supporting us. We could not have done this without you!

    Watch Teej will return April 11th.

    Starring: @angesoymilk @OneThirtyH @void_of_opinion

    Show: TJPW LIVE Tour in Spring '23

    Date: 3/24/23

    Start Time: 6min 15 sec

    S1E12 - 2h 4m - Mar 28, 2023
  • Episode 11: TJPW Grand Princess '23 LIVE

    This week the Gang watched "Grand Princess" LIVE on Twitch with the help of our Studio Audience. Your loving band of misfits try to be on their best behavior for four and a half hours for this extravaganza! What could possibly go wrong? 

    A huge thank you to everyone that was able to attend the show live and to everyone that has watched the episode. We had so much fun with all of you. If you haven't seen the show already, we have been able to capture the moment through Audio/Video Time Warping technology.  

    Starring: @angesoymilk, @OneThirtyH, @Void_of_Opinion, @EgoPanik, @jeffmazziotta, @SC_AKittyCat, Sleeping @JengaNeck, and @SondreBjorn of the Dramatic Dream Dragons Podcast!

    S1E11 - 4h 16m - Mar 21, 2023
  • Episode 10: The One Where Gang Doesn't Watch Teej

    This week on Watch Teej, the gang helps Void with his marital problems and Ange breaks down the card for Grand Princess which takes so long they never get around to actually watching a show, so instead they elect to watch "The Night Before Grand Princess" live, Sunday the 12th on Twitch at 2PM EST. 

    Also on this episode, find out what Max the Impaler's real problems are with God Raku. The dirt on Natsu Poi wanting to fight Murder Rika once more. The "Smash Mouse" Controversy. And Ange sells her skills to book passage to Japan!

    What could go wrong? Find out on Watch Teej!

    Hosts: @angesoymilk @OneThirtyH @void_of_opinion

    Episode: None. We didn't get to it. If you want to watch along you can do so LIVE Sunday 12th at 2pm EST on Twitch twitch.tv/watchtweej

    S1E10 - 1h 47m - Mar 10, 2023
  • Episode 9: TJPW Membership Event 6

    This week the gang decides they have been taking Joshi Puroresu far too seriously and should talk even less about wrestling so they opt to watch one of the TJPW Membership Events in which Yuka Sakazaki and Arisu Endo face off in a cooking competition and try to guess potato chip brands blindfolded. Mizuki, Birb, Kamifuku, Shoko and Raku have to guess a phrase where the only clue is a letter taped to their foot. And everyone else's dresses as one another in a mix costume rumble. Also, the guys discover Ange is really an android which may explain her electric dreams. They discover Void's extreme hatred of everything Bus related. And OneThirtyH is on his best behavior.

    Hosts: @AngeSoyMilk @OneThirtyH @void_of_opinion

    Episode: https://www.wrestle-universe.com/en/videos/gDeaiXva6C59voQXMaNrjL

    Start Time: 7 Minutes 37 Seconds

    S1E9 - 2h 17m - Mar 7, 2023
  • Episode 8: TJPW 3rd Max Heart Part 2

    On this week's episode of Watch Teej, the gang finishes up the 3rd Max Heart Tournament. Juria shaves Hatsune Miku, Pom fan girls hard for Yuki Arai and gets a private show, Hyper Misao loses her mask and in no way looks like NEO biishiki gun Misao proving OneThirtyH to be a liar, and Birb gets kicked in the face really hard while minding her own business. Also, Void offers to change Yuki Arai's tire in a Canadian snowstorm, Ange provides everyone with a co-worker update, OneThirtyH has a dirty mind and everyone unanimously decides QT Marshall is a piece of shit.

    Hosts: @angesoymilk @OneThirtyH @Void_Of_Opinion

    Link 1: 3rd Max Heart Tournament Part 3

    Start Time: 1 hour 9 min

    Link 2: 3rd Max Heart Tournament Part 4

    Start Time: 1 hour 19 min 40 sec

    Start Time: 2 hours 8 min 45 sec 

    Check out fivestarnetwork.co for more!

    S8 - 2h 5m - Feb 28, 2023
  • Episode 7: TJPW 3rd Max Heart Part 1

    This week the gang tackles the first half of the 3rd Max Heart Tournament as they cheer on Murder Rika, discuss everything they didn’t do on Valentine’s Day, figure out who on TJPW’s roster is shorter than Dora the Explorer, discuss facts, and statistics about wrestlers which turn out to be completely inaccurate, create the Spanish version of NEO Biishiki-gun and find out just how many Chicken McNuggets Ange can eat in one sitting. And at absolutely no point does anyone threaten to push Yuki Arai downstairs.

    Hosts: @AngeSoyMilk, @OneThirtyH, @Void_Of_Opinion (Jamie Goulding)

    Link 1: 3rd Max Heart Tournament 1/15/23

    Start Time: 55 min 30sec

    Link 2: 3rd Max Heart Tournament 1/19/23

    Start Time: 1 hour 0min 45sec

    S1E7 - 2h 21m - Feb 21, 2023
  • Episode 6: CITY CIRCUIT WINTER Osaka Performance

    This week the gang is joined by Window Jeff of ChocoPro fame who takes them on a journey of Japanese etiquette, why Tokyo smells a bit like pee, how not to get hassled by old men while eating sushi, Insider gossip about the shocking theft of what may be Chie’s lighter. Tips for when meeting your favorite Joshi for the first time in L.A and more! 

    Video: https://www.wrestle-universe.com/en/videos/jD32QZEnJesHGdiWrpJQZp

    Start Time: 00:00






    S1E6 - 2h 48m - Feb 14, 2023
  • Episode 5: TJPW Autumn The Beauties of Nature

    This week the gang watches TJPW Autumn The Beauties of Nature from 10/23/21 with a special guest host and Watch Teej artist @JengaNeck while they answer viewer questions, discuss religion, politics, racism, Hikari Noa, Mei Suruga, Mei St. Michel, Sakisama, Stardom Quest, and the launch of the new Five Star Website. All in a very positive way. 

    Oh, and I guess wrestling sometimes because we’re contractually obligated. 

    Start Time: 5min 20sec

    WHERE TO WATCH: Wrestle Universe

    This week's hosts:





    E5 - 2h 17m - Feb 7, 2023
  • Episode 4: TJPW Inspiration 3

    This week, the Watch Teej crew watches TJPW Inspiration 3 with /SC/ Moderator AKittyKat! Also, the gang starts a charity drive for Abe Miho and Ange tells us more about her strange child Karate cult. We answer viewer questions, watch a glow stick deathmatch and see Devil Yuka broken in two by Yunamon.

    DISCLAIMER: Ange will not really send you or Miho Abe bags of Canadian milk. They would spoil in the mail!






    Start Time: 10:00

    Show Link: Wrestle Universe

    S1E4 - 2h 7m - Jan 31, 2023
  • Episode 3: Pipipinano Graduation Show

    This week on Watch Teej special guest host Ego Panik takes us on an emotional journey with Pipipinano’s graduation show featuring the fourth UpUpGirl that mysteriously retired. 

    Watch one girl get the ever-loving snot beaten out of her by every cast member in a brutal “Blood In, Blood Out Rumble” featuring such talent as Dark Yuka, Unagi, Mina, and Murder Rika. 

    We also discuss the social-economic relationship between Vermont and Canada, answer viewer questions, and learn of Anges' dark past fighting in child Kumite pageants. 

    Pipipinano Graduation Show

    Air Date: 4/5, 2019

    Start Time 00:07:00

    Show Link: https://www.wrestle-universe.com/en/videos/bAvkvC2bqFHimsEJnsz1jK

    2h 6m - Jan 24, 2023
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