• Episode 9: Welcome to the World Wide Web

    The party keeps barreling down the tracks and finds themselves in a Web of mystery. Vabril once again finds a way to separate himself from the party. How many lives can he afford to lose?

    S1E9 - 1h 50m - Jul 22, 2021
  • Episode 8: Gnoll and Void

    The party is threatened by a group of gnolls and discovers a mine cart path that seems to be the source of the danger. Will they be able to get back to the boat in time?

    S1E8 - 1h 35m - Jun 15, 2021
  • Episode 7 : The Odds are Never in Your Favor

    The party meets with Aven De'Sora and are briefed on the possible fates of their party. Endless possibilities not many that lead to success. They agree to fairy down the river with Aven, but encounter trouble downstream. 

    S1E7 - 1h 50m - Jun 1, 2021
  • Episode 6 : How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love my Therapy Sword.

    Ayaan, discovers a letter that gives new evidence to the cause of his Father's death. Vabril meets a new friend who decides to join the party. The road to adventure really begins as the party gets ready to leave Braven!

    S1E6 - 1h 23m - Jun 1, 2021
  • Episode 5 : The Catcher and the Fly

    The party pushed further into the Cultists' hideout just in time to interrupt a mysterious ritual. They are aided by 2 agents who have infiltrated the ranks of the cultists. Who are these mysterious strangers?

    S1E5 - 1h 15m - May 19, 2021
  • Bonus Content: An Interview With a Dungeon Master : 1

    John and Andrew sit down to talk about the world of Elia. The history of world and it's heroes as created by Andrew. Andrew explains his inspirations for his homebrew campaign and some of the tropes in fiction he spun off of.

    Find the video on youtube!

    twitter @tropespodcast

    S1 - 28m - May 8, 2021
  • Episode 4: How I Met My Maker

    With one of their party on the verge of permadeath. Cypress leads the charge to save his friend at all cost. Meanwhile the cultists are still working in the shadows to attack Braven.

    S1E4 - 1h 24m - May 3, 2021
  • Episode 3: It's Dangerous to Go Alone! Take Your Party.

    As the attack on Braven commences our party rushes back to fight off the invaders. Vabril gets separated from the party while investigating a mysterious trail in the sewers.

    S1E3 - 1h 20m - May 2, 2021
  • Episode 2 : Cults Don't Give Spare Robes!

    Our party follows a trail of blood on their first mission with the Adventurers Guild! The search continues for their childhood friend Alador who has been missing for nearly 5 years!

    S1E2 - 1h 43m - Apr 23, 2021
  • Episode 1 : The Fate Awakening

    Our Adventure Begins! Join us as we introduce the world of Elia and our homebrew D&D 5th Ed campaign. A party of 6 adventures sets forth where there actions will determine the fate of their world!

    S1E1 - 2h 14m - Apr 19, 2021
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