• See You In May 2021

    Hello Friends! 

    Thank you for your prayers, patience, and understanding. We will be back more consistently in May. We have not ceased to pray for you all and work toward coming back on the air. We look forward to getting back on track! 

    Thank you!


    3m - Apr 19, 2021
  • Re-Educating America on Race and Racism: New Year's Eve 2020 Review

    It has been a very unusual year, to say the least. Today is 12/31/20, the last day of the year for 2020. Some of us are so happy to leave 2020 behind. What happened this year? What should we do?

    No matter what you have faced in your personal struggles this year, God loves you and Jesus is still there for you. he is the good shepherd...  

    Happy New Year, 


    36m - Jan 1, 2021
  • Re-Educating America on Race and Racism: Election Anxiety? God is STILL in Control!

    It's day 2 of counting votes in America. President Trump and Vice President Biden are locked in a heated contest for the White House.

    Our father is STILL in HIS house so don't despair! Pray and expect God to handle this! 



    30m - Nov 5, 2020
  • Re-Educating America on Race and Racism: Election Special "Trust in God!"

    Tomorrow is Election Day, Nov. 3rd, 2020...

    Regardless of who wins tomorrow's general election,  know that YOUR KING is still on the throne! 

    We don't put our trust in man but in God! Keep the faith and keep trusting in God! Don't let fear grip you!   



    19m - Nov 3, 2020
  • Re-Educating America on Race and Racism: Chadwick Boseman Tribute

    It is with a heavy heart we pay tribute to Chadwick Boseman. Actor, singer, community activists, overall great man who will be sorely missed. Chadwick died of colon cancer on 8/28/20 at home with his wife and family. For 4 years, he battled this disease with scarcely telling anyone he was in a battle for his life What an honorable man who until a week before his untimely death was preparing to star in Black Panther 2.

    May he Rest In Peace...

    We are sending our love, support, and prayers to his family, friends, and coworkers all around the world.

    With Love and Respect,


    30m - Sep 6, 2020
  • Re-Educating America on Race and Racism: Research and VOTE

    Too many people have fought and many died so that all Americans would have the right to vote. We can no longer make excuses about whether we should vote. Yes, prepare yourself and vote! Don't give anyone an excuse to disenfranchise you! Prepare now! 

    Remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice; honor them by casting your vote. 

    Brother Jon discusses the importance of being prepared to vote and following through! 



    22m - Aug 11, 2020
  • Re-Educating America on Race and Racism: U.S. Representative John R. Lewis

    Welcome! Thank you for joining us. We have the solemn duty to pay respect to a great American hero, Mr. John Lewis, US Representative, Civil Rights Activist, and tireless worker for equality. His accomplishments are far too extensive to list them all.

    We made changes to our regularly scheduled programming to ensure we highlight his life in this first episode of the series, Re-Educating America on Race and Racism. 

    May he Rest In everlasting Peace... 

    Please join Brother Jon as he talks about this gentle giant and several of his accomplishments. 



    42m - Aug 3, 2020
  • We Will Be Back This Week

    Welcome! Thank you for your patience.

    We had a few technical difficulties and plan to broadcast in earnest this week. Thank you for your understanding. 

    Bro Jon, founder of Eliashib Power Ministries (EPM), apologizes and lets you know what to expect. 



    11m - Jul 27, 2020
  • Re-Educating America on Race and Racism: Two Wrongs Never Make A Right

    There is never a time in life where two wrongs equal a right. You can not repay vengeance, evil, and wrongdoing. To try only keeps the cycle of hatred spinning out of control devouring everyone and anything in its path. We have to be better because we ARE better!  

    We did not fight evil with violence and equitable hate, we fought with love, non-violence, and peace. This is still the blueprint for the race. This is still how we shall Overcome...



    39m - Jul 20, 2020
  • African-American Suggested Reading

    Hello! Thank you for stopping by.  Before we delve into African-American culture and history, we thought we would share a few suggested reading materials with you.  We hope you will review our suggestions and choose the material you feel will help you have more insight into black culture and Afrocentrism. 

    Our next episode will not be a prologue, we will dive directly into our new series: "Re-Educating America on Race and Racism".

    Be blessed and stay blessed,

    Eliashib Power Ministries

    Brother Jon


    15m - Jul 14, 2020
  • Upcoming Content: Intro: Re-Educating America on Race and Racism

    Welcome! Thank you for choosing to listen to Eliashib Power Ministries (EPM)! Over the next several weeks we will bring content that is educational in nature regarding African-American History, Race, and Racism... 

    Eliashib Power Ministries is a ministry dedicated to prayer, deliverance, and community service. As a part of that service, we believe educating America about Jesus Christ and truth is paramount. To that end, it is essential to promote unity among all races and denounce racism. It is not enough to be anti-racist, we deliberately seek to pull-down the evil stronghold of racism and every stronghold in existence against the truth of God's word. 2 Corinthians 10: 3 - 6.

    With Love,


    S1E1 - 8m - Jul 13, 2020
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Upcoming Content Intro: Re-Educating America on Race and Racism