Your Money is Failing You

1h 20m | Sep 12, 2022

Your money is failing you, and the financial system is rigged against you. What does this mean? How can you change your mindset about money? What practical steps can you take to better your situation? These are some of the questions we ask in this episode.

00:00 - The £ has lost 98% of it’s value.

06:00 - What is inflation really, and why do we need it?

08.30 - The Four Factors of Recent Inflation.

- Brexit (08:30)

- Russia (11:20)

- Corporate Greed (14:15)

- Covid Aftermath - £450bn (12:45)

28:00 - Bonus Question (Worth it..)

32:30 - How the Rich prosper even in this economy.

41:00 - How the Common Person can achieve this. 

- Get rid of your liabilities.

- Pay your debts last.

- Purchase Assets.

58:15 - Listener Questions

- Alina: Is Rich Dad, Poor Dad still relevant? Is renting still profitable? (58:15)

- Sam: Why do the Rich continue to prosper even as a society declines? (01:08:30)

01:15:00 - Final thoughts and dodging accountability.

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