• Best of 97% Effective - Sasha Kelemen, Head of Women and Family Healthcare Investment Banking, Leerink Partners: “You Don’t Need to Act Like a Man” – How This Rising Banker Leads a Team Like No Other

    A “BEST OF 97% EFFECTIVE” EPISODE! Tune in this fall for new episodes and more great content.

    Learn more about Michael Wenderoth, Executive Coach: www.changwenderoth.com


     At Leerink Partners, Sasha Kelemen runs an investment banking team unlike any other on Wall Street, specializing in women and family healthcare and technology. In this continuation episode, we discuss uncomfortable truths that women face in male-dominated industries: whether you need to act like a man to get ahead, how to respond when talked over or dismissed -- and why you shouldn't opt out without giving it a shot. Sasha shares strategies and examples on communicating and networking, building your brand and presence, and negotiation that will help you rise, lead – and elevate others.

    • Hard work, smarts, ambition and being a sponge is essential – but the additional drivers you need to rise
    • Physical brand and executive presence: “Firm specific awareness” and “looking the part”
    • Do I need to act like a man to get ahead?
    • Small elements and accents that make Sasha feel powerful and confident
    • The surprising impact of wallpaper
    • “Talking the talk” – the importance of first observing small details and norms
    • Managing your Credibility: Apologizing, and the lesson she learned at Darden on raising your hand
    • Ask questions
    • What to do when others interrupt you
    • Embracing the discomfort of confrontation
    • Making a list and getting a sponsor
    • Building relationships all boils down to this one thing
    • An early mistake Sasha made networking – and how she mid-course corrected
    • The move Sasha made that shocked her peers – but was a game changer
    • Is it important to be liked?
    • How you can augment your own relationship -- while also elevating others.
    • Sasha on Negotiating: Make them tell you no
    • Don’t opt out without trying to make it work
    • On backlash: How to phrase requests, and what you should always keep in your back pocket
    • Muscle memory, practice, and ways to increase one’s confidence
    • Women and getting “admin work” – “the best defense is a good offense”
    • Board and C-Suite placements, and ways to ensure you stay top of mind



    Sasha Kelemen in Head of Women and Family Healthcare Services and Technology Investment Banking at Leerink Partners, based in New York. She is deeply passionate about all thing digital health, smashing taboos and elevating women. Prior to Leerink, Sasha worked at Goldman Sachs (VP, Healthcare Investment Banking Group), and in media planning and buying. She holds a BA from Boston College, MBA from the University of Virginia, Darden School of Business, and was listed as Business Insider’s “30 under 40” list of leaders transforming healthcare. She resides in Scarsdale, New York, with her husband and two curious daughters. Michael and Sasha thank our mutual friend, Professor Peter Belmi at Darden, for connecting us.


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    36m - Jul 17, 2024
  • Best of 97% Effective - Nihar Chhaya, Executive Coach for C-Suite Leaders: How To Navigate “Everything, Everywhere All At Once.”

    A “BEST OF 97% EFFECTIVE” EPISODE! Tune in this fall for new episodes and more great content.

    Learn more about Michael Wenderoth, Executive Coach: www.changwenderoth.com


    The C-suite – there’s a lot of storytelling about this world – but how do you rise there, survive and thrive there? Nihar Chhaya, Executive Coach for C-Suite Leaders and President of PartnerExec, shares his experience helping Fortune 50 executives do well for themselves, but also produce superior business and strategic outcomes. We peek under the hood of what most helps top executives -- from accepting criticism and changing behavior to managing life and work when it feels “everything, everywhere all at once.”

    • How life in the C-Suite most resembles these two movies
    • Common presenting issue for Nihar’s C-Suite clients
    • Coaching… “the one business where the customer isn’t always right”
    • Underlying need of C-Suite Leaders: recognizing blind spots
    • Why you need a clear coaching contract
    • Top interpersonal skill that deserves your attention
    • Secret sauce to effectively reframing criticism
    • Mini-master class on asking and framing questions so you can receive high-quality feedback
    • Competition vs Collaboration: The Buddhist executive who had to deal with ambition and comparison
    • Getting in touch with what is most important for you, and the balance between belonging and standing out in the C-Suite
    • How to maintain high-quality feedback – honesty and accountability
    • Importance of strategic vulnerability in leadership
    • Pratfall effect: needing to be both vulnerable and competent
    • Tension free feedback
    • Connection between executive presence and awareness
    • How to make your coach a secret weapon
    • Rapid fire questions: Nihar’s biggest influence, Eagles or Cowboys, process over outcomes, and 2023 Oscar Predictions



    Nihar Chhaya, a Wharton, Columbia and Georgetown trained leadership expert, is President of PartnerExec, which helps leaders master influence. Nihar is a regular contributor to Harvard Business Review, Forbes and Fast Company. He’s also a Master Certified Coach by the ICF, and a Marshall Goldsmith 100 Coaches.



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    52m - Jul 3, 2024
  • Ep 93 - Stefania Mancini, VP and GM at Intuit Consumer Group Canada — ‘Take Big Swings’: How to Lead Fearlessly without Losing Your Humanity

    Learn more about Michael Wenderoth, Executive Coach: www.changwenderoth.com


    In this engaging episode of 97% Effective, host Michael Wenderoth sits down with Stefania 'Stef' Mancini, GM and VP of Product at Intuit Canada's Consumer Business. Stef shares why she left a fulfilling career in marketing and advertising, and the transformative steps she took at Intuit that enabled her and her team to achieve three years of unprecedented double-digit growth. We discuss how to take big risks; how to get people excited – even when you miss the mark; and the art of blending authenticity with corporate politics. Stef’s got advice for how women can lean in without losing their humanity, more than a few sports analogies -- and even some dark humor, sharing the wisdom gained when she thought about work on her death bed (it’s not what you think).

    • Stef had a stellar career – but still wanted to do more
    • Keys to finding the missing link between where she wanted to be and could be – and where she actually was
    • “Sitting in stagnation [for me] was worse than failure”
    • How Stef pursued and landed her job at Intuit (they move fast!)
    • How Stef was able to build important relationships -- despite not meeting anyone in corporate or on her team in person for her first 18 months
    • How Stef reconciled the dissonance of wanting to be be authentic and direct with “playing politics”
    • Old Stef vs new Stef: how she went from pushing to be right -- to understand what success looks like for someone else
    • Going about getting a mentor and sponsor (and the difference between the two)
    • Getting a sponsor: luck of the draw or can you land one without a magical first connection?
    • “Be a racehorse that can deliver”: the building block of being somone that top people will sponsor
    • The benefits of checking in with no reason, using Slack to let people know you notice them
    • Golf, baseball, formula one, and sports: what Stef means when she says “take big swings”
    • “Take big risks fearlessly”: How Stef took a risk and strong stand that was unpopular
    • Putting Canada on the map: Using a failure to unlock new insights and change the paradigm of what the company could do
    • Stef’s view on how women can navigate challenges: “Don’t just walk away” but think about if changing your approach might yield a different response
    • “If the idea of failure is not the thing that stops you, then everything is an experiment.”
    • The impact of stage 4 cancer
    • On her deathbed, Stef DID think about work (and how that provided clarity)
    • Delivery is important, but how to package that up in a meaningful way
    • How to get people excited, even when you miss the mark
    • People want to support others – and work for others – that are driving change and making good things happen
    • Executive Presence: how to bring energy and what most people are afraid to do
    • How to pronounce Stefania? The hilarious story you will never forget
    • Lightning round! Stef on what non-Canadians need to know about Canada; the next luminary she WILL meet; where to eat in Toronto; and what English lit we should all read
    • Why it is critical that more women have a seat at the table, as AI shapes the next revolution



    Stefania Mancini is General Manager for Intuit Consumer Group Canada, overseeing all product, marketing and revenue generating activities for TurboTax and Credit Karma in Canada. Intuit Consumer Group Canada provides AI enabled technology solutions and professional expert services to help over 5 million Canadians power prosperity. Prior to joining Intuit Consumer Group Canada, Stefania spent two decades in leadership roles at Klick Health, Say Media, Rogers Media, BMO Financial Group and AGF Funds Inc. She holds her degree in English literature and history from the University of Toronto. Stef is a Stage IV cancer survivor and has an amazing blended family, four children, with her husband Anthony.

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    43m - Jun 19, 2024
  • Ep 92 - Michael Wenderoth, Executive Coach - Effective Leadership: 3 Hard Truths Most Experts Won’t Tell You

    Learn more about Michael Wenderoth, Executive Coach: www.changwenderoth.com


    Do you subscribe to feel good stories that great leaders inspire and eat last? In this episode of 97% Effective, Executive Coach Michael Wenderoth challenges your views with three hard truths about effective leadership that are often overlooked. Michael highlights insights from distinguished guests— Chief Pilot Tenille Cromwell, Professor Don Moore of UC Berkeley, and Professor Jeffrey Pfeffer of Stanford. Tenille takes us into the cockpoint during a thunderstorm to emphasize the necessity for “absolute decision making” in critical situations. Don wants to expand leadership beyond inspirational speeches to include the less sexy work of designing systems that lead to better outcomes. And Jeffrey underscores the importance of maintaining one's position of power to effect change. Leadership is rougher and tougher than TED Talks make it out to be: Tune in for a candid conversation on what it truly takes to succeed and lead in your career.

    • Hard truth #1: It’s not all about collaboration (lessons from Tenille Cromwell, Chief Pilot & former Navy Mission Commander)
    • Descending into Bozeman when you can’t see the runway: “It’s not all ‘kumbaya’: There’s a time and place for absolute decision making”
    • The #1 mistake is not leaders abusing power, but their failure to use it.
    • Ask yourself: How might I be avoiding making hard decisions?
    • Hard truth #2: Think beyond hearts and minds (insight from Professor Don Moore, Haas School of Business School, and author of Decision Leadership)
    • Thinking beyond inspirational speeches
    • Leadership is about influencing the behavior of others toward a desired outcome
    • Ask yourself: How might I build systems to make it easy for people to choose wisely?
    • Hard truth #3: “Keep your damn job” (Professor Jeffrey Pfeffer at Stanford, and author of 7 Rules of Power, on a leader’s first responsibility)
    • If you lose your position or job, your ability to get stuff done will go way down
    • Ask yourself: Am I paying sufficient attention to who and what keeps in my role?
    • Summary and final thoughts



    Michael Wenderoth is an Executive Coach that helps executives re-examine their assumptions about power, politics, and authenticity to get promoted, become more effective at work, and break glass ceilings holding them back. Having served 20 years in senior roles with companies across the globe, and then 7 years as a professional coach, he has helped accelerated the careers of clients from diverse industries, backgrounds, and levels of seniority, helping them get ahead – without having to sell their souls in the process. Michael is the award-winning author of Get Promoted, host of the 97% Effective career acceleration podcast, and a frequent speaker and media contributor on career advancement, leadership and navigating power and politics. His work has been featured in Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Stanford Business School Executive Education and IE Business School, where he collaborates with renowned professors, coaches, executives and experts. Michael holds an MBA from Stanford and trained as an executive coach at Columbia University (3CP).


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    12m - Jun 12, 2024
  • Ep 91 - Axel Ohrstrom, Strategy & Operations at AWS – How to Make High-Impact Contributions and Start Your Career Off Right

    Learn more about Michael Wenderoth, Executive Coach: www.changwenderoth.com

    In this episode of 97% Effective, Michael Wenderoth speaks with Axel Ohrstrom at Amazon Web Services about keys to starting your career off right, particularly in those first critical years right after college. We discuss what a high-impact contribution looks like in your job, the importance of volunteering on interesting projects, and how to continuously learn and grow. Axel shares how he builds key relationships when working remote, and how to build a team dynamic when you are not the manager. By the end of this episode, you’ll leave with fresh perspectives on important soft skills – and a deeper appreciation for how the next generation thoughtfully approaches the world of work.



    • How Michael and Axel met: Was it the free pizza?
    • Axel’s blunt view on early career advice he got: “Do your best on your resume and submit your application.”
    • Ignoring the “Seniors only” sign
    • Reframing office politics
    • Addressing the elephant in the studio: What can I learn from a 26 year-old about career acceleration?
    • Work hard, but don’t always keep your head down
    • The critical first step: How do I even know what a high impact contribution is?
    • Parsing priorities
    • The importance of holding up your hand to work on interesting projects, particularly those that are in your manager’s sphere of influence
    • “High impact work when you start your career is not the same thing as high impact work a year or two years in”: How to continuously develop yourself and rise to the expectations
    • What’s the skill that will accelerate your learning path?
    • Observations on how skills from studying remote apply (and don’t apply) to working remote
    • Why Axel keeps his “camera on” as much as possible in meetings
    • The power of self-reflection: Trace back what is driving a particular feeling, notice trends, but then act and try a few things
    • Balancing learning applicable skills and what you’re interested in
    • Effective ways to network when you are younger
    • Get comfortable with rejection, but ways to increase your odds: find commonality, be short and sweet, and be open about what you are asking for
    • Technology reduced the friction on reaching people, but make sure you do the research!
    • Asking good questions
    • What Michael did not ask: Axel shares important tips on building a team dynamic when you are not the manager, and as a remote employee
    • The value of the 1-1 meeting (it’s not just a work check-in)
    • The power of asking advice
    • When there is no video or audio: Inject your personality and develop a voice on slack
    • 6 resources that Axel recommends on starting your career off right
    • Axel’s hobby re-selling limited edition sneakers



    Axel Ohrstrom works in Strategy & Operations at Amazon Web Services (AWS), which he joined straight out of college during the global pandemic. In his Sales Operations role, he focuses on program management and driving strategic priorities for the Worldwide Public Sector (WWPS) Group, and supports generative AI initiatives across AWS. Originally from Sweden, Axel holds a BA in Economics from Carleton College and has studied at the Stockholm School of Economics, and the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth (Business Bridge Program). Passionate about democratizing AI, the gaming industry, and helping young professionals, Axel serves as Business Advisor to the Bronx Gaming Network and as a GRE Tutor.


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    50m - Jun 5, 2024
  • Ep 90 - Helio Mosquim, Technology Director at Vale SA – Purposeful Progress: 3 Keys to Creating Your Next High-Impact Role

    Learn more about Michael Wenderoth, Executive Coach: www.changwenderoth.com

    In this episode of 97% Effective, Michael Wenderoth discusses with guest Helio Mosquim how you can deliver more impact and advance your career by creating new roles within your existing company. Helio, technology director at Vale in the Amazon region of Brazil, shares 3 keys that have powered his journey: serving a higher purpose, building strategic coalitions, and creating resources by leveraging executive education and coaching. He talks about going beyond your job description, focusing on goal convergence, and managing the “butterflies” and spotlight that come with taking risk.


    • The underexamined strategy to advancement and greater impact: creating a new role in your company (vs displacing someone else or looking outside)
    • Adapting and learning: A Brazilian teenager moves to Congerville, Illinois, USA (population 400), thanks to AFS.
    • Helio’s latest career and life move, taking a role in the Amazon region of Brazil
    • What innovation looks like in the mining sector at Vale: Green briquettes, AI + Telemetry to enhance truck driving, and predicting deforestation
    • How Helio connects his work to serving a higher purpose
    • Helio’s Key #1 on advancing by creating new roles: Have and Connect to Higher Purpose
    • Going beyond your job description
    • Why and how Helio left a global IT role to take a regional role in the Amazon
    • “Building power is a combination of skill and will”
    • Why it’s important to have a clear and bold aspiration
    • Helio’s Key #2 on advancing by creating new roles: Create Strategic Coalitions with Shared Purpose
    • Finding the sweet spot (goal convergence)
    • Being clear, vocal and intentional about your goals – and the greater vision
    • The importance of taking risks: How Helio proposed a new role in the Amazon to his boss and his boss’s boss
    • “If you don’t have butterflies in your stomach, you are not challenging yourself.”
    • The critical role of Adriana, Helio’s wife
    • Is Helio a politician? The need for strong political skills
    • Technology as a tool, a means to achieves an end
    • Helio’s Key #3 to advance through creating new roles: Leverage learnings from Executive Education and Coaching
    • How Helio leveraged Stanford executive education and his connections forged there to create a win-win-win that is helping startups in the Amazon ecosystem
    • How to ensure you stay focused when you take on “extra work”
    • Why Helio joined as an advisor at Coalition for Impact
    • How systems thinking is essential
    • How to make sure when you help others, you don’t get left behind
    • How speaking, writing raised his profile 6 years ago, putting Helio in the spotlight
    • “Get attraction rather than reaction”
    • What Helio needed to unlearn
    • What Helio learned from coaching: The importance of shifting from anxious to problem-solving mode.



    From the Silicon Valley to the jungles of Brazil’s Amazon region, Hélio Mosquim Jr. is a technology director for Vale SA, a global mining company. With more than 25 years of experience across multiple industries in Europe, Asia, and Americas, Helio is deeply passionate about creating positive change, transformation and results by empowering people and organizations through technology and innovation. Startup Mentor, Board advisor, he also co-founded Match4Action that works with CrowdDoing to address critical global challenges through a systems change approach. Helio holds a B.Sc in Business Administration, an MBA, and Executive Education in Leadership from IMD, and Corporate Innovation from Stanford GSB (LEAD).

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    32m - May 29, 2024
  • Ep 89 - Michael Wenderoth, Executive Coach - Creating Powerful Resources: The Path to Influence

    Learn more about Michael Wenderoth, Executive Coach: www.changwenderoth.com


    Create powerful resources to elevate others, your causes – and yourself. In this episode of 97% Effective, Michael Wenderoth shares how three guests created resources to power their missions and themselves – and the critical lessons you can learn from them. We look at venture capitalist Leesa Soulodre, General Partner at R3i Capital, on the communities she has created to level the playing field for underrepresented global entrepreneurs; Joy Chen, CEO of the Multicultural Leadership Institute (MLI), on how “UAT” has benefited others and taken her to the top of three industries without ever applying for those jobs; and Jewel Love, Founder of Executive Black Men, who created a powerful professional network to help Black men crack the code in corporate America. You’ll leave this episode inspired. What powerful resources will you create?

    • How most people give up their power
    • Creating resources to build power and serve multiple goals
    • Guest #1: Leesa Soulodre, General Parter at R3i Capital, on the power of creating community
    • Ways that communities serve us: co-creation, belonging and making us smarter
    • Create resources that provide unique value to others
    • Guest #2: Joy Chen, CEO of the Multicultural Leadership Insitute (MLI), on the power of UAF (Useful Amazing Free)
    • How a blog post catapulted her career
    • Powerful resources get you invited
    • Work at intersections that matter to become the “go to”
    • Guest #3: Jewel Edward Love, CEO of Black Executive Men, on the power of creating a vetted network
    • Powerful resources and platforms grow exponentially in value over time
    • Lessons on how to create powerful resources
    • Examples of resources created by Michael’s clients



    Michael Wenderoth is an Executive Coach that helps executives re-examine their assumptions about power, politics, and authenticity to get promoted, become more effective at work, and break glass ceilings holding them back. Having served 20 years in senior roles with companies across the globe, and then 7 years as a professional coach, he has helped accelerated the careers of clients from diverse industries, backgrounds, and levels of seniority, helping them get ahead – without having to sell their souls in the process. Michael is the award-winning author of Get Promoted, host of the 97% Effective career acceleration podcast, and a frequent speaker and media contributor on career advancement, leadership and navigating power and politics. His work has been featured in Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Stanford Business School Executive Education and IE Business School, where he collaborates with renowned professors, coaches, executives and experts. Michael holds an MBA from Stanford and trained as an executive coach at Columbia University (3CP).


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    23m - May 22, 2024
  • Ep 88 - Michael Wenderoth, Executive Coach - “Reframe and Reset”: 3 Tips for Dealing with Difficult People at Work

    Learn more about Michael Wenderoth, Executive Coach: www.changwenderoth.com


    Frustrated with your boss or others at work? Conflict is inevitable in organizations, so if you wish to rise or get things done, you need to understand how to make critical relationships work. In this episode of 97% Effective, Michael Wenderoth shares practical tips on how to “REFRAME and RESET” to manage conflict and make relationships work. He highlights insight from Nihar Chhaya, President at Partner Exec, on how to get into a nonjudgmental space; Dr. Gary McGrath, CEO of Statarius, on the counterintuitive way to deal with those who challenge us; and L Bonita Patterson, CEO of Polaris, on managing your emotions. He ends on de-personalizing conflict and employing redirection as powerful strategies for resetting relationships.

    • The need to make key relationships work
    • Why conflict is inevitable in organizations
    • Are you part of the problem?
    • “Reframe and Reset”
    • Tip #1, from Nihar Chhaya, President at Partner Exec: How to get into a nonjudgmental space
    • How is what you are currently doing working for you?
    • Tip #2, from Dr. Gary McGrath, CEO at Statarius: The counterintuitive way of dealing with people that we are challenged by
    • Ways to “get to know each other” and not take things personally
    • What you need to know about your enemies
    • The importance of getting into a curious mindset
    • Yes, some relationships are toxic: realize when you are suffering versus when you are struggling
    • Tip #3, from L Bonita Patterson, CEO of Polaris Consulting: The role of emotions and how to manage them
    • The importance of getting to a place of emotional neutrality
    • The power of de-personalizing and re-direction to reset relationships



    Michael Wenderoth is an Executive Coach that helps executives re-examine their assumptions about power, politics, and authenticity to get promoted, become more effective at work, and break glass ceilings holding them back. Having served 20 years in senior roles with companies across the globe, and then 7 years as a professional coach, he has helped accelerated the careers of clients from diverse industries, backgrounds, and levels of seniority, helping them get ahead – without having to sell their souls in the process. Michael is the award-winning author of Get Promoted, host of the 97% Effective career acceleration podcast, and a frequent speaker and media contributor on career advancement, leadership and navigating power and politics. His work has been featured in Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Stanford Business School Executive Education and IE Business School, where he collaborates with renowned professors, coaches, executives and experts. Michael holds an MBA from Stanford and trained as an executive coach at Columbia University (3CP).

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    17m - May 15, 2024
  • Ep 87 -Michael Wenderoth, Executive Coach - The Power (and Downside) of Vulnerability: Dos and Don’ts

    Learn more about Michael Wenderoth, Executive Coach: www.changwenderoth.com


    Being transparent and vulnerable at work can create safe spaces, trust – and deeper relationships. BUT BE WARNED: doing so can also bite you on the butt -- and send your career backwards. In this episode of 97% Effective, Michael discusses how to be smart and strategic about how much you disclose at work. He covers insights and practical advice from distinguished guests: Professor Peter Belmi at the University of Virginia, on leading with vulnerability; Maria Incontrera, social media and thought leader consultant, on “curated transparency”; and CEO Coach Celine Teoh, on the “15% rule” and how she helps top executives apply it. You’ll leave this episode with a sharp, nuanced view – and practical tips - on vulnerability.

    • Why you need to be careful about being authentic, transparent and vulnerable at work
    • Correcting misconceptions about vulnerability and disclosure
    • Insight #1: Professor Peter Belmi on “being situationally appropriate”
    • Tactics to create influence
    • Power up or power down
    • What does the situation call for – and others need to see or feel?
    • Warmth vs Confidence: Would you be more likely to work with a competent jerk or a lovable fool?
    • Insight #2: Marie Incontrera on how much should you share about yourself online
    • Sharing builds trust
    • Curate your transparency: “We all edit”
    • What are you choosing not to share?
    • Insight #3: Celine Teoh, CEO Coach, on the 15% rule developed by Carole Robin
    • Your comfort zone as a set of concentric circles: Where does growth occur?
    • What might baby steps look like for you?
    • Take smart risks, so you don’t sink yourself



    Michael Wenderoth is an Executive Coach that helps executives re-examine their assumptions about power, politics, and authenticity to get promoted, become more effective at work, and break glass ceilings holding them back. Having served 20 years in senior roles with companies across the globe, and then 7 years as a professional coach, he has helped accelerated the careers of clients from diverse industries, backgrounds, and levels of seniority, helping them get ahead – without having to sell their souls in the process. Michael is the award-winning author of Get Promoted, host of the 97% Effective career acceleration podcast, and a frequent speaker and media contributor on career advancement, leadership and navigating power and politics. His work has been featured in Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Stanford Business School Executive Education and IE Business School, where he collaborates with renowned professors, coaches, executives and experts. Michael holds an MBA from Stanford and trained as an executive coach at Columbia University (3CP).


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    18m - May 8, 2024
  • Ep 86 -Michael Wenderoth, Executive Coach - Breaking Through Barriers: The Power of Seeking Advice

    Learn more about Michael Wenderoth, Executive Coach: www.changwenderoth.com


    Do you find it challenging to secure a sponsor at work – or deal with a difficult colleague? Many times we’re told to “go build a relationship,” but it’s not really clear what that means or how to do that. In this episode of 97% Effective, host Michael Wenderoth shares the counterintuitive yet powerful strategy of seeking advice to overcome workplace challenges and advance your career. He shares four diverse situations where seeking advice has benefited his clients -- seeking a mentor, aiming for a promotion, gaining support for a proposal, and converting an adversary into an ally – and three pitfalls to avoid. By the end of this episode, you’ll understand the underlying social science of why seeking advice is so powerful, and how to put that in practice thoughtfully, effectively, and efficiently, so you get the people part right at work.

    • Two reasons why you need to open doors and build relationships with people at work
    • Why seeking advice feels counterintuitive – but is powerful and highly beneficial
    • Four situations where seeking advice pays huge dividends
    • Situation #1: When Sam sought a mentor or sponsor
    • What’s wrong with “Let’s catch up for coffee” and “Can I pick your brain”
    • Situation #2: When Dave sought clarity on the path to promotion
    • The important of getting your boss’s perspective
    • Situation #3: When Jack sought support for his proposal
    • The “meeting before the meeting” to build allies and avoid surprises
    • Situation #4: When Alex turned an adversary into an ally
    • Ways to seek advice from someone you probably detest
    • Three mistakes to avoid when asking advice


    Michael Wenderoth is an Executive Coach that helps executives re-examine their assumptions about power, politics, and authenticity to get promoted, become more effective at work, and break glass ceilings holding them back. Having served 20 years in senior roles with companies across the globe, and then 7 years as a professional coach, he has helped accelerated the careers of clients from diverse industries, backgrounds, and levels of seniority, helping them get ahead – without having to sell their souls in the process. Michael is the award-winning author of Get Promoted, host of the 97% Effective career acceleration podcast, and a frequent speaker and media contributor on career advancement, leadership and navigating power and politics. His work has been featured in Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Stanford Business School Executive Education and IE Business School, where he collaborates with renowned professors, coaches, executives and experts. Michael holds an MBA from Stanford and trained as an executive coach at Columbia University (3CP).

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    15m - May 1, 2024
  • Ep 85 - Michael Wenderoth, Executive Coach - Maximizing Your Communications Impact: 3 Ways to Structure for Success

    Learn more about Michael Wenderoth, Executive Coach: www.changwenderoth.com


    In this episode of 97 Percent Effective, host Michael Wenderoth explores the essential role of adopting structure to boost your communication and advance in your career. He shares three pratical tips: how to start conversations powerfully, organize your thoughts around a proven template, and express ideas concisely in a list of three. He highlights the insightful and memorable advice of Chris Fenning (Author, The First Minute), Phillip Mohabir (CEO, Vivosurgery) and Samia Qamar (Director People, S&P Global Pakistan). Adopt these three techniques and you’ll improve the efficiency, effectivemness and clarity in your communications – widely viewed as the #1 ranked leadership trait.

    • Why structure will boost your communication skills and elevate you at work
    • Are great communicators born, and is communication more art or science?
    • How structuring your communications makes it easier for others to retain the message – and makes it easier for you to assemble it
    • What good is it to have great ideas if people don’t understand them?
    • Structure introduces constraints, which can fuel creativity - not suppress it
    • Structure Tip #1: How to Start the First Minute (from Chris Fenning, Author and Communications Trainer)
    • “Context – Intent – Key Message”
    • It’s about being concise, not being blunt
    • Structure Tip #2: Adopt Templates
    • Structure Tip #3: Use a List of 3
    • “Think in paragraphs but speak in bullets” – Advice from Phillip Mohabir, CEO of Vivosurgey, on lessons working in Investor Relations
    • Why it’s important to be sharp and on point with senior leaders
    • “I stopped giving second order details” -- How feedback on Samia Qamar’s communication led her to make this one change that dramatically improved how she was received and perceived
    • What are the needs and perceptions of others?
    • Embracing structure to improve your communications and leadership ratings



    Michael Wenderoth is an Executive Coach that helps executives re-examine their assumptions about power, politics, and authenticity to get promoted, become more effective at work, and break glass ceilings holding them back. Having served 20 years in senior roles with companies across the globe, and then 7 years as a professional coach, he has helped accelerated the careers of clients from diverse industries, backgrounds, and levels of seniority, helping them get ahead – without having to sell their souls in the process. Michael is the award-winning author of Get Promoted, host of the 97% Effective career acceleration podcast, and a frequent speaker and media contributor on career advancement, leadership and navigating power and politics. His work has been featured in Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Stanford Business School Executive Education and IE Business School, where he collaborates with renowned professors, coaches, executives and experts. Michael holds an MBA from Stanford and trained as an executive coach at Columbia University (3CP).


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    18m - Apr 24, 2024
  • Ep 84 - Michael Wenderoth, Executive Coach - Unlock Your Executive Presence: 3 Practical Insights from the World of Acting

    Learn more about Michael Wenderoth, Executive Coach: www.changwenderoth.com


    Have you ever been told “You just don’t show up like a leader”? Or have you ever felt or said that about someone else? In this short episode of 97% Effective, Michael Wenderoth shares three ways to powerfully elevate your presence and communication, drawing from his conversations with experts from the world of acting: past guests Chip Davis, Richard Newman and Tamzin Townsend. Their insights and tips will have you rethink acting, authenticity, and what brings energy. Spoiler alert: The key to increasing your presence is not about the content of what you say, it’s all about how you say it (mindset, body language and tone) – and what others take away. Apply these three tips and you’ll be well on your way to increasing your leadership and communication ratings, areas that are critical to getting promoted and increasing your impact.

    • Why your presence and communications matters so much at work.
    • Hard truth: How you say it is more important than the actual content.
    • Lessons from past guests, leaders from the world of acting and the dramatic arts.
    • Insight #1: from Chip Davis, Acting and Voice Coach: Embrace fear to avoid tension.
    • “Leaders need to perform competence.”
    • Insight #2 from Richard Newman, CEO of Body Talk: The power of body language (research findings).
    • “Think about congruency, not authenticity” when it comes to what your audience sees in your body language.
    • Insight #3 from Tamzin Townsend, Queen Midas of the Theater: The importance of tone to bring energy.
    • “Our voice can do SO much …a lot of energy is in the voice.”
    • The power of silence in a noisy world.
    • Bottom Line: Spend less time on your content, and more time on how you’ll deliver it.
    • 3 things to do when preparing your next communication.
    • Resources and Next Steps. 


    Michael Wenderoth is an Executive Coach that helps executives re-examine their assumptions about power, politics, and authenticity to get promoted, become more effective at work, and break glass ceilings holding them back. Having served 20 years in senior roles with companies across the globe, and then 7 years as a professional coach, he has helped accelerated the careers of clients from diverse industries, backgrounds, and levels of seniority, helping them get ahead – without having to sell their souls in the process. Michael is the award-winning author of Get Promoted, host of the 97% Effective career acceleration podcast, and a frequent speaker and media contributor on career advancement, leadership and navigating power and politics. His work has been featured in Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Stanford Business School Executive Education and IE Business School, where he collaborates with renowned professors, coaches, executives and experts. Michael holds an MBA from Stanford and trained as an executive coach at Columbia University (3CP).


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    15m - Apr 17, 2024
  • Ep 83 - Michael Wenderoth, Executive Coach - What Got You Here, WILL GET YOU THERE: “Tap Your Past” for Career Advancement

    Learn more about Michael Wenderoth, Executive Coach: www.changwenderoth.com


    We’re often told, and believe: “What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There.” But that’s dangerous and often misguided! In this short episode of 97% Effective, Executive Coach Michael Wenderoth challenges the conventional wisdom that what got you to your current position won't help you progress further in your career. He discusses the importance of tapping into one's past experiences and successes to overcome work-related challenges and make significant career advancements. People, he reveals, often overlook their strengths and past achievements, which can be crucial in navigating work transitions and achieving career goals. Through four client examples – Dan, Jasmine, Rhonda and Keshav – Wenderoth shows how revisiting past strategies and strengths enabled each to break through career stagnation or obstacles. You’ll see how one's past experiences and successes hold valuable lessons and strategies that can be repurposed to meet current challenges and opportunities for growth. By the end of this episode, you’ll be rethinking the traditional advice -- and leave with 3 steps to more powerfully “Tap Your Past” to better navigate your career.

    • The Misconception of “What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There” and how it gets dangerously misapplied.
    • Don’t suppress or disregard past strengths, habits, sources of success – but do the opposite.
    • TAP YOUR PAST: the counterintuitive process that helps you creatively “mine gold” that will power you forward through new challenges.
    • How we get “stuck” at work, when our roles or situations change.
    • Whole person coaching recognizes that clients are naturally creative and resourceful.
    • Client example #1: Accelerating his network in his new company -- how Dan, bank director, resurrected his bold and proactive approach.
    • Don't immediately kill off what has served you.
    • Client example #2: Overcoming her shyness to be seen and and heard on the leadership team -- How Jasmine, finance leader, applied strategies she used when moving to a new country.
    • Find similar situations in your past life or work to identify what helped you through them.
    • Client example #3: Being told “you’re too young – you need more years in your current role” -- How Rhonda, sales director at a tech giant, applied her sales skills to overcome her company’s culture to only promote those with seniority.
    • Apply your work expertise to better manage your career.
    • Client example #4: From avoiding to embracing office politics -- How Keshav, VP at Light & Wonder, re-examined and reframed the problem.
    • Get a new perspective by looking how you or your team solves similar challenges on work problems.
    • To advance, examine and draw creative insights from your past habits, past life situations, past expertise.
    • The 3 steps and powerful questions to “Tap Your Past.”



    Michael Wenderoth is an Executive Coach that helps executives re-examine their assumptions about power, politics, and authenticity to get promoted, become more effective at work, and break glass ceilings holding them back. Having served 20 years in senior roles with companies across the globe, and then 7 years as a professional coach, he has helped accelerated the careers of clients from diverse industries, backgrounds, and levels of seniority, helping them get ahead – without having to sell their souls in the process. Michael is the award-winning author of Get Promoted, host of the 97% Effective career acceleration podcast, and a frequent speaker and media contributor on career advancement, leadership and navigating power and politics. His work has been featured in Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Stanford Business School Executive Education and IE Business School, where he collaborates with renowned professors, coaches, executives and experts. Michael holds an MBA from Stanford and trained as an executive coach at Columbia University (3CP).


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    16m - Apr 10, 2024
  • Ep 82 - Michael Wenderoth, Executive Coach - Mastering Office Politics: 3 Strategies to Survive and Thrive at Work

    Learn more about Michael Wenderoth, Executive Coach: www.changwenderoth.com


    If you have a hard time dealing with “office politics,” listen in. In this episode of 97% Effective, Michael Wenderoth shares three practical ways to help you reframe office politics, an area you must manage to survive and thrive in corporate life. We listen to how Camiel Gielkens, CEO at Relevance, learned from getting burned early in his career; how Executive Coach Raquel Gonzalez helps bright, rationale people navigate “arbitary social norms”; and how Keshav Pitani, VP at Light & Wonder, drew inspiration from game developers to overcome his aversion to office politics. We end with a bonus exercise to help you see office politics in a more positive light.

    • The key to unlocking career success: reframing how you see and approach office politics
    • Why are office politics unavoidable – and so important to navigate?
    • A CEO’s insight: Tough lessons learned from ignoring office politics early in one’s career
    • Office politics defined: “the mechanism by which conflicts get resolved”
    • Reframe #1: “See office politics as an engineering problem”
    • How to build abitrary social norms into your operating model
    • Reframe #2: “Think like a game developer”
    • What do you need to engage someone on your critical path?
    • Managing office politics got this VP promoted, but more importantly it enabled his more important goal: elevate and better help his team flourish
    • Reframe #3: Change the wording
    • The two-column exercise that will make you playful, curious – and see office politics in a more positive light



    Michael Wenderoth is an Executive Coach that helps executives re-examine their assumptions about power, politics, and authenticity to get promoted, become more effective at work, and break glass ceilings holding them back. Having served 20 years in senior roles with companies across the globe, and then 7 years as a professional coach, he has helped accelerated the careers of clients from diverse industries, backgrounds, and levels of seniority, helping them get ahead – without having to sell their souls in the process. Michael is the award-winning author of Get Promoted, host of the 97% Effective career acceleration podcast, and a frequent speaker and media contributor on career advancement, leadership and navigating power and politics. His work has been featured in Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Stanford Business School Executive Education and IE Business School, where he collaborates with renowned professors, coaches, executives and experts. Michael holds an MBA from Stanford and trained as an executive coach at Columbia University (3CP).


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    16m - Apr 3, 2024
  • Ep 81 - Richard Newman, Founder & CEO at Body Talk -- Lift Your Impact: Keys to Elevating your Work, Team and Life

    Learn more about Michael Wenderoth, Executive Coach: www.changwenderoth.com

    Communications expert Richard Newman shares with Michael his latest book, Lift Your Impact. We dive into how to transform your mindset, creating the foundation for personal growth that enables you to better influence and elevate others, and your work. Richard also shares practical tips on how to set and achieve goals, navigate conflict at work, and deepen connections through communication.


    • The Power of Being Shy: A Different Perspective on Communication
    • Why Richard wrote Lift Your Impact: Addressing 3 Post-Pandemic Challenges
    • Mindset Mastery: The Foundation of Personal Growth
    • Lifting Others: The Art of Positive Influence
    • CAR: Commitment, Action, Routine
    • Marathon Training and Overcoming Obstacles
    • The Power of Rituals in Achieving Goals
    • Navigating Conflict in Professional Settings
    • Empathy and Understanding in Conflict Resolution
    • The Art of Asking the Right Questions
    • Deepening Connections Through Communication
    • Future Projects and Personal Growth



    Richard Newman is the Founder and CEO of Body Talk, based in the UK. Over the past 23 years his team has trained over 130,000 business leaders around the world, to improve their communication and impact. Richard started his career working with Tibetan monks in the Himalayas at 18, then worked as a professional actor before becoming a communication coach and keynote speaker. He has won the coveted Cicero Grand Prize Award for Best Speechwriter of the Year, and his research on non-verbal communication was published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Psychology. Richard is the author of two books, You Were Born to Speak and Lift Your Impact

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    42m - Mar 27, 2024
  • Ep 80 - Michael Wenderoth, Executive Coach - From “Meh” to “Yeah!”: Your Top 3 Power Map Mistakes (and What to do Instead)

    Learn more about Michael Wenderoth, Executive Coach: www.changwenderoth.com


    Your Power Map should dramatically help increase your career success. But you created your Power Map and are finding it, well, “meh” (not very impressive). In this brief episode of 97% Effective, host Michael Wenderoth explains why you are getting poor results, sharing the top 3 mistakes he sees executives make in their Power Maps. He walks you through what you are missing, what to do instead, and examples from real clients. Use this episode to self-audit your Power Map and you’ll go from “meh” to “yeah!” results, dramatically helping you accelerate your career and get big things done at work.

    • The origin and meaning of the expression “Meh”
    • Practical tip: use this episode to audit your Power Map (which you created in Episode 78 HERE, using the FREE tool you downloaded on Michael’s coaching website, HERE).
    • Mistake #1: Not creating Your Power Map by hand
    • Mistake #2: Ignoring the Ego
    • Mistake #3: Great Analysis, No Action
    • “It’s all about increasing your odds of success”
    • Summary and Additional Resources


    Michael Wenderoth is an Executive Coach that helps executives re-examine their assumptions about power, politics, and authenticity to get promoted, become more effective at work, and break glass ceilings holding them back. Having served 20 years in senior roles with companies across the globe, and then 7 years as a professional coach, he has helped accelerated the careers of clients from diverse industries, backgrounds, and levels of seniority, helping them get ahead – without having to sell their souls in the process. Michael is the award-winning author of Get Promoted, host of the 97% Effective career acceleration podcast, and a frequent speaker and media contributor on career advancement, leadership and navigating power and politics. His work has been featured in Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Stanford Business School Executive Education and IE Business School, where he collaborates with renowned professors, coaches, executives and experts. Michael holds an MBA from Stanford and trained as an executive coach at Columbia University (3CP).

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    14m - Mar 20, 2024
  • Ep 79 – Dr. Ignacio Gafo, Head at HSLU Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts -- – How to Maximize Your Influence in a Hybrid Work Environment

    Learn more about Michael Wenderoth, Executive Coach: www.changwenderoth.com


    You work three days from home – and two days in the office. Hybrid work is the new normal. To maximize your influence, what strategies work best when you are remote and online, what strategies work best when face to face in the office? In this episode, Michael Wenderoth talks to Dr. Ignacio Gafo, learning and development/edtech expert and Head at HSLU, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. They discuss blending online and face-to-face interactions to foster better collaboration, ways to personalize experiences to accelerate bonding and connection, and the untapped opportunity with AI. Dr. Gafo shares insights from his leading work at IE Business School and MIT, describing how one key change to an executive education program got powerful results. He also unveils an innovative program in sustainable tourism that he is developing with the United Nations.

    • The biggest mistake people continue to make when interacting online
    • How Dr. Gafo defines influence
    • His mantra: “Make it personal”
    • How online is best good for transactional, non-real time collaboration
    • How face to face is best for bonding, motivation, engagement
    • Making the most of a blended work week: how to use your in-person time
    • Quarterly “on-sites”: A powerful practice deployed by one of Michael’s clients
    • Beyond ropes courses and lunches: How to tailor and maximize the impact of bonding activities
    • “The first thing is to create the connection”
    • How Dr. Gafo shifted a MIT program from online to hybrid to increase satisfaction – and sales
    • “It’s not only about the people, but also the physical space”
    • Do the principles work the same for different nationalities, different ages?
    • Connecting and being personal is not just setting up a Zoom call!
    • The freedom to come up with something new: Insights from Dr. Gafo’s latest innovation, a new Bachelor’s program in sustainable tourism with the United Nations
    • What people want most in their learning environment: transformational experiences and flexibility
    • AI is about personalization, not about automation
    • Regardless of online or In-person, the key question you need to ask yourself



     Dr. Ignacio Gafo, a global scholar and executive, is the head of HSLU Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. His industry experience covers 25 years in corporate leadership at Vodafone, Mars and Canon – and in learning & development at IE Business School, where he served as Associate Dean overseeing their top ranked Global Executive Education programs. Dr. Gafo lectures on change management at the School of Engineering at Brown University (USA), serves as Expert in Digital Marketing at the United Nations Academy ,and contributes as a researcher for the United Nations World Tourism Organization. He holds a PhD in Marketing and Communications at the Complutense University in Madrid, Spain.

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    26m - Mar 13, 2024
  • Ep 78 – Michael Wenderoth, Executive Coach – Power Mapping 101: A Compass Points the Way, but Your Power Map Gets You There

    Learn more about Michael Wenderoth, Executive Coach: www.changwenderoth.com


    “A compass points you true north , but it’s got no advice about the swamps, deserts and chasms you’ll encounter along the way.” In this short episode of 97% Effective, Executive Coach Michael Wenderoth shares his Power Map, a powerful tool that helps you get promoted, get big things done, and not only survive – but thrive – in your company. He covers: 1) why and when to use it, 2) how to use it, step by step, and 3) brief examples. By the end of this episode, you'll be able to create your own Power Map to accelerate your career. Download his tool and make your own Power Map as you follow along in the episode, and you’ll leave with new insights and practical steps to advance at work.

    •  POWER MAP Introduction: Why and When to use it
    • Get practical: Download his Power Map tool and apply it to your own situation as you listen
    • Context: When to use it in Michael’s 3-step framework “The Rock, the Map, the Snowball”
    • 2 critical questions: How do you spend your time at work? With whom?
    • “Strategy is a fancy way of what you say no to”
    • The hard truth about how decisions are made in organizations
    • Wisdom from Abraham Lincoln: What's the use of knowing True North?
    • POWER MAP: How to use
    • Step #1 (that most people can’t state clearly): What’s your Goal?
    • Step #2: Which one person has the most power and influence to affect your goal?
    • Step #3: List needs, backgrounds, connections
    • How to harness “influence conduits” and “influence assets”
    • “Being a detective”: What do you NOT know… and how can you find out?
    • Step #4: Taking action
    • POWER MAP: 3 examples
    • Getting Promoted (Marta’s Power Map insight: getting critical senior people on her side, and where and how to provide value)
    • Starting a New Role (Alex Power Map insight: getting hidden insight from an executive assistant, and the power of volunteer roles)
    • Advancing a Cause (Greg’s Power Map insight: framing proposals in novel ways to secure key allies, and re-setting metrics)
    • Additional situations where your Power Map will help you: Surviving a Reorganization, Leading Change, Making a Lateral Move.
    • Additional Resources



    Michael Wenderoth is an Executive Coach that helps executives re-examine their assumptions about power, politics, and authenticity to get promoted, become more effective at work, and break glass ceilings holding them back. Having served 20 years in senior roles with companies across the globe, and then 7 years as a professional coach, he has helped accelerated the careers of clients from diverse industries, backgrounds, and levels of seniority, helping them get ahead – without having to sell their souls in the process. Michael is the award-winning author of Get Promoted, host of the 97% Effective career acceleration podcast, and a frequent speaker and media contributor on career advancement, leadership and navigating power and politics. His work has been featured in Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Stanford Business School Executive Education and IE Business School, where he collaborates with renowned professors, coaches, executives and experts. Michael holds an MBA from Stanford and trained as an executive coach at Columbia University (3CP).

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    18m - Mar 6, 2024
  • Ep 77 – Dr. Gary McGrath, CEO at Statarius –From Toxic to Terrific: Turning bad bosses into great leaders

    Learn more about Michael Wenderoth, Executive Coach: www.changwenderoth.com


    Brace Yourself! Dr. Gary McGrath, leadership guru, gets rid of bad bosses. In this continuation episode of 97% Effective, Michael and Dr. Gary walk through how he coaches a bad boss and all the stakeholders around them: their reports, peers, and even the boss of the bad boss. If you have a bad leader working for you, next to you, above you – or want to ensure you don't become one, then listen in. A coach consultant, Dr. Gary is the CEO of Statarius, a leadership development firm based in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.

    •  If humility is such an important leadership trait, why are most leaders anything but?
    • Dr. Gary on “the invisibility of leadership”: The public persona of a CEO vs the real human you don’t see behind the scenes
    • Are horrible geniuses a model?
    • Leadership as a responsibility, not a position
    • What Dr Gary means when he says “I get rid of bad bosses”
    • Are you happy as a manager or leader?
    • Coaching the bad boss who thinks they are great: 360s and other techniques to uncover blind spots
    • When the CEO brings in a Coach to work with a troubled employee: Are they avoiding doing their job?
    • How waiting to make people decisions can harm the entire organization
    • The important 3-way conversation: “The Coach is here to coach you up -- or out”
    • Write your mission statement and then ask yourself if you are in the right job
    • Should a coach give advice? Be clear on the type of coach you are – or need
    • Dr. Gary on being “kind but not gentle” and how he channels Mrs. Doubtfire
    • Coaching the peers who have to work with the bad boss
    • Relationship Building 101: “I don’t like this man very much.. I need to get to know him better.”
    • 3 key relationships and how to use them: Coaches, mentors and sponsors
    • Go have lunch and ask, “How can we win together?”
    • Coaching the direct report who works for the bad boss
    • Know the difference: Are you suffering or struggling?
    • How to better assess which people should be developed into leaders
    • Counterintuitive insight: Why promoting average people, not superstars, is a better approach
    • Reaching Dr Gary and his Statarians


    Dr. Gary McGrath is the CEO of Statarius, a leadership development firm based in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. After serving as an officer in the U. S. Army, he went on to a 40-year business career in manufacturing, information technology, and marketing with Fortune 500 companies and technology startups. Dr. Gary is the author of the CEO’s Journey: The Seven Steps of Intentional Leadership. He holds degrees in engineering from the University of Connecticut and a doctorate of business administration in marketing and leadership from Nova Southeastern University.

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    34m - Feb 28, 2024
  • Ep 76 – Dr. Gary McGrath, CEO at Statarius: How To Get Rid of a Bad Boss

    Learn more about Michael Wenderoth, Executive Coach: www.changwenderoth.com


    Dr. Gary McGrath, CEO of Statarius, gets rid of bad bosses. 71% of people have had a bad boss, so Dr. Gary has no shortage of work. In this episode of 97% Effective, Michael discusses with Dr. Gary why we get bad bosses, what the billion dollar leadership and training industry gets wrong -- and how Dr. Gary’s research and approach get lasting behavioral change, turning bad bosses into great leaders. If you have a bad leader working for you, next to you, above you – or want to ensure you don't become one, listen in: Gary’s got a compelling argument of what you and your company should be doing differently.

    • Why Dr. Gary chose Statarius for his company name, and it’s one downside
    • Dr. Gary explains his mission: “Making good bosses into great leaders with compassionate accountability”
    • Hard Truth #1: Leadership skills can be learned, but only 30% of people should ever be leaders.
    • Hard Truth #2: Companies throw people into leadership but don’t develop them – and then we expect them to be effective?
    • The most important skill of a leader: Shut up, listen and ask good questions
    • How we are trained in school to be a good answerer, which kills us at work
    • “You don’t have to be right – we have to be right”
    • Dr. Gary’s biggest regret
    • The two characteristics of leadership effectiveness
    • “Great leaders don’t make the right decisions… they make their decisions right”
    • Decisions as a process, not an event
    • When Gary talks to a boss, the 1 value and 2 characteristics he looks for
    • 71% of people have had an intolerable boss
    • The surprising way Dr. Gary “gets rid of” bad bosses
    • Why do we get such bad leaders when we have a billion dollar industry leadership and training industry?
    • Dr. Gary’s research on why leadership programs fail
    • Connecting the What with the Why with the How
    • The secret sauce: training + coaching + peer support + the demonstration of application of those behaviours
    • The success of Dr. Gary’s program, Leader Step Seven, is built on having a group that supports you, and holds you accountable
    • How can you communicate with people if you don't know what emotional state they're in?
    • The power of writing and sharing stories: How Dr. Gary’s programs get measurable behavioural change
    • “Sow seeds”: How leaders think too much about an event – and not enough about processes.



    Dr. Gary McGrath is the CEO of Statarius, a leadership development firm based in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. After serving as an officer in the U. S. Army, he went on to a 40-year business career in manufacturing, information technology, and marketing with Fortune 500 companies and technology startups. Dr. Gary is the author of the CEO’s Journey: The Seven Steps of Intentional Leadership. He holds degrees in engineering from the University of Connecticut and a doctorate of business administration in marketing and leadership from Nova Southeastern University.

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    30m - Feb 21, 2024
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