• I Lost Someone Twice (who I am not done loving in Christ Alone)

    Episode 91. I Lost Someone Twice (who I am not done loving in Christ Alone)


    ...think about the emotional shards in your relationships that leave parts of your life broken, bleeding, splintered by conversations unspoken, dialogues that went downhill, moments and memories on hold, and for some, the abrupt call of mortality to cut it all short.

    Think about how you are not done loving.

    ... it is in the middle of all this that Jesus administers His peace, long before any resolve settles in. Before He brings any enduring connection back to a relationship. A peace that requires only Him. 

    ...maybe this will prompt you, human, to go to the great Comforter to heal, to find His way to connect your fragmented heart to His wholeness. To sustain an enduring connection with someone, we must first connect with the One.

    Solus Christus.

    Because Jesus is our peacemaker. 

    John 16:33

    33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” 

    #Godofcomfort #Godofpeace #JesusPeacemaker #peaceofheart #brokenhearted #mortality #eternity #suffering #loveunconditionally #God’smercy #thesovereignty of God #God’sstory #forGodsoloved #thedivinegift #theperfectgift #fruitoftheSpirit #Iamfound #christianpodcast #christfollowers #hopewriterscommunity #truthtotablecommunity #faithrockyourfaith #mywitness99 #buildingspiritualcharacter #growmyfaith #God’spresence

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    E91 - 18m - Jun 26, 2024
  • I Rode the A Train to Eternity (a garden conversation at The Cloisters that stirred my soul)

    Episode 90. I Rode the A Train to Eternity (a garden conversation at The Cloisters that stirred my soul)

    Earthly life teaches us what part we each have in the story of God’s Genesis. How we work through our mortality in God’s story about His eternity. 

    And the one most jarring earthly collision with the soul, that feeling of spiraling isolation when death is at someone’s door. Someone you love is leaving you alone in this world.

    That “deep knowing” we gain. A painful epiphany that cannot be debated. Being mortal is a solo act. For everyone.

    After a few minutes of sharing the presence of a mighty God, a God who brings peace, comfort, wisdom, and all the promises of His heavenly kingdom, somehow—and to this day I do not know how we went from mortality to moving—somehow we found the timing to get up from the bench, and continue walking. 

    My soul was stirring. My soul was spinning. My soul told me what I knew in that moment. 

    Mortality is when someone whose terminal illness is imminent tells you they can't get their head around not being on earth in a few short months. We just don’t get the end of earthly life. We just can't mentally write the end.

    What was spiritually sobering for me in this conversation was hearing a human accept mortality in the only way possible. Personally. A given. With an estimated time. The time at hand. And it is not that realization that was of eternal value to me, it was sharing that moment, that moment when being mortal AND being eternal held us together.

    James 4:14

    14 Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.

    #thecloisters #mortality #trustGod #serveGod #keeploving #suffering #love unconditionally #God’smercy #myinheritanceinheaven #God’spropheticvoice #thesovereignty of God #God’sstory #forGodsoloved #thedivinegift #theperfectgift #fruitoftheSpirit #Iamfound #christianpodcast #christfollowers #hopewriterscommunity #truthtotablecommunity #faithrockyourfaith #mywitness99 #buildingspiritualcharacter #growmyfaith #God’spresence

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    E90 - 15m - Jun 19, 2024
  • Solus Christus. In Christ Alone (I am not alone).

    Episode 89. Solus Christus. In Christ Alone (I am not alone).

    What “in Christ alone” means to me and how I fight it with the futility of my human nature. I know that sounds a little too weighty. 

    Maybe this. I fight it with trying to help Christ save me. As if He did not. 

    I think of “casting shade” as not living as if Christ has completed the story. Bringing things like fear, anxiety, worry in to help me fight a battle that has already been won. Over-exercising verbs like striving, pursuing, chasing goals, ambitions, and earthly measures of spiritual success. Yes, letting the shadow of earthly pursuits darken the spiritual light of my witness to love one another, one by one. By allowing earthly gain to re-define His victory.

    Casting shade by looking for grace, faith, redemption, salvation from anyone or anything but Jesus. We look to others for confirmation of our worth. 

    I cast shade when I turn away His love, when I turn away from opportunities to love others, when I throw darkness on the light He is shining within me. 

    I cast shade when I do not accept His presence, His power, His sovereignty in my life.

    Hebrews 7:25 

    Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them. 


    #soluschristus #inChristalone #christismymediator #trustGod #serveGod #keeploving #suffering #love unconditionally #God’smercy #myinheritanceinheaven #God’spropheticvoice #thesovereignty of God#God’sstory #forGodsoloved #thedivinegift #theperfectgift #fruitoftheSpirit #Iamfound #christianpodcast #christfollowers #hopewriterscommunity #truthtotablecommunity #faithrockyourfaith #mywitness99 #buildingspiritualcharacter #growmyfaith #God’spresence

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    E89 - 11m - Jun 12, 2024
  • When You Feel Like Jumpin’ Ship (honor the struggle of God’s work in You)

    Episode 88 When You Feel Like Jumpin’ Ship (honor the struggle of God’s work in You)


    Life is full of wanting to abandon the struggle. A struggle that is tethered to, grounded in, conversations, memories, love, respect, honor, collaboration, laughter, crying, caring, sharing the intimacy of human nature. 


    I am talking about the human cargo in every relationship.


    So you are on your boat, you are looking out at the horizon, thinking you can swim back. Toward shore. You are thinking about abandoning what you once invested in as good.


    Don’t, human. 


    Honor God’s work in you. The connections, the relationships on rough seas, the circumstances that test your character.


    Honor the struggle of it. 

    Honor God’s righteousness within it.

    Sail the strongest winds in your life by His sovereignty. He will navigate. 

    Do not abandon that which He started. Live the story He has put you in.


    This is how we witness.


    Proverbs 19:21


    21 Many are the plans in a person’s heart,

       but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.


    #God’sWillprevails #TrustGodwiththeoutome #trustGod #serveGod #keeploving #suffering #love unconditionally #God’smercy #myinheritanceinheaven #God’spropheticvoice #thesovereignty of God #God’sstory #forGodsoloved #thedivinegift #theperfectgift #fruitoftheSpirit #Iamfound #christianpodcast #christfollowers #hopewriterscommunity #truthtotablecommunity #faithrockyourfaith #mywitness99 #buildingspiritualcharacter #growmyfaith #God’spresence


    Find today’s show notes and links at https://kathrynbise.com/category/buoy-podcast-show-notes/


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    E88 - 12m - Jun 5, 2024
  • Obedience is the Path to God’s Presence and Provision (enough said)

    Episode 87. Obedience is the Path to God’s Presence and Provision (enough said)


    I think obedience is how we know God more deeply, how we connect to His presence. When He asks us to obey His commands, He is literally asking us to obey His nature. He created us in His image. This is a promise: that we take on His attributes when we do the things He does.


    When we are obedient, we are so because we trust God. When we obey, we deepen that trust.


    My BUOY today comes from deeper water. Seeking deeper trust.


    I will obey...


    Not because I want to be good. Although I do.


    Not because He tells me to. Although sometimes, this is the simplest way to get me off the spiritual couch.  


    Not because bad things will happen to me, if I don’t.


    I will obey because I want to know Him better. 


    I want His presence to flood my life, my heart, my soul. His distant swell that comes from hundreds of miles out at sea, where only He stands tall in bottomless waters. 


    Jesus, Luke 6:46


    “Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you?


    #obeymycommands #obedience #obeyingGod #God’sprovision #God’spresence #thejoyofmysalvation #serveGod #lovingoneanother #suffering #love unconditionally #God’smercy #myinheritanceinheaven #God’spropheticvoice #thesovereignty of God #God’sstory #forGodsoloved #thedivinegift #theperfectgift #fruitoftheSpirit #Iamfound #christianpodcast #christfollowers #hopewriterscommunity #truthtotablecommunity #faithrockyourfaith #mywitness99 #buildingspiritualcharacter #growmyfaith #God’spresence


    Find today’s show notes and links at https://kathrynbise.com/category/buoy-podcast-show-notes/


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    E87 - 11m - May 29, 2024
  • God’s Providence through His Presence (His nearness is the provision for my future)

    God’s Providence through His Presence (His nearness is the provision for my future)


    The corners I put God in, are because I only see in part. I corner God when I can’t understand His presence, His reach, His provision for my life. I put my timeless, eternal God in timeout.

    I won’t belabor this. 

    When He asks me “Am I only a God nearby?” Even though He references hiding, which I know people may subconsciously think is possible, it isn’t hiding for me, it is that I don’t grasp the scale and scope of His sovereignty in shaping my future. 

    That His nearness is the provision for my future.


    Jeremiah 23:23-24

    “Am I only a God nearby,” declares the LORD, “and not a God far away? Who can hide in secret places so that I cannot see them?” declares the LORD. “Do not I fill heaven and earth?” declares the LORD.


    God’sprovision #God’spresence #thejoyofmysalvation #serveGod #lovingoneanother #suffering #love unconditionally #God’smercy #myinheritanceinheaven #God’spropheticvoice #thesovereignty of God#God’sstory #forGodsoloved #thedivinegift #theperfectgift #fruitoftheSpirit #Iamfound #christianpodcast #christfollowers #hopewriterscommunity #truthtotablecommunity #faithrockyourfaith #mywitness99 #buildingspiritualcharacter #growmyfaith #God’spresence

    Find today’s show notes and links at https://kathrynbise.com/category/buoy-podcast-show-notes/

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    E86 - 8m - May 22, 2024
  • I need to show I am open to helping others more (Jesus said, “Your light is a house on a hill.”)

    Episode 85

    ... do something from what you see.

    Do something for someone who needs more than they asked for... one time I helped get a spicy pepper product for a lady in a wheelchair at Costco, and when she said “this is the only pepper to use when frying chicken” I spent the next 15 minutes getting her recipe. Just time being with her, hearing about her chicken-frying technique that made everything right in the world, just time hearing about the children she raised, the good times, clearly now farther apart in her older age. 

    I could smell that chicken. I could hear it crackle in the pan. She uplifted me. My light glowed from it. 


    When we walk with an open heart, we let the light in from all directions.

    Jesus used a very clear metaphor for what we are when we follow Him, live in Him.

    We are a town built on a hill. We are full of light, and always positioned through His intent to be a beacon to others. If we live in darkness, it doesn’t matter how high we sit on that hill. His sovereignty, His power, His glory goes unnoticed. 

    When we shine His light, we are saying “I am open to helping you. I am open to casting my light on your space, your life, to help you see your next step. To help you solve an immediate problem. To soothe a little anxiety with my light.” Because Jesus is kind.

    E85 - 11m - May 15, 2024
  • Who is Willing to Consecrate Themselves to the Lord Today? (calling all broken spirits and cedar logs)

    Episode 84. Who is Willing to Consecrate Themselves to the Lord Today? (calling all broken spirits and cedar logs)


    Psalm 51:17

    17 My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit;

        a broken and contrite heart

        you, God, will not despise.


    I am layer upon layer crazy about this... that the thing we can give to God through the agency of our free will, are the things that come from a broken spirit. A broken spirit requires everything we are. That we sacrifice more cedar logs than could be counted.

    To be clear, to seek clarity, to better comprehend, here is a start to what I choose out of my broken spirit. 

    Consider who we choose, and over what.

    Join me.

    I choose His provision over my prowess.

    I choose His sovereignty over my self-interest.

    I choose His love over my lament.

    I choose His grace over my good deeds.

    I choose His call over my captions. 

    I choose His glory over my gain.

    I choose His will over my wanting.

    I choose His call over my creativity.

    I choose His story over my strategy. 

    I choose His delight over my determination. 

    I choose His strength over my stamina.

    I choose His bounty over my best effort. 

    I choose His Son over my sovereignty.

    When we have a broken spirit, what we leave behind is what our sin nature tries to hold us captive to

    ... all the earthly pursuits we try to power through on our own merit. 

    It is such a strain on our God-given soul.


    #brokenspirit #livingsacrifice #sacrificetoGod #sacrifice #greatisGod’sfaithfulness #sustainmyspiritohLord #thejoyofmysalvation #awilling spirit #serveGod #lovingoneanother #suffering #love unconditionally #God’smercy #myinheritanceinheaven #God’spropheticvoice #thesovereignty of God #God’sstory #forGodsoloved #thedivinegift #theperfectgift #fruitoftheSpirit #Iamfound #christianpodcast #christfollowers #hopewriterscommunity #truthtotablecommunity #faithrockyourfaith #mywitness99 #buildingspiritualcharacter #growmyfaith #God’spresence

    Find today’s show notes and links at https://kathrynbise.com/category/buoy-podcast-show-notes/

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    E84 - 11m - May 8, 2024
  • I Sing to the Lord a New Song (wake up to His faithfulness)

    Episode 83. I Sing to the Lord a New Song (wake up to His faithfulness) 

    Turning our face toward God, toward Jesus, focusing on His faithfulness, is the best possible training for singing to Him. We are made in His image, so our faith comes from His faithfulness. When we look to Him for the lyrics to a new song every morning, and throughout our day, it comes when we acknowledge His faithfulness to each of us, and His presence and power in our lives. 

    Psalm 96

    1 Sing to the Lord a new song;

        sing to the Lord, all the earth.

    2 Sing to the Lord, praise his name;

        proclaim his salvation day after day.

    3 Declare his glory among the nations,

        his marvelous deeds among all peoples.

    It comes from getting good at naming new songs, new revelations of His renewing grace each day.

    #newmercies #newmercieseveryday #greatisGod’sfaithfulness #anewsong #sustainmyspiritohLord #thejoyofmysalvation #awilling spirit #serveGod #lovingoneanother #suffering #love unconditionally #loveourenemies #lovingeverysingleone #God’smercy #confessionstoGod #GardenofEden #myinheritanceinheaven #God’spropheticvoice #thesovereignty of God #God’sstory #forGodsoloved #thedivinegift #theperfectgift #fruitoftheSpirit #Iamfound #christianpodcast #christseekers #christfollowers #hopewriterscommunity #truthtotablecommunity #faiththatrocks #mywitness99 #askGodforinsight #buildingspiritualcharacter #growmyfaith #God’spresence

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    E83 - 10m - May 1, 2024
  • I Pray Beyond the Healing (my suffering is parenthetical to His Glory)

    Episode 82. I Pray Beyond the Healing (my suffering is parenthetical to His Glory) 

    So, what is so important to me, and for you, human, is to praise how God stabilizes us, so we can do His will for His glory.  I pray every morning—because this is one of my diehard fearsthat something like vertigo will stand in the way of His purpose for my life—so I pray that God will manage my health. That every health challenge I encounter—my vertigo, my asthma, and the inevitable that comes with physical aging—will not stand in the way of His purpose for my life. 

    That my suffering is parenthetical to how my life reflects His glory.

    Steady me Lord, wherever I go. Because I go with You. Because I go for you. 

    With this I encourage you to pray beyond being healed. Pray beyond your suffering. Because you are praying to the One who reigns, the One who is sovereign, whose right hand will take you where He wants you to go. We are Christlike in our suffering, so we can be who we need to be to bring His glory to the lives of others. 

    Isaiah 41:10

    10 So do not fear, for I am with you;

        do not be dismayed, for I am your God.

    I will strengthen you and help you;

        I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.


    #prayersforthosewhosuffer #vertigo #praybeyondhealing #praybeyondsuffering #sustainmyspiritohLord #thejoyofmysalvation #awilling spirit #serveGod #lovingoneanother #suffering #love unconditionally #loveourenemies #lovingeverysingleone #God’smercy #confessionstoGod #GardenofEden #myinheritanceinheaven #God’spropheticvoice #thesovereignty of God #God’sstory #forGodsoloved #thedivinegift #theperfectgift #fruitoftheSpirit #Iamfound #christianpodcast #christseekers #christfollowers #hopewriterscommunity #truthtotablecommunity #faiththatrocks #mywitness99 #askGodforinsight #buildingspiritualcharacter #growmyfaith #God’spresence

    Find today’s show notes and links at https://kathrynbise.com/category/buoy-podcast-show-notes/

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    E82 - 13m - Apr 24, 2024
  • God Gives Me a Willing Spirit (when I bring my broken spirit to Him)

    BUOY Episode 81. God Gives Me a Willing Spirit (when I bring my broken spirit to Him)


    Psalm 51: 11-12


    11 Do not cast me from your presence

        or take your Holy Spirit from me.

    12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation

        and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.

    When I drift, I lose my joy. It’s the first thing to go... I remember having had it, I know it is still there, but I can’t fully access it because it comes from living in His presence. It comes from my Heavenly Father, my Savior, and the Holy Spirit. 

    I can’t long for it, or even want the joy of loving God without a willing spirit that comes from Him. And it is that spirit that keeps me tethered to His wind, His water.

    #sustainmyspiritohLord #thejoyofmysalvation #awilling spirit #serveGod #lovingoneanother #suffering #love unconditionally #loveourenemies #lovingeverysingleone #God’smercy #confessionstoGod #GardenofEden #myinheritanceinheaven #God’spropheticvoice #Godissovereign #God’sstory #forGodsoloved #thegoodandperfectgift #thedivinegift #theperfectgift #fruitoftheSpirit #Iamfound #christianpodcast #christseekers #christfollowers #hopewriterscommunity #truthtotablecommunity #faiththatrocks #mywitness99 #askGodforinsight #buildingspiritualcharacter #growmyfaith #God’spresence

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    E81 - 10m - Apr 17, 2024
  • An Audience of One (from Hollywood to Holy Ground)

    Episode 80.

    .... It does mean we all make one binary choice. God, or man. God, or things, God, or fame. God, or fortune. God, or followers. Am I trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God?

    There is a timely moment in your life, human, when you decide to take that one-way all-in ride to your abbey, your purpose according to how your Creator intended you to live. And a thousand moments in every day that we confirm that choice, over and over again. 

    Such a life is sufficient through Christ. Ask Mother Dolores.

    Galatians 1:10

    10 Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.


    #HollywoodtoHolyGround #serveGod #anaudienceofone #lovingoneanother #suffering #love unconditionally #loveourenemies #lovingeverysingleone #God’smercy #confessionstoGod #GardenofEden #myinheritanceinheaven #God’spropheticvoice #Godissovereign #God’sstory #forGodsoloved #thegoodandperfectgift #thedivinegift #theperfectgift #fruitoftheSpirit #Iamfound #christianpodcast #christseekers #christfollowers #hopewriterscommunity #truthtotablecommunity #faiththatrocks #mywitness99 #askGodforinsight #buildingspiritualcharacter #growmyfaith #God’spresence

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    E80 - 10m - Apr 10, 2024
  • When Jesus Asks, “What do you want me to do for you?” (answer Him)

    Episode 79.

    What we want is often not what Jesus was sent to do. Or for the purpose for which He was sent. Jesus asks me to get clear, be honest about what is in my heart, be honest about why I am approaching Him.

    Jesus is not the Savior of our selfish purposes. He is the Savior of our selfish nature. 

    Jesus is not the Lord of our self-proclaimed life. He is the Lord of our eternal life with Him.

    So, I have been thinking about how I answer this question from Jesus:

    What do I want Him to do? Because whatever it is, it is built on the premise of what He has already done.

    He has already died for my sin. 

    Mark 10:49-51

    49 Jesus stopped and said, “Call him.”

    So, they called to the blind man, “Cheer up! On your feet! He’s calling you.” 50 Throwing his cloak aside, he jumped to his feet and came to Jesus.

    51 “What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked him.


    #healingtheblindman #resurrection #serveGod #lovingoneanother #suffering #love unconditionally #loveourenemies #lovingeverysingleone #God’smercy #confessionstoGod #GardenofEden #myinheritanceinheaven #God’spropheticvoice #Godissovereign #God’sstory #forGodsoloved #thegoodandperfectgift #thedivinegift #theperfectgift #fruitoftheSpirit #Iamfound #christianpodcast #christseekers #christfollowers #hopewriterscommunity #truthtotablecommunity #faiththatrocks #mywitness99 #askGodforinsight #buildingspiritualcharacter #growmyfaith #God’spresence

    Find today’s show notes and links at https://kathrynbise.com/category/buoy-podcast-show-notes/

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    E79 - 9m - Apr 3, 2024
  • Jesus Prayed This WHY For Us the Night He Was Arrested (“that the love you have for me... ”)

    It was just before the Passover Festival; Jesus knew that the hour had come for him to leave this world.

    He had just washed their feet, predicted his death for a final time, and predicted Peter’s denial three times before the rooster crows. (John 13)

    This was his last night with his disciples before his death.

    To comfort, to assure, to inspire, to teach, to enlighten... to prepare them.


    Jesus had just told his disciples that the time is coming that He will no longer speak figuratively. And the disciples were beginning to understand what Jesus came to do. 

    Then He turned to His Heavenly Father. 

    John 17:25


    25 “Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me. 26 I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.”


    That night Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane.

    E78 - 12m - Mar 27, 2024
  • Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega of God’s Story (my beginning and my end)

    Revelation 22:12-13

    12 Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

    Jesus was with God in the beginning, and He proclaims that He is the one who conquers the ending to God’s story. His Heavenly Father’s story.

    The Omega is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. It is the prologue to when He returns to claim His sovereignty over the world. With all our earthly living inbetween.

    This also means that... when you feel lost, or indecisive about choices you have, or you feel defeated by your own mind games, or life’s missteps, unpredictable challenges, Jesus has already lived, died, and has been resurrected for the heavenly ending you will share with Him.

    If you believe and accept Him as your Savior and Lord. If you have not done this, now, this moment, is your time. He is your Alpha and Omega. 

    When I finished reading... a heart flooded with overwhelming reverence for a God that cannot be contained by anything man knows, feels, or believes.

    I thanked God for His story. His sovereignty.

    I thanked God that I am in His story. 

    As a believer. A follower of the Alpha and Omega. 

    His beloved Son is Risen.

    He is my Omega. 


    #Jesusisthealpahandomega #newcovenant #Jesusatworkinus #WhenGodisSilent #GodGoesBeforeMe #Godisworthy #IamworthyinChrist #love unconditionally #God’smercy #GardenofEden #God’spropheticvoice #Godissovereign #God’sstory #forGodsoloved #thegoodandperfectgift #thedivinegift #theperfectgift #fruitoftheSpirit #Iamfound #christianpodcast #christseekers #christfollowers #hopewriterscommunity #truthtotablecommunity #faiththatrocks #mywitness99 #askGodforinsight #buildingspiritualcharacter #growmyfaith #God’spresence

    Find today’s show notes and links at https://kathrynbise.com/category/buoy-podcast-show-notes/

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    E77 - 14m - Mar 20, 2024
  • God Goes Before Me in Silence (speaking the language of His sovereignty)

    The new covenant we have with God through His Son, lives in every moment. 

    I love that God’s nature is timeless. That His presence doesn’t require a special day or a particular moment to do what He plans to do. He is always, constantly, going before me. Clearing a Psalm 139 path for my earthly ascent to a heavenly home.

    Jesus always “goes before and beyond” what we see, hear, or could imagine. Because we are not omnipresent, nor omniscient. 

    Ephesians 3:20

    20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,

    “His power that is at work within us” is the power of how Jesus fulfilled the prophecies, the law of Moses, and the fall of humanity through the serpent, the woman, the apple, the man, the fall.


    #newcovenant #Jesusatworkinus #WhenGodisSilent #GodGoesBeforeMe #Godisworthy #IamworthyinChrist #love unconditionally #God’smercy #GardenofEden #God’spropheticvoice #Godissovereign #God’sstory #forGodsoloved #thegoodandperfectgift #thedivinegift #theperfectgift #fruitoftheSpirit #Iamfound #christianpodcast #christseekers #christfollowers #hopewriterscommunity #truthtotablecommunity #faiththatrocks #mywitness99 #askGodforinsight #buildingspiritualcharacter #growmyfaith #God’spresence

    Find today’s show notes and links at https://kathrynbise.com/category/buoy-podcast-show-notes/

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    Connect with Kathryn:  deeperwater@kathrynbise.com

    E76 - 13m - Mar 13, 2024
  • I Have a Covenant with My Creator (sealed with the blood of the One)

    Episode 75 I Have a Covenant with My Creator (sealed with the blood of the One)


    Hebrews 8:10


    10 This is the covenant I will establish with the people of Israel

        after that time, declares the Lord.

    I will put my laws in their minds

        and write them on their hearts.

    I will be their God,

        and they will be my people.


    What a powerful way to stay in His presence. To walk in His covenant means to be willing and obedient to His words. Abraham was ready to give the most precious gift in his life; he took God’s word and believed in his heart in order to receive the blessings. 

    And God gave His most precious gift, His beloved Son. So, I seek to give everything that is precious to me back to God, for Him to protect, nurture, grow, and prosper. Sealed in the blood of His Son.

    Join my quick prayer, now.  Make it your own, human as we prepare for Easter. 

    Lord God of Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David, help me walk in your covenant, respond to your promises with love, obedience, and an enduring loyalty of my free will to your sovereign nature. In the name of Jesus, amen.

    God did the choosing. This is what the Bible is about. God chose His people, He chose each of us, human. 


    #Abraham’scovenant #God’scovenant #Godisworthy #thepowerofacceptingmyunworthiness #love unconditionally #God’smercy #confessionstoGod #myinheritanceinheaven #God’spropheticvoice #Godissovereign #God’sstory #forGodsoloved #theperfectgift #fruitoftheSpirit #Iamfound #christianpodcast #christseekers #christfollowers #hopewriterscommunity #truthtotablecommunity #faiththatrocks #mywitness99 #askGodforinsight #buildingspiritualcharacter #growmyfaith #God’spresence

    Find today’s show notes and links at https://kathrynbise.com/category/buoy-podcast-show-notes/

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    Connect with Kathryn:  deeperwater@kathrynbise.com

    E75 - 14m - Mar 6, 2024
  • I am Worthy of His Calling (because He is worthy)

    Episode 74 I am Worthy of His Calling (because He is worthy)


    Give me a minute more human, to witness why this is mind-blowing to me...

    I can intellectually check all the boxes Maclaren lays out. That I am unworthy, that I can commit to not striving to be worthy as if by my own power, that I can accept my life on God’s terms – that it is all a gift from Him, and that I can desire it, I can give my free will to Him every day. 

    But doing it requires His Spirit in my every thought and action, if I live by the premise that I am unworthy. 

    The world is such a distraction and people are rejecting the Gospel all along my path. Rejection is translated in verse 46 as to thrust away from one’s self, to drive away from one’s self. So Paul is defining rejection as forceful intent to move away from God and toward one’s self. 

    So, as I am bringing the Gospel closer to someone, that person may be using all intent to drive it away. 

    This gives me a deeper resolve and urgency in my response to those who have judged themselves unworthy of eternal life by their own rejection of the Gospel.

    That I am matching my intensity for accepting and sharing the Gospel to the intensity with which so many are pushing it away. The Gospel is my witness. That I be bold like Paul.

    2 Thessalonians 1:11

    “May God make you worthy of his calling and fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by his power”. 

    E74 - 14m - Feb 28, 2024
  • Part 2 Suffering is a Selfless Way to Love (five affirmations + two steps on what to do when loving someone seems like an unfair proposition)

    Episode 73.

    The love God gives us is a divine, selfless love. My spiritual commission is to be clear and convicted, to remain clear and convicted about the Jesus who has resurrected my heart, so I can wrap my heart around the lives of others in my path. That I embody the death of Jesus, and His resurrection through my life and actions. 

    That’s the power of sharing the “unseen.” And so, it is no surprise that God grows our character through suffering. We abide in our Savior when we do. Nestled in His resurrected love.

    So, I have five affirmations and two steps today. To guide my reactions to those who are not so easy to love through my perspective on the world. And in some way, define my “unseen” for those humans on my path.

    I am moved to spiritual fierceness, human, that my witness affirms the love that Jesus has for me.  And you. And for everyone else. That I be fierce in bringing the power of the “unseen” within my earthly life to those who do not know that there is more...

    1 Thessalonians 3:12 

    12 May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you.

    #lovingoneanother #suffering #love unconditionally #loveourenemies #lovingeverysingleone #God’smercy #confessionstoGod #GardenofEden #IfellwithEve #myinheritanceinheaven #God’spropheticvoice #Godissovereign #God’sstory #Moses #God’sStory #forGodsoloved #thegoodandperfectgift #whattogiveforChristmas#theperfectgifttogive #theperfectfruittogive #thedivinegift #theperfectgift #whattogiveforChristmas #fruitoftheSpirit #Iamfound #christianpodcast #christseekers #christfollowers #hopewriterscommunity #truthtotablecommunity #faiththatrocks #mywitness99 #askGodforinsight #howtogrowmyfaith #buildingspiritualcharacter #growmyfaith #God’spresence

    Find today’s show notes and links at https://kathrynbise.com/category/buoy-podcast-show-notes/

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    E73 - 14m - Feb 21, 2024
  • I am a Jar Made of Clay (and God has molding to do- Part 1)

    Paul’s dissenters thought he suffered too much to be Spirit-filled, that he was weak and tossed about in his person (his trials, imprisonments, etc.), that his life did not represent the authority of God. 

    But what this letter does is open the unseen of Paul’s life. I landed on this threshold of suffering because I am a jar made of clay. And God has molding to do. 

    God molded, and molded, and molded Paul for his entire ministry. Paul’s suffering was his witness.

    I want God to mold, and mold and mold me for my entire ministry. I am told I can count on suffering, as Paul says—being hard pressed on every side, perplexed, persecuted, struck down.

    I have landed on the threshold of suffering. Paul’s discourse will help me raise my spiritual game.


    2 Corinthians 4:7-12


    7 But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 8 We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 10 We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. 11 For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that his life may also be revealed in our mortal body. 12 So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you.

    Episode 72. Part 1 I am a Jar Made of Clay (and God has molding to do)

    #suffering #love unconditionally #loveourenemies #lovingeverysingleone #God’smercy #confessionstoGod #GardenofEden #IfellwithEve #myinheritanceinheaven #God’spropheticvoice #Godissovereign #God’sstory #Moses #God’sStory #forGodsoloved #thegoodandperfectgift #whattogiveforChristmas#theperfectgifttogive #theperfectfruittogive #thedivinegift #theperfectgift #whattogiveforChristmas #fruitoftheSpirit #Iamfound #christianpodcast #christseekers #christfollowers #hopewriterscommunity #truthtotablecommunity #faiththatrocks #mywitness99 #askGodforinsight #howtogrowmyfaith #buildingspiritualcharacter #growmyfaith #God’spresence

    Find today’s show notes and links at https://kathrynbise.com/category/buoy-podcast-show-notes/

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    E72 - 13m - Feb 14, 2024
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