• Deep humility leading to deep love - 24.06.26

    Deep humility leading to deep love - 24.06.26

    Exploring the depths of humility that lead to true, deep love for God and for other human beings. What does humility mean in the context of our day to day life in a way that we can protect ourselves?

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    S2E90 - 18m - Jun 26, 2024
  • Embrace the worst case scenario - 24.06.25

    Embrace the worst case scenario - 24.06.25

    Often it may seem on the surface that you are very deeply willing to fail fast, fail frequently, celebrate failures. But like me, you may be very deeply afraid of failure and therefore may be blocking yourself from truly trying.

    One hack to get around that is to think of the worst case scenario, in my case very bad health and a lot of pain. Embrace that, be okay with that, decide that you will be okay, no matter what, that God will take care of you, no matter what, and then try what you're trying. You may find yourself trying much more deeply when the fear of the worst case scenario is no longer driving you.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


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    S2E89 - 5m - Jun 25, 2024
  • Anger - the ego response to someone else's actions - 24.06.24

    Anger - the ego response to someone else's actions - 24.06.24

    When we are not convinced of our own self worth, or of the gifts that God has given us, then we want someone else to convince us that we are worthy. When they don't do it, our ego flares up and we become angry as a means to try to force someone else to convince us of our self worth. Because underneath the lack of self worth is the fear that we will not be loved if we are not worthy. In this way, we easily and firmly place our actions, our thoughts, and our emotions, squarely in the hands of someone else.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


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    S2E88 - 9m - Jun 24, 2024
  • Deepening - Be unshakeable like a mountain no matter the season - 24.06.23

    Deepening - Be unshakeable like a mountain no matter the season - 24.06.23

    This is a deepening of yesterday's video, explaining what being unshakeable means. Does it mean that we are perfect in our consistency and actions? Or does it mean that even if we fall, and even if we fall for years, we keep our faith unshakeable, that we will figure it out at some point? Definitely the latter. Progress over perfection.

    Yesterday's talk: Be like a mountain. When it is winter it will become dry and barren and brown and not pretty. When it is the rainy season it will become clean and fresh and lush and green. But the mountain does not budge an inch. It is unshakeable and unmovable. Be like the mountain in your resilience and resolve. Unshakeable. Even if you go through low phases, stick to your consistency and discipline. Keep making progress in whatever you want to make progress in, one step at a time, and don't let the external responses to you shake your determination to keep going on the path you choose for yourself. Be a leader of your life. Pivot when needed based on externals but do not budge with your resolve.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


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    S2E87 - 9m - Jun 23, 2024
  • Be unshakeable like a mountain no matter the season - 24.06.22

    Be unshakeable like a mountain no matter the season - 24.06.22

    Be like a mountain. When it is winter it will become dry and barren and brown and not pretty. When it is the rainy season it will become clean and fresh and lush and green. But the mountain does not budge an inch. It is unshakeable and unmovable. Be like the mountain in your resilience and resolve. Unshakeable. Even if you go through low phases, stick to your consistency and discipline. Keep making progress in whatever you want to make progress in, one step at a time, and don't let the external responses to you shake your determination to keep going on the path you choose for yourself. Be a leader of your life. Pivot when needed based on externals but do not budge with your resolve.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    This is my page to sign up for coaching.


    S2E86 - 5m - Jun 22, 2024
  • Take full responsibility - request God for the consequences of your actions - 24.06.21

    Take full responsibility - request God for the consequences of your actions - 24.06.21

    If our attitude changes from wanting to be forgiven for our mistakes so we don't face the consequences of our actions, then we will be functioning through life in a different way. If, instead, we choose to not only be okay for our consequences, and actually be grateful for them because we are clearing our karmic debt in a fair way, then we can actually open up our hearts to real love where we are in relationships with people because we want to love them rather than always looking for something from them, including forgiveness. Our relationships become much more loving and much less transactional in nature.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    This is my page to sign up for coaching.


    S2E85 - 15m - Jun 21, 2024
  • Make small believable mindset shifts - 24.06.20

    Make small believable mindset shifts - 24.06.20

    When you're feeling hopeless about something, find a thought that is the easiest to believe, take it just a notch down, rather than making big sweeping statements. Once that feels easy, take it another notch. Make small, believable changes in your mindset in the right direction.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    This is my page to sign up for coaching.


    S2E84 - 6m - Jun 20, 2024
  • Compassion for a persons insecurities instead of getting triggered - 24.06.19

    Compassion for a persons insecurities instead of getting triggered - 24.06.19

    If a person says something and you feel hurt, understand where my side of the story comes from. Why am I getting hurt? Because I feel uncared for and unloved? But what if the person's actions or words have nothing to do with me, and everything to do with their childhood or past life traumas or anarthas? Can I hold a frequency of compassion for them, understand their insecurities, and find ways to protect myself in my weak moments without judging them or emotionally disconnecting, just creating healthy boundaries while still fully accepting them and loving them?

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    This is my page to sign up for coaching.


    S2E83 - 10m - Jun 19, 2024
  • What shapes your current life and how to grow into what you want - 24.06.18

    What shapes your current life and how to grow into what you want - 24.06.18

    There are two key aspects as to what shapes your current life. One of them is what you value. This is determined by what you have seen around you growling up, to some extent, as well as your fears and karma and choices in your past lives. Instead of calling it childhood trauma, I'm going to call it anartha, which encompasses all of our human flaws, including childhood trauma.

    The other thing that shapes us is our identity. Do we identity as a person who cannot do this? Or as someone who can?

    Once we come to full acceptance of where we are, we can then start to intentionally identify what we want and choose our values to be and what we want our identity to be.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    This is my page to sign up for coaching.


    S2E82 - 11m - Jun 18, 2024
  • An open discussion on thinking vs listening - 24.06.17

    An open discussion on thinking vs listening - 24.06.17

    This video is an open discussion in my mind about how to feed the mind and increase the vibration of the mind and therefore the heart, by listening to lectures r podcasts, vs allowing yourself time to think and process and apply it to your life.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    This is my page to sign up for coaching.


    S2E80 - 12m - Jun 17, 2024
  • Deepening humility - 24.06.16

    Deepening humility - 24.06.16

    Deepening humility to allow yourself to deeply accept where you are, your flaws, and your negative thoughts and emotions, so you can then start to shift out of them. Confidence is about self acceptance.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    This is my page to sign up for coaching.


    S2E79 - 17m - Jun 16, 2024
  • What identity have you been trying to achieve things as - 24.06.14

    What identity have you been trying to achieve things as - 24.06.14

    If, to give an extreme example, you say you've been trying to shift things for 50 years and you've not been able to shift it and you're feeling dejected, the question is, what is the identity you've been trying to shift things as? As the person who says, I am not the kind of person things shift for, or I'm not the kind of person who can have good health or good whatever? Or as the person who believes, things happen for me. I am empowered by God or the universe or whatever you believe in, to make things happen? Do you focus on results or progress? It is progress over perfection.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    This is my page to sign up for coaching.


    S2E78 - 16m - Jun 14, 2024
  • A deeper glimpse into taking responsibility for our lives - 24.06.13

    A deeper glimpse into taking responsibility for our lives - 24.06.13

    This video is about going deeper into taking responsibility for our lives. Understanding that when we feel resentment towards someone else, it is because somewhere we are not taking responsibility for our lives. We may be doing a lot, spending many hours every day on what we want, we may be thinking we are doing everything we can, we may be taking a lot of action, and we may still harbor this desire to be somehow rescued and we may still not be all in. We may still be holding other people responsible for our failures and therefore blocking ourselves from resolving the issue.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    This is my page to sign up for coaching.


    S2E77 - 16m - Jun 13, 2024
  • Raise your vibration instead of jumping to action - 24.06.12

    Raise your vibration instead of jumping to action - 24.06.12

    When you want to solve a problem, say you want to wake up early, one way is to set alarms and be disciplined. The better way is to raise your vibration instead of just jumping to action. Why do you want to wake up early? To exercise maybe? To read something uplifting? Then watch videos throughout the day about why exercise is important. Immerse yourself in the vibration of what you want. Then waking up early will be much easier.

    Or, do you want to know what your life purpose is? Do you want to know what you should be doing today? Do you want your higher power to help you with what to do today? Then immerse yourself in your connection with the higher power, or God, or Krishna, whatever you believe in. Spend your days immersing yourself in prayer, not with the intention of achieving something, but just to build that connection. The answers will automatically come, the miracles will naturally flow. Use your mind to immerse yourself in the vibration you want instead of the vibrations of the negative thoughts you don't want.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    This is my page to sign up for coaching.


    S2E76 - 15m - Jun 12, 2024
  • Being aware of being gaslighted - 24.06.11

    Being aware of being gaslighted - 24.06.11

    Many times we take on what other people say we can or cannot do. Sometimes we take it on because we believe them, sometimes we fight back with them, they may even apologize, but somehow it penetrates into us and weakens us. Sometimes people may end relationships by ghosting us or ending abruptly without telling us why, and we may be left wondering what we did wrong, and we may take on that there is something wrong with us.

    If we become aware that the person is putting us down, either by limiting us and telling us we can't do this or that, even if they come across as very polished and kind, but subtly they make us feel like we are incapable of all kinds of things, or by simply ghosting us, then we can stay away from the person, at least until we have enough shields up that we feel confident that they cannot penetrate us. We can understand that their actions stem from their own insecurities and have nothing to do with us, and we can protect ourselves by staying away while still completely forgiving them and wishing them the best of everything.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    This is my page to sign up for coaching.


    S2E75 - 9m - Jun 11, 2024
  • The power of ruminating - 24.06.10

    The power of ruminating - 24.06.10

    Think about and ruminate on things you want - this might be one of the most common cliches you've ever heard. But there's immense strength in it.

    If you're not able to think about the things you want, maybe you're not as passionate about it as you may think you are.

    Or you may just need an immense amount of practice to do so.

    Put that immense amount of energy into ruminating about things you want, and see your life shift from a disempowered state of being into an empowered state of being, and see yourself able to solve problems and understand deeply things that escaped you despite the immense amount of thought you put into it earlier. When you raise your level you'll be able to see the big picture of the problem much more easily. Raise your level by thinking about the good and sacred things in your life, by being grateful.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    This is my page to sign up for coaching.


    S2E74 - 11m - Jun 10, 2024
  • Denial vs surrender. 24.06.08

    Denial vs surrender. 24.06.08

    How do you tell whether you're in denial or surrender, when both feel like dejection when things don't go your way?

    Denial makes you feel weak, like, nothing ever works for me. Surrender, even though you feel a little weak and dejected in the moment, has the element of, even though this didn't work, it doesn't matter. I will figure out what my next step is, how to improve my process, because this can work and I'm going to keep trying, and leave the results to God. There is strength in it, there is hope, there is action instead of inaction.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    This is my page to sign up for coaching.


    S2E73 - 11m - Jun 8, 2024
  • Transform your mundane life into a sacred one - 24.06.07

    Transform your mundane life into a sacred one - 24.06.07

    Is your mind your friend or your enemy? Are you always looking at what's not working? Or at what's incredibly insanely beautiful, in your life?

    Transform every day regular and painful moments into sacred moments by training your mind to see the sacredness in your life rather than the mundane. See the magic in your seemingly ordinary life. See the beauty, the joy, the love.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    This is my page to sign up for coaching.


    S2E72 - 14m - Jun 7, 2024
  • How to manifest guilt free from a spiritual pov - 24.06.06

    How to manifest guilt free from a spiritual pov - 24.06.06

    This is a very powerful video about becoming very clear about what your eternal goals are and how to live in this material world based on what your eternal goals are. In the spiritual world the idea is about loving God vs wanting anything from anyone, including wanting things from God that make us happy. In the personal growth world the focus is on wanting things from the universe or from God that make us happy, so we can enjoy. How do we live our lives in the spiritual world? How do we manifest anything? This video addresses how to manifest and what the important things are to have as goals so we can get to the right direction.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    This is my page to sign up for coaching.


    S2E71 - 16m - Jun 6, 2024
  • Build yourself up so giving feels more joyful than receiving - 24.06.05

    Build yourself up so giving feels more joyful than receiving - 24.06.05

    Have the goal to build yourself up so you can have relationships with people where giving feels more joyful than receiving. And accept yourself for where you are right now, where you need to receive in order to feel stable. But have the clear goal of wanting to be of service to others as you build yourself up, otherwise it is easy to stay stuck in the rut of needing to receiving and thus not having as deeply fulfilling relationships as you can have.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    This is my page to sign up for coaching.


    S2E70 - 9m - Jun 5, 2024
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The Power Of Emotion