Compassion for a persons insecurities instead of getting triggered - 24.06.19

Season 2 | Episode 83
10m | Jun 19, 2024

Compassion for a persons insecurities instead of getting triggered - 24.06.19

If a person says something and you feel hurt, understand where my side of the story comes from. Why am I getting hurt? Because I feel uncared for and unloved? But what if the person's actions or words have nothing to do with me, and everything to do with their childhood or past life traumas or anarthas? Can I hold a frequency of compassion for them, understand their insecurities, and find ways to protect myself in my weak moments without judging them or emotionally disconnecting, just creating healthy boundaries while still fully accepting them and loving them?

This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.

This is my page to sign up for coaching.

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The Power Of Emotion