66. Stressed? Find Calm in a Stress Inducing World with Practical Tips from Chantal Donnelly

Season 1 | Episode 66
38m | Mar 19, 2024

Diane chats with Chantal Donnelly about ALL things stress, and how to stop it controlling your life. 

The Queen of Jeans interviews physical therapist and author of Settled: How To Find Calm In A Stress Inducing World Chantal Donnelly about why stress exists, how it can be helpful and harmful, and what steps we can take to make it work for you. 

The Impact of Chronic Stress

Chantal introduces the concept of "stress stacking," where minor stressors accumulate over time, exacerbating the overall burden. Stress prompts self-sabotaging behaviors, steering individuals away from constructive coping mechanisms. 

Embracing Stillness

Donnelly explains her approach for recalibrating our body's response to stress. She highlights society's discomfort with stillness, attributing it to a conditioned fear of non-stressful states, perhaps due to individuals becoming overly familiar with feelings of chronic stress. They discuss the balance between calmness and collapse, elucidating how the body coerces individuals towards equilibrium, even through illness.

Screens and Information Overload 

Diane and Chantal discuss the stress-inducing effects of prolonged screen time. Chantal advocates for regular breaks. She also recommends looking around to use the peripheral vision. This signals safety to the brain. Admiring a nice view or looking at the sunset is a great way to use the peripheral vision. 

She also explores the urge to constantly consume news within the framework of survival mode, cautioning against its detrimental effects on mental well-being.

The Body's Wisdom

Chantal emphasizes the importance of listening to your body’s cues as a means of stress management. She discusses the ideas of introspection and intuitive listening and shares some practical insights and tools for navigating stress. She encourages  listeners to embark on a journey of self-inquiry and build resilience. R.

Chantal’s Details




Book- Settled: How To Find Calm In A Stress Inducing World: 

Connect with Diane

Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok and Youtube: @thedianegilman  


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Too Young To Be Old with Diane Gilman, The Queen of Jeans