• S1 E5 Small Businesses Could Be More Successful By Saying No to Growth

    It has been ingrained in every one of us that successful businesses equate to being big. Big in company size with a wide array of products or services to offer plus several offices to signify that it has indeed scaled up.

    However, stumbling upon the concept of the Company of One will make you realize that actually, this whole concept of being BIG is not the only way to be successful in business. In fact, staying small can still propel you to the kind of success that you aim to achieve for your business.

    Time to unlearn some of the common concepts we have come to know about business and success.

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    Connect with Yen de Felipe:

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    7m - Jun 17, 2021
  • S1 E4 Growing a Homegrown BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) Agency

    The Philippines is one of the top countries when it comes to talent outsourcing.

    In this episode, Yen de Felipe interviews a founder of a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) agency in one of the major cities in the Philippines - Iloilo City.

    Vanessa Estrella, President of Xilium Professional Services, shares how she managed to grow the team from a 5-person team to about 150-person team (and growing!).

    With the pandemic, her company is continuously keeping up with the increasing demand for outsourced medical professionals to help doctors and other healthcare professionals in the USA and other countries.

    Vanessa has a podcast, too. Go visit her page about life and work in Iloilo. Yes, that's our city in the Philippines!

    If you find this episode awesome, please share it on social media.

    Thank you!

    Connect with Yen de Felipe:

    LinkedIn - Yen de Felipe 

    Facebook - GetStarted

    Youtube - GetStartedPH

    27m - Jun 3, 2021
  • S1 E3 Brewing an Awesome Business

    In this episode, Yen de Felipe interviews the CEO and founder of Superhouse Solutions Cafe, Mr. Noi Dongor. 

    Selling a cup of coffee is undoubtedly a profitable business. But that is not all to it.

    What makes a successful coffee shop business? Learn how you can bring that Total Coffee Experience to your customers that will make you stand out from the rest of your competitors.

    Noi shares the important items you need to consider before you even start building your dream cafe. 

    At the end of the day, no matter how passionate you are about coffee but if you cannot sustain it as a business, it is better that you close shop and just enjoy being a coffee home brewer. 

    Key Takeaways:

    - Location is key in the coffee business

    - Know what TCE means - Total Coffee Experience

    - The Third Wave Cafe concept

    - Key factors to identify and answer before you buy coffee equipment

    If you find this episode awesome, please share it on social media.

    Thank you!

    Connect with Yen de Felipe:

    LinkedIn - Yen de Felipe 

    Facebook - GetStarted

    Youtube - GetStartedPH

    26m - Jun 3, 2021
  • S1 E2 Fitness is my Business

    In this episode, Yen de Felipe interviewed Coach Nikee Jucaban, a fitness coach and Founder of Storm Fitness Club (Iloilo, Philippines). 

    Coach Nikee shared his story on how he got started in the business of health and fitness coaching that eventually led him to establish a Crossfit Box in Iloilo city, Philippines. 

    Key Takeaways:

    Being a personal fitness coach and a business owner at the same time can be very challenging.  Imagine attending to your students on a daily basis while also looking after the business side of things. Here’s what Coach Nikee had to say:

    • It is important for a fitness coach/business owner to have skills in sales, negotiation, and people management.
    • Replicate oneself and delegate work to other employees by investing in training and educating them. 

    Just like many entrepreneurs, Coach Nikee also went through a lot of failures along the way. Entrepreneurs go through a lot of ups and downs in their businesses but what's important at the end of the day is that we are able to pick ourselves up and be back in the game.  

    Connect with our guest:

    Coach Nikee Jucaban

    If you find this episode awesome, please share it on social media. Thank you!

    Connect with Yen de Felipe:

    LinkedIn - Yen de Felipe 

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    Youtube - GetStartedPH

    28m - May 25, 2021
  • S1 E1 Thriving in the Industry of Cacao and Hand Loomed Weaving

    In this interview, Yen de Felipe interviewed three women entrepreneurs in Iloilo, Philippines who are established in the industry of Cacao and Hablon (hand-loomed weaving). 

    Find out how Girlie Flores (Balai Hablon), Catherine Taleon (Balay Tablea), and Luanne Lei Ramos (Atelier de Hablon) started their businesses that aim to promote locally produced food and raw materials from Iloilo.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Having a business that is related to your passion is truly rewarding.
    • Always give back to the community.
    • Keep on going despite the challenging times especially during this time of the pandemic. 
    • Find your niche and stick to it. 
    • Don’t be threatened by “competition”. Find ways you can actually collaborate with them.

    Episode Highlights:

    • Tsokolate kag Hablon (Cacao and Hand-loomed fabric) as part of the Ilonggo culture
    • How and why they started their businesses.
    • Challenges encountered in starting these types of businesses.
    • Dealing with competitors and other similar businesses.
    • How niching down can work to your advantage. 
    • Lowest points in the business. 

    Connect with our guests:

    Ma. Girlie Flores of Balai Hablon

    Catherine Taleon of Balay Tablea

    Luanne Lei Ramos of Atelier de Hablon

    If you find this episode awesome, please share it on social media. Thank you!

    Connect with Yen de Felipe:

    LinkedIn - Yen de Felipe 

    Facebook - GetStarted

    Youtube - GetStartedPH

    S1E1 - 33m - May 25, 2021
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