Self-Care Strategies for Leaders: Balancing Wellness and Work

Episode 14
24m | Apr 17, 2024

In this episode of Tactical Empathy, host Erin Thorp explores the importance of self-care and self-exploration in leadership. She shares personal challenges she faced and the solutions she discovered, including managing energy with energetic time management and developing self-care practices like floating and hydrotherapy. Erin emphasizes the need to embrace emotions and build emotional capacity, allowing for a curvy line of emotional expression. She also discusses the significance of learning to just be and recognizing signs and tests of growth. The episode concludes with a call to give oneself permission to prioritize self-care and personal growth.

Today on Tactical Empathy:

  • Manage your energy with techniques like energetic time management.
  • Develop self-care practices that nourish and nurture yourself.
  • Embrace and build emotional capacity to experience a full range of emotions.
  • Take time to explore yourself and discover your passions and purpose.
  • Recognize signs and tests of growth as opportunities for personal development.
  • Give yourself permission to prioritize self-care and personal growth.

Connect with Erin:

This show was produced by ELF Solutions Inc.

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