• From Excitement to Mastery: Leading with Empathy at Every Stage (Part 1)

    In this two-part series, Erin Thorp explores how empathy can be used as a leadership tool to help teams progress from beginners to competent masters. This first episode focuses on the first two stages of the conscious competence learning model: unconscious incompetence and conscious incompetence. Erin provides examples of teaching kids to drive a manual car and learning how to use online meeting platforms. She emphasizes the importance of clear direction and emotional support for beginners who are unaware of what they don't know and learners who become aware of their lack of skill or knowledge. The episode ends with a call to reflect on how leaders can support beginners and learners.

    Today on Tactical Empathy:

    • Empathy is a crucial leadership tool for supporting beginners and learners.
    • The conscious competence learning model consists of four stages: unconscious incompetence, conscious incompetence, conscious competence, and unconscious competence.
    • Beginners are unaware of what they don't know and need clear direction and support.
    • Learners become aware of their lack of skill or knowledge and require emotional support and targeted guidance.
    • Leaders should provide specific support based on the stage of development their team members are in.

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    This show was produced by ELF Solutions Inc

    E24 - 18m - Jun 26, 2024
  • Diversity and Empathy: Building Stronger Teams with Michael Lopez

    In this conversation, Erin interviews Michael Lopez who shares his leadership journey, emphasizing the influence of team sports, military experience, and consulting. He discusses the importance of empathy in leadership and provides practical techniques for developing empathy skills. The conversation delves into the significance of self-empathy and the impact of diversity in team dynamics.

    Today on Tactical Empathy:

    • Leadership is influenced by experiences in team sports, military, and consulting.
    • Empathy is a crucial skill in leadership, involving self-awareness and understanding others.
    • Self-empathy is essential for personal growth and effective leadership.
    • Diversity in team composition contributes to a more empathetic and innovative work environment.

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    This show was produced by ELF Solutions Inc

    E23 - 29m - Jun 19, 2024
  • Empathy in Action: What Else Might Be Going On Here?

    In this episode, Erin explores the power of a simple question that can interrupt our cycle of automatic judgment and open up space for empathy. The question is: 'What else might be going on here?' She explains that our brains are wired to make quick judgments for survival, but this automatic reaction doesn't serve us in challenging situations or interactions with others. By asking this question, we can shift from reaction to response and increase our capacity for empathy. Erin provides examples of how this question can be applied to both self-empathy and empathy with others.

    Today on Tactical Empathy:

    • Our brains are wired to make quick judgments for survival, but this automatic reaction doesn't serve us in challenging situations or interactions with others.
    • By asking the question 'What else might be going on here?', we can interrupt our automatic judgment reactions and choose to respond with empathy.
    • This question can be applied to both self-empathy and empathy with others, allowing us to explore different perspectives and gather more information.
    • Practicing empathy skills increases our capacity for pause, reflection, and choosing better responses instead of reactions.

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    This show was produced by ELF Solutions Inc

    E22 - 17m - Jun 12, 2024
  • Empathy in Action: The Art of Active Listening with Deb Porter

    In this episode, Erin speaks with Deb Porter, an expert in listening. Deb shares her journey and insights on becoming a professional listener. She emphasizes the importance of holding space and offers practical tools for active listening. Their conversation covers the core elements of active listening, including centering oneself, setting intentions, and asking the right questions. Deb's approach to empathy and the power of holding space are highlighted as transformative practices for effective communication.

    Today on Tactical Empathy:

    • The importance of holding space and being present in active listening
    • The power of asking open-ended questions to invite deeper conversation
    • The transformative impact of empathy and understanding in communication
    • The value of setting intentions and centering oneself before engaging in a conversation
    • The significance of recognizing the need for problem-solving versus holding space in a conversation

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    This show was produced by ELF Solutions Inc

    E21 - 26m - Jun 5, 2024
  • Empathy in Action: Reframing Negativity

    In this episode, Erin shares a personal experience of navigating through a shame spiral and how she used empathy to overcome it. She discusses the importance of catching negative thoughts and reframing them, as well as the need to nurture oneself in difficult moments. Erin emphasizes the power of self-awareness and self-care in maintaining emotional well-being. She also highlights the continuous practice of empathy and its transformative impact on relationships and personal growth.

    Today on Tactical Empathy:

    • Catching negative thoughts and reframing them is crucial in overcoming a shame spiral.
    • Nurturing oneself and practicing self-care is essential in difficult moments.
    • Self-awareness is key to recognizing and addressing insecurities and anxieties.
    • Empathy is a continuous practice that can lead to personal growth and improved relationships.
    • Embracing emotions as valuable information and making adjustments in response is important for emotional well-being.

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    This show was produced by ELF Solutions Inc.

    E20 - 17m - May 29, 2024
  • Empathy Redefined: Tara Paton's Leadership Journey

    In this conversation, Erin speaks with Tara Paton, a team effectiveness consultant and personal success coach, Tara shares her experience of transitioning from a non-empathic leader to someone who had to flex her empathy muscle during a challenging time. She discusses the importance of self-awareness, setting boundaries, and practicing self-recovery to avoid burnout. Tara emphasizes the need to hold space for others without taking on their stress and the value of clear communication in leadership. She also highlights the benefits of empathy in building better relationships and becoming a more effective leader.

    Today on Tactical Empathy:

    • Flexing the empathy muscle is a valuable skill for leaders, even if they don't naturally identify as empathic.
    • Setting boundaries and practicing self-recovery are essential to avoid burnout when providing empathy and support to others.
    • Clear communication and holding space for others without taking on their stress are key aspects of effective leadership.
    • Self-awareness and understanding one's own preferences and biases are crucial in building empathy and better relationships.
    • Empathy is about being present and listening, rather than trying to fix problems.

    Connect with Tara Paton:

    • Website: https://redblazesolutions.com/
    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/taralpaton/

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    This show was produced by ELF Solutions Inc

    E19 - 28m - May 22, 2024
  • Empathy Tactics: The Power of Presence

    In this episode, Erin explores the power of presence in practicing empathy with ourselves and others. Erin shares her own practices of cultivating presence, such as walking in nature and engaging in breath work. Erin emphasizes the importance of being fully connected to oneself before engaging with others to hold space for their feelings and perspectives. Being present and attentive allows for a deeper understanding and fosters empathy. Erin provides practical steps for increasing presence and empathy, including mindfulness practices and honing active listening skills.

    Today on Tactical Empathy:

    • Cultivating presence with oneself is essential for practicing empathy with others.
    • Mindfulness practices, such as walking in nature or engaging in breath work, can help cultivate presence.
    • Being fully connected to oneself before engaging with others allows for better understanding and empathy.
    • Active listening and reflecting back what the speaker has said are important practices for empathy.
    • Incorporating mindfulness and active listening into daily life can enhance presence and empathy.

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    This show was produced by ELF Solutions Inc

    E20 - 14m - May 15, 2024
  • Breaking the Blame Game: Empathy in Leadership with Julia O’Grady

    In this episode, Erin talks with Julia O'Grady, owner and founder of ITM events, and discusses the importance of tactical empathy in leadership. Julia shares her personal definition of empathy as listening wholeheartedly to understand, rather than listening to respond. She highlights the challenges of practicing empathy, such as the tendency to blame and the fear of difficult conversations. She emphasizes the need to stop blaming and take responsibility for one's part in a situation. Julia also discusses the impact of empathy on her business and team, including improved communication, reduced fear of difficult conversations, and increased confidence in leadership roles.

    Today on Tactical Empathy:

    • Empathy in leadership means listening wholeheartedly to understand, rather than listening to respond.
    • Blaming others or oneself can hinder the practice of empathy.
    • Taking responsibility for one's part in a situation is essential for effective leadership.
    • Practicing empathy can lead to improved communication, reduced fear of difficult conversations, and increased confidence in leadership roles.

    Connect with Julia O’Grady:

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    This show was produced by ELF Solutions Inc

    E17 - 28m - May 8, 2024
  • The Name Game: Empathy in Action

    In this episode, Erin explores the profound impact of correctly pronouncing and using unfamiliar names. Names are deeply tied to identity and heritage, and learning them demonstrates respect and empathy. Personal anecdotes underscore how mispronunciations can hinder connections. Erin emphasizes the transformative power of getting names right, fostering inclusivity and understanding in various settings. It concludes with a call to action: take the initiative to learn and pronounce unfamiliar names correctly, fostering deeper connections in all interactions.

    Today on Tactical Empathy:

    • Names are deeply intertwined with one's sense of self, reflecting historical, cultural, and familial significance.
    • Mispronouncing or forgetting someone's name can cause hurt and make them feel unseen and unheard.
    • Learning and using names correctly demonstrates respect and acknowledgment, fostering genuine connections.
    • Taking the time to pronounce unfamiliar names correctly shows empathy and values the other person's identity.
    • Creating inclusive environments involves prioritizing correct name pronunciation, avoiding assumptions, and being open to feedback.
    • Correctly pronouncing names can have a transformative impact, fostering empathy, understanding, and meaningful relationships.

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    This show was produced by ELF Solutions Inc

    E15 - 16m - May 1, 2024
  • Embracing Empathy: Understanding emotions during change with Kelly Beattie

    In this conversation, Kelly Beattie discusses the importance of empathy in the context of change. She highlights the common emotions and perspectives that arise during change initiatives, such as fear and anger. Kelly emphasizes the role of grief and loss in change and the need to acknowledge and address these emotions. She also explores the challenges of practicing empathy in change leadership and shares strategies for cultivating empathy, including self-reflection and active listening. Kelly emphasizes the importance of investing time in dialogue and creating space for individuals to express their needs and emotions. The episode concludes by encouraging leaders to recognize the difficulty of change and to invest the necessary time and effort to support their teams.

    Today on Tactical Empathy:

    • Change is accompanied by a range of emotions, including fear, anger, and grief. Leaders must acknowledge and address these emotions to effectively navigate change.
    • Practicing empathy in change leadership requires self-reflection, active listening, and stepping out of one's own perspective.
    • Investing time in dialogue and creating space for individuals to express their needs and emotions is crucial in supporting them through change.
    • Recognizing the difficulty of change and investing the necessary time and effort can lead to greater trust, engagement, and success in change initiatives.

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    This show was produced by ELF Solutions Inc.

    E15 - 31m - Apr 24, 2024
  • Self-Care Strategies for Leaders: Balancing Wellness and Work

    In this episode of Tactical Empathy, host Erin Thorp explores the importance of self-care and self-exploration in leadership. She shares personal challenges she faced and the solutions she discovered, including managing energy with energetic time management and developing self-care practices like floating and hydrotherapy. Erin emphasizes the need to embrace emotions and build emotional capacity, allowing for a curvy line of emotional expression. She also discusses the significance of learning to just be and recognizing signs and tests of growth. The episode concludes with a call to give oneself permission to prioritize self-care and personal growth.

    Today on Tactical Empathy:

    • Manage your energy with techniques like energetic time management.
    • Develop self-care practices that nourish and nurture yourself.
    • Embrace and build emotional capacity to experience a full range of emotions.
    • Take time to explore yourself and discover your passions and purpose.
    • Recognize signs and tests of growth as opportunities for personal development.
    • Give yourself permission to prioritize self-care and personal growth.

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    This show was produced by ELF Solutions Inc.

    E14 - 24m - Apr 17, 2024
  • The Empathetic Leader: Steven Adjei's Insights on Compassionate Leadership

    In this conversation, Steven discusses the role of empathy in leadership and how it has influenced his own leadership roles in the pharmaceutical industry, mentoring, and writing. He shares his personal journey of embracing empathy despite societal expectations and the challenges he faced in practicing empathy. Steven emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries with empathy and finding a balance between competence and compassion. He also introduces his research project on empathy and small businesses, which explores the connection between empathy and employee satisfaction. 

    Today on Tactical Empathy:

    • Empathy plays a crucial role in effective leadership and can lead to greater success when embraced.
    • Societal expectations and cultural upbringing can make it challenging to practice empathy, but it is important to lean into one's natural empathetic tendencies.
    • Setting boundaries with empathy is essential to avoid becoming overwhelmed or losing authority.
    • Building empathy muscles requires self-discipline and understanding individual needs and preferences.
    • Personalization is key in practicing empathy, as different individuals have different ways of experiencing and expressing empathy.

    Connect with Steven:

    • Website: www.stevenadjei.com
    • LinkedIn: Steven N. Adjei
    • Pay The Price: Creating Ethical Entrepreneurial Success Through Passion, Pain and Purpose https://amzn.eu/d/7N7SbwT

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    This show was produced by ELF Solutions Inc.

    E13 - 30m - Apr 10, 2024
  • From Peer to Manager: Mastering Empathetic Leadership Transitions using Empathy with Erica Zygelman

    In this conversation, Erica Zygelman, a leadership coach and consultant, discusses the importance of empathy in leadership. She shares her background in tech and media and how the lack of support and training for new leaders inspired her to become a leadership development coach. Erica defines empathy as understanding, appreciating, and valuing other people's perspectives, feelings, thoughts, and needs. She explains that empathy is a crucial skill for leaders to develop and highlights the misconception that empathy is a waste of time in the workplace. Erica also provides tips for transitioning from a peer to a manager and shares practices to build empathy muscles.

    Today on Tactical Empathy:

    • Empathy is a crucial skill for leaders to develop as it allows them to understand, appreciate, and value other people's perspectives, feelings, thoughts, and needs.
    • The misconception that empathy is a waste of time in the workplace is outdated. Investing in relationships and developing empathy leads to stronger relationships, better problem-solving, and more successful outcomes.
    • Transitioning from a peer to a manager requires a beginner's mindset, vulnerability, and open communication with the team. Acknowledging the shift in dynamics and setting expectations can help navigate this transition.
    • Practicing presence and being mindful of distractions are essential for developing empathy. Daily practices such as meditation, breathwork, or journaling can help cultivate presence.
    • Using assessments, such as emotional intelligence assessments, can provide valuable insights into empathy and other emotional intelligence skills. These assessments can guide individuals in identifying areas for improvement and developing a well-rounded emotional intelligence skill set.

    Connect with Erica:

    • Website: www.ericazygelman.com
    • Instagram: @ericazygelman
    • LinkedIn: @Erica Zygelman


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    This show was produced by ELF Solutions Inc

    E12 - 27m - Mar 20, 2024
  • Empathy Unleashed: Megan Stanley's Insights to Leading with Understanding

    In this conversation, Megan Stanley, the founder and president of Dogma Training, discusses the importance of empathy as a leadership skill. She shares her definition of empathy as taking the time to understand others' perspectives and experiences. Megan highlights the challenges of practicing empathy, especially during times of stress. She also explores the difference between practicing empathy with pets versus humans. Megan emphasizes the importance of building trust and creating safe spaces for open communication within teams. She shares her personal experiences of using empathy as a leader during challenging times and navigating change. Megan provides practical tips for leaders to take care of themselves and lead with empathy. She concludes by discussing the positive impact of leading with empathy on team retention and culture.

    Today on Tactical Empathy:

    • Empathy is the ability to understand and consider others' perspectives and experiences.
    • Practicing empathy can be challenging, especially during times of stress.
    • Building trust and creating safe spaces for open communication are essential for practicing empathy within teams.
    • Taking care of oneself is crucial for leading with empathy.

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    This show was produced by ELF Solutions Inc.

    E11 - 24m - Mar 13, 2024
  • Self Empathy Explored: Answering Today’s Listener Question

    In this episode, Erin explores the question of how to teach a team, specifically women, to have empathy for themselves. The conversation delves into the importance of understanding empathy and judgment, and how they relate to self-care and accountability. Erin emphasizes the need to practice discernment and listen to one's own needs in order to give oneself grace and hold oneself accountable. The episode concludes with a call to action for listeners to reflect on their own judgment and practice empathy for themselves.

    Today on Tactical Empathy:

    • Understanding empathy and judgment is crucial for practicing self-care and accountability.
    • Practicing discernment and listening to one's own needs is key to giving oneself grace and holding oneself accountable.
    • Balancing grace and accountability is essential for maintaining overall well-being.
    • Reflecting on one's own judgment and practicing empathy for oneself can lead to healthier relationships and improved leadership skills.

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    This show was produced by ELF Solutions Inc.

    E10 - 16m - Mar 6, 2024
  • Exploring Empathic Writing with Jacqueline Fisch

    In this conversation, Jacqueline Fisch discusses the importance of empathy in written communication. She highlights the need for a shift in communication styles, moving away from authoritative and dictatorial approaches towards a more collaborative and empathetic approach. Jacqueline emphasizes the importance of considering the audience's perspective and building trust in written communication. She provides strategies for addressing fear and resistance, understanding the audience's state of mind, and using empathetic language. Jacqueline also shares tips for getting to know the audience better and overcoming barriers to empathic communication. She concludes by emphasizing the importance of editing and taking time before sending messages.

    Today on Tactical Empathy:

    • Shift communication styles towards a more collaborative and empathetic approach.
    • Consider the audience's perspective and build trust in written communication.
    • Address fear and resistance by understanding the audience's state of mind.
    • Use empathetic language and create a connection with the audience.
    • Get to know the audience better and overcome barriers to empathic communication.
    • Edit messages and take time before sending them.

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    This show was produced by ELF Solutions Inc.

    E9 - 30m - Feb 28, 2024
  • Beyond the Golden Rule: Tactical Empathy Insights

    In this episode, Erin Thorp explores the inside and outside skills of empathy that help us navigate through tough times at work. She introduces the concept of the new golden rule, which involves treating ourselves the way we want others to treat us. She also discusses the platinum rule, which emphasizes treating others how they want to be treated. Erin emphasizes the importance of practicing empathy with ourselves before extending it to others. She also highlights the significance of non-judgment and perspective-taking in empathetic leadership. Finally, she encourages leaders to release control and build trust with their team members.

    Today on Tactical Empathy:

    • Practice empathy with yourself before extending it to others.
    • Treat others how they want to be treated, not how you want to be treated.
    • Be non-judgmental and practice perspective-taking.
    • Release control and build trust with your team members.

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    This show was produced by ELF Solutions Inc.

    E7 - 17m - Feb 21, 2024
  • Cultivating Connection: Ryan Englin's Approach to Empathy in Talent Attraction

    In this conversation, Ryan Englin, the founder and CEO of Core Matters, discusses the importance of empathy in leadership and attracting talent. He shares his experiences and lessons learned from his previous leadership roles in corporate and explains how empathy can be a powerful tool in the workplace. Ryan emphasizes the need for leaders to understand and acknowledge the challenges and struggles that employees and job seekers face. He provides practical examples of how empathy can be applied in the hiring process and offers advice for employers looking to attract the best talent. Ryan also shares personal practices for developing empathy as a leader.

    Today on Tactical Empathy:

    • Empathy is a crucial leadership skill that can have a significant impact on employee engagement and satisfaction.
    • Leaders should strive to understand and acknowledge the challenges and struggles that employees and job seekers face.
    • Creating a supportive and empathetic environment can help attract and retain top talent.

    Connect with Ryan Englin: 

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    This show was produced by ELF Solutions Inc

    E7 - 27m - Feb 14, 2024
  • Fix Less, Connect More: Navigating Leadership with Tactical Empathy Insights

    In this episode, Erin Thorp discusses the overwhelming human desire to solve other people's problems and the need to lead with empathy. She shares her own experiences and challenges in seeking understanding and connection in her leadership journey. Erin explores the reasons why people default to fixing and offers insights into building empathy muscles. She emphasizes the importance of slowing down, being comfortable with others' emotions, and asking questions to support and empower others. Erin concludes by encouraging leaders to fix less and lean into curiosity, allowing space for self-discovery and growth.

    Today on Tactical Empathy:

    • Recognize the overwhelming desire to fix other people's problems and lead with empathy instead.
    • Build empathy muscles by intentionally practicing empathy in daily interactions.
    • Be comfortable with others' emotions and allow them to explore and learn from their challenges.
    • Slow down, connect with others, and prioritize building healthy, connected relationships.

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    This show was produced by ELF Solutions Inc

    E5 - 20m - Feb 7, 2024
  • Empathy in Construction Leadership with Matt Ohley

    In this episode, our host, Erin talks with Matt Ohley, a Construction Manager at Ajax Paving in Tampa Florida, about the importance of empathy in the construction industry and how it can improve leadership. 

    Matt shares his definition of empathy as walking in someone else's shoes and understanding their perspective. Together they address the challenges to empathy, including ego and societal expectations. The show explores the role of emotions and gender in construction and the impact of shame on mental health. Matt provides examples of how putting oneself in someone else's shoes can help navigate difficult situations in construction. He emphasizes the importance of daily practices, such as meditation and self-reflection, in developing empathy. Listeners can connect with Matt on LinkedIn.

    Today on Tactical Empathy:

    • Empathy is crucial in the construction industry and can improve leadership.
    • Challenges to empathy in construction include ego, pride, and societal expectations.
    • Emotions and gender play a role in how empathy is perceived in the industry.
    • Shame can hinder vulnerability, and empathy is the antidote to shame.
    • Putting oneself in someone else's shoes can help navigate difficult situations in construction.
    • Daily practices, such as meditation and breathwork, can help develop empathy muscles.

    Connect with Matt Ohley:

    This show was produced by ELF Solutions Inc

    E5 - 33m - Jan 31, 2024
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