From Peer to Manager: Mastering Empathetic Leadership Transitions using Empathy with Erica Zygelman

Episode 12
27m | Mar 20, 2024

In this conversation, Erica Zygelman, a leadership coach and consultant, discusses the importance of empathy in leadership. She shares her background in tech and media and how the lack of support and training for new leaders inspired her to become a leadership development coach. Erica defines empathy as understanding, appreciating, and valuing other people's perspectives, feelings, thoughts, and needs. She explains that empathy is a crucial skill for leaders to develop and highlights the misconception that empathy is a waste of time in the workplace. Erica also provides tips for transitioning from a peer to a manager and shares practices to build empathy muscles.

Today on Tactical Empathy:

  • Empathy is a crucial skill for leaders to develop as it allows them to understand, appreciate, and value other people's perspectives, feelings, thoughts, and needs.
  • The misconception that empathy is a waste of time in the workplace is outdated. Investing in relationships and developing empathy leads to stronger relationships, better problem-solving, and more successful outcomes.
  • Transitioning from a peer to a manager requires a beginner's mindset, vulnerability, and open communication with the team. Acknowledging the shift in dynamics and setting expectations can help navigate this transition.
  • Practicing presence and being mindful of distractions are essential for developing empathy. Daily practices such as meditation, breathwork, or journaling can help cultivate presence.
  • Using assessments, such as emotional intelligence assessments, can provide valuable insights into empathy and other emotional intelligence skills. These assessments can guide individuals in identifying areas for improvement and developing a well-rounded emotional intelligence skill set.

Connect with Erica:

  • Website:
  • Instagram: @ericazygelman
  • LinkedIn: @Erica Zygelman

Connect with Erin:

This show was produced by ELF Solutions Inc

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