Breaking the Blame Game: Empathy in Leadership with Julia O’Grady

Episode 17
28m | May 8, 2024

In this episode, Erin talks with Julia O'Grady, owner and founder of ITM events, and discusses the importance of tactical empathy in leadership. Julia shares her personal definition of empathy as listening wholeheartedly to understand, rather than listening to respond. She highlights the challenges of practicing empathy, such as the tendency to blame and the fear of difficult conversations. She emphasizes the need to stop blaming and take responsibility for one's part in a situation. Julia also discusses the impact of empathy on her business and team, including improved communication, reduced fear of difficult conversations, and increased confidence in leadership roles.

Today on Tactical Empathy:

  • Empathy in leadership means listening wholeheartedly to understand, rather than listening to respond.
  • Blaming others or oneself can hinder the practice of empathy.
  • Taking responsibility for one's part in a situation is essential for effective leadership.
  • Practicing empathy can lead to improved communication, reduced fear of difficult conversations, and increased confidence in leadership roles.

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This show was produced by ELF Solutions Inc

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Tactical Empathy