EP17 // Sometimes Things Go Wrong…

31m | Nov 1, 2021

“Sometimes things have to go wrong short term so they can go right long term” - TRUST THE PROCESS! Welcome back to the pages Of My Diary Podcast my lovelies! On today’s episode there’s a lot to uncover; everything from the power of journalling to my progress on the piano, the release of Allahlujah & meeting lovely strangers who help bring our dream music videos to life!

I also tell a hilarious story (at least I think so) about why my mom is my favourite human to hang around with at music video shoots and the role she takes on as “Chief Health & Safety Officer” for The Dream Team!

We also wrap up the recording phase of T.H.E and move on to another chapter and equally important part of an album release… the release. There’s a lot of smiles, stories and the occasional helpful self-improvement tool to come in future episodes of the Pages Of My Diary Podcast so if you enjoyed what you heard today, please FOLLOW this podcast so you never miss a video: I would hate to see that happen for you.


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