26m | Nov 29, 2021

Welcome [or welcome back] to the Pages Of My Diary Podcast; the weekly show where we take a look through my diaries that I kept throughout the writing, recording & release of my latest album ‘The Human Experience’. Every Monday I take you behind the scenes and try to give insight into what goes into making an album, as well as going in depth about some of the things that happened on our journey of making ours, so be sure to FOLLOW so you never miss an episode and don’t feel left out of the party. 🤍

The big day has finally come in this weeks episode… We close the recording phase and celebrate the new chapter of our journey, THE RELEASE OF “THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE”!

We’re also getting in the holiday spirit with the arrival of Casey Santa and what would life be without some good old doubts & insecurities, eh? We’ll be diving deep into the dreams and aspirations I have for the future and how I almost gave up on music altogether on the day of my album release [it must’ve been a really bad rehearsal…] 😂

If you actually read the description then this one’s for you - I want you to know that you are worthy; worthy of life, worthy of love and worthy of a place in this world. Remember that the world is not the news, and it’s not your school, and it’s not your parents: it’s a big place and there are a lot of others out there who’d love to get to meet you. 🤍


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Pages Of My Diary