EP11//Ask And You Shall Receive…

29m | Sep 20, 2021

We’re back with episode 11 of the Pages Of My Diary podcast people - today we’re talking about kissing boys in the rain, songwriting struggles and how 4+4 can occasionally equal 273÷9x1.333333…. I know, it makes no sense to me either!

One big perk of being an independent musician is that when one thing isn’t going well (like those songwriting struggles), it’s okay because there’s plenty to be getting on with; everything from social media content, music videos, editing podcast episodes and planning future releases to doing things to continue to grow as a normal, functioning member of society. (or so I’m told)

If at the end of this episode you get that warm fuzzy feeling inside that signals you liked what you just watched, DON’T BE SHY ABOUT IT! Make sure you like and follow the podcast so that the algorithm doesn’t snatch us away from each other and I end up waiting by the phone for your call everyday… please call me back, Sandra :’(


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