EP6//Connor McGregor’s New Walkout Song?!

28m | Aug 15, 2021

Welcome (or welcome back) to episode 6 of the POMD podcast! In today’s episode I’m taking you behind the curtain as we explore some of the changes that we had to make as a result of the worldwide event that shall remain nameless…

There’s a segment where we talk about a song I describe in my diary as a real “lets f***king do this!” record, which is a great summary of a song (if I do say so myself). It’s no Foggy Dew but if McGregor was looking for a new walkout song, I think this would be a good replacement. 🔥 

We also go into detail about what an album rollout is, how I used it for The Human Experience and how it can be a godsend for indie artists! Lots to talk about and lots of tangents to go on, so I hope you enjoy the episode and get a lot of value from it!

Make sure you share the podcast with some friends! And if you don’t have friends, well then share it with random strangers you see on the street, from a socially distanced distance of course. And also if they say they have candy in their van don’t believe them, it’s not the kinda candy you want…


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