• Nourishing Your Body: Nutrition Tips for Women Over 40

    In this episode of "We Age Graceful," we dive into the essential nutrition tips tailored specifically for women over 40. As our bodies evolve with age, understanding the importance of a balanced diet becomes crucial in maintaining overall health and well-being. We discuss how to build a balanced plate with the right proportions of proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates, ensuring you get the necessary vitamins and minerals. Learn practical meal planning tips and the benefits of incorporating a diverse range of foods to support your physical and mental health. Additionally, discover healthy snack ideas that can help maintain energy levels throughout the day.

    We also explore the role of supplements in a woman’s diet, identifying key nutrients such as calcium, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, and magnesium that are often needed to fill dietary gaps. Understanding when and why supplements might be necessary, along with tips on selecting high-quality options, will empower you to make informed choices. Finally, we share valuable insights on maintaining energy levels through proper diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and effective stress management techniques. Tune in to get actionable advice and start nourishing your body for a healthier, more vibrant life. For more resources and detailed show notes, visit our website and follow us on social media.

    Website: www.WeAgeGraceful.com

    Follow on Instagram: www.instagram.com/WeAgeGraceful

    Join our Community on Facebook: www.facebook.com/WeAgeGraceful

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@WeAgeGracefulPodcast

    Follow the Host: Keli

    Website: www.iamKeliB.com

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/iamKeliB

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/iamKeliB

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/iamKeliB

    E11 - 26m - Jul 11, 2024
  • Navigating Midlife Changes as Women Over 40

    In this episode of "We Age Graceful," we delve into the journey of navigating midlife changes as women over 40. Midlife brings a host of transformations—physical, emotional, and social—that can be both challenging and rewarding. We explore the common experiences women face during this period, such as hormonal shifts related to menopause, life transitions like children leaving home, and shifts in careers or relationships. By understanding these changes, we can better manage and embrace them, turning potential stressors into opportunities for growth.

    We also discuss practical strategies for managing stress and dealing with anxiety during midlife. From mindfulness practices and physical activity to time management and setting boundaries, we offer actionable tips to help reduce stress levels. We dive into techniques for coping with anxiety, including cognitive-behavioral strategies, breathing exercises, and the importance of seeking support from loved ones or professionals. Finally, we highlight the importance of embracing change with a positive mindset, setting new goals, and pursuing passions that bring joy and fulfillment. Join us as we share personal anecdotes, practical advice, and inspiring stories to support and empower women on their midlife journey.

    Website: www.WeAgeGraceful.com

    Follow on Instagram: www.instagram.com/WeAgeGraceful

    Join our Community on Facebook: www.facebook.com/WeAgeGraceful

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@WeAgeGracefulPodcast

    Follow the Host: Keli

    Website: www.iamKeliB.com

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/iamKeliB

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/iamKeliB

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/iamKeliB

    E10 - 30m - Jul 9, 2024
  • Staying Active: Fitness Routines for Longevity

    Welcome to another episode of "We Age Graceful," the podcast dedicated to women in their mid-life who are looking to create a better and simpler life. In today's episode, we delve into fitness routines that promote longevity and well-being specifically for women over 40. We'll explore low-impact exercises, strength training, and flexibility routines that cater to the unique needs of women in mid-life, helping you age gracefully and stay fit.


    Fitness for women over 40

    Low-impact exercises

    Strength training for women over 40

    Flexibility and mobility exercises

    Aging gracefully and staying fit

    Health and wellness for mid-life women is fitness for women over 40

    Website: www.WeAgeGraceful.com

    Follow on Instagram: www.instagram.com/WeAgeGraceful

    Join our Community on Facebook: www.facebook.com/WeAgeGraceful

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@WeAgeGracefulPodcast

    Follow the Host: Keli

    Website: www.iamKeliB.com

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/iamKeliB

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/iamKeliB

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/iamKeliB

    E9 - 14m - Jul 7, 2024
  • What to Expect When You Start Menopause

    1: Understanding Menopause We kick off with a clear explanation of what menopause is, breaking down the phases from perimenopause to postmenopause. Learn about the average age range for onset and the factors that can influence when menopause begins, from genetics to health conditions.

    2: Common Symptoms Explore the physical and emotional symptoms many women experience during menopause. From hot flashes and night sweats to mood swings and memory issues, we cover it all. Gain valuable insights from a gynecologist or menopause specialist on why these symptoms occur and how common they are.

    3: Managing Symptoms Discover effective ways to manage menopause symptoms through lifestyle changes, medical treatments, and alternative therapies. Get practical tips on diet, exercise, and stress management. Understand the benefits and risks of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and explore non-hormonal treatments and holistic approaches like herbal remedies and acupuncture.

    4: FAQs and Myths We address frequently asked questions about menopause, such as "Can you still get pregnant during perimenopause?" and "How long do symptoms last?" We also debunk common myths and misconceptions, providing accurate information and reliable resources.

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/weagegracefulpodcast

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/weagegracefulpodcast

    Host: Keli B.

    Instagram: www.ianstagram.com/iamKeliB

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/iamKeliB

    E8 - 18m - Jun 11, 2024
  • Path to Aging Gracefully

    1: Understanding Aging

    • Biological Aspects of Aging
    • Basic explanation of the aging process
    • Common physical changes in women over 40
    • Psychological Impact
    • How aging can affect mental and emotional health
    • Importance of a positive mindset

    2: Skincare and Beauty Tips

    • Daily Skincare Routine
    • Essential steps (cleansing, moisturizing, sunscreen)
    • Recommended products for mature skin
    • Advanced Skincare Treatments
    • Overview of treatments like facials, peels, and microdermabrasion
    • When to consider seeing a dermatologist
    • Makeup Tips
    • Enhancing natural beauty with age-appropriate makeup techniques
    • Product recommendations

    3: Healthy Lifestyle Choices

    • Nutrition
    • Key nutrients for women over 40
    • Diet tips for maintaining youthful vitality
    • Exercise
    • Types of exercise beneficial for aging gracefully (yoga, strength training, cardio)
    • How to create a sustainable fitness routine
    • Mental Wellness
    • Importance of stress management
    • Techniques for maintaining mental clarity and emotional balance

    4: Fashion and Style

    • Adapting Your Wardrobe
    • Tips for updating your style to reflect your current self
    • Wardrobe staples for women over 40
    • Confidence in Fashion
    • Embracing your body and style with confidence
    • Importance of personal expression through fashion

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/weagegracefulpodcast

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/weagegracefulpodcast

    Host: Keli B.

    Instagram: www.ianstagram.com/iamKeliB

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/iamKeliB

    E7 - 22m - Jun 4, 2024
  • Navigating Hysterectomy: Pros and Cons

    Podcast Outline: Navigating Hysterectomy: Pros and Cons

    1: Understanding Hysterectomy

    • Definition and types (total, partial, radical).
    • Common reasons for the procedure (fibroids, endometriosis, cancer).

    2: Benefits

    • Relief from chronic pain and heavy bleeding.
    • Treatment/prevention of gynecological cancers.
    • Improved quality of life for some.
    • Personal anecdotes of positive outcomes.

    3: Drawbacks

    • Irreversible infertility.
    • Surgical risks and complications.
    • Long-term hormonal effects.
    • Emotional and psychological impacts.

    4: Alternatives and Decision-Making

    • Alternative treatments (medication, embolization, ablation).
    • Factors to consider (health needs, fertility desires).
    • Importance of discussing with healthcare providers.

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/weagegracefulpodcast

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/weagegracefulpodcast

    Host: Keli B.

    Instagram: www.ianstagram.com/iamKeliB

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/iamKeliB

    E6 - 20m - May 28, 2024
  • How To Remove Self Doubt

    Removing self-doubt is a process that takes time and effort, but it's definitely possible. Here are some strategies that might help:

    1. Recognize and acknowledge your self-doubt: The first step in overcoming self-doubt is to become aware of it. Recognize when self-doubt arises and acknowledge its presence.
    2. Challenge negative thoughts: When you notice self-doubt creeping in, challenge the negative thoughts that fuel it. Ask yourself if there is any evidence to support these thoughts, or if they are just assumptions or fears.
    3. Practice self-compassion: Treat yourself with kindness and understanding, especially when you're feeling doubtful. Remind yourself that it's okay to make mistakes and that everyone experiences self-doubt at times.
    4. Focus on your strengths: Make a list of your strengths, accomplishments, and past successes. Reflect on these when you're feeling doubtful to remind yourself of your abilities and what you have achieved.
    5. Set realistic goals: Break down your goals into smaller, more manageable tasks. Setting achievable goals can help boost your confidence and reduce self-doubt.
    6. Seek support: Talk to friends, family members, or a therapist about your self-doubt. Sometimes, sharing your feelings with others can provide valuable perspective and support.
    7. Practice self-care: Take care of your physical and emotional well-being by getting enough sleep, eating healthily, exercising regularly, and engaging in activities that bring you joy and relaxation.
    8. Challenge perfectionism: Perfectionism often fuels self-doubt, as you may never feel like you're good enough. Instead of striving for perfection, aim for progress and accept that mistakes are a natural part of learning and growth.
    9. Focus on the present moment: Practice mindfulness and focus on the present moment rather than worrying about past mistakes or future uncertainties.
    10. Celebrate your successes: When you accomplish something, no matter how small, take the time to celebrate your success. Acknowledging your achievements can help boost your confidence and combat self-doubt.

    Remember that overcoming self-doubt is a journey, and it's okay to have setbacks along the way. Be patient and kind to yourself as you work towards building self-confidence and belief in your abilities.

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/weagegracefulpodcast

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/weagegracefulpodcast

    Host: Keli B.

    Instagram: www.ianstagram.com/iamKeliB

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/iamKeliB

    E5 - 21m - May 21, 2024
  • How To Set Healthy Boundaries

    Setting boundaries is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships and protecting your well-being. Here are four tips for setting boundaries effectively:

    1. Know Your Limits: Before setting boundaries, take some time to reflect on what makes you feel comfortable and what doesn't. Identify your emotional, physical, and mental limits. Understanding your needs and values is essential for establishing boundaries that align with your well-being.
    2. Communicate Clearly and Assertively: Once you've identified your boundaries, communicate them clearly and assertively to the relevant people. Use "I" statements to express your needs and feelings without blaming or accusing others. Be direct and specific about what behavior is acceptable and what is not.
    3. Be Consistent: Consistency is key to reinforcing your boundaries. Make sure to enforce your boundaries consistently across different situations and with different people. If someone repeatedly violates your boundaries, calmly but firmly remind them of your limits and the consequences of their actions.
    4. Practice Self-Care: Setting boundaries can sometimes be challenging, especially if you're used to prioritizing others' needs over your own. Practice self-care regularly to recharge and replenish your emotional reserves. Taking care of yourself allows you to maintain the strength and resilience needed to uphold your boundaries effectively.

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/weagegracefulpodcast

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/weagegracefulpodcast

    Host: Keli B.

    Instagram: www.ianstagram.com/iamKeliB

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/iamKeliB

    E4 - 15m - May 14, 2024
  • How to Recognize the Symptoms of Perimenopause

    Perimenopause, also known as menopausal transition, typically begins several years before menopause when the ovaries gradually produce less estrogen. Signs and symptoms can vary widely among women, but here are some common ones:

    1. Irregular periods: Changes in the menstrual cycle, including shorter or longer cycles, lighter or heavier periods, or skipped periods.
    2. Hot flashes and night sweats: Sudden feelings of heat, often accompanied by sweating and flushing of the face and neck, which can disrupt sleep and daily activities.
    3. Sleep disturbances: Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, often due to night sweats, hormonal fluctuations, or other menopausal symptoms.
    4. Mood swings: Changes in mood, including irritability, anxiety, depression, or sudden emotional shifts.
    5. Vaginal dryness: Decreased lubrication and elasticity of the vaginal tissues, leading to discomfort or pain during intercourse.
    6. Changes in libido: Decreased interest in sex or changes in sexual desire and response.
    7. Fatigue: Feeling tired or lacking energy, which can be related to hormonal changes, sleep disturbances, or other menopausal symptoms.
    8. Weight gain: Some women may experience weight gain, particularly around the abdomen, during perimenopause.
    9. Breast tenderness: Increased sensitivity or discomfort in the breasts.
    10. Urinary problems: Changes in urinary frequency or urgency, as well as an increased risk of urinary tract infections.
    11. Forgetfulness or difficulty concentrating: Some women may experience memory lapses or difficulty focusing during perimenopause.
    12. Joint and muscle pain: Increased aches and pains, particularly in the joints and muscles.

    It's important to note that not all women will experience all of these symptoms, and the severity can vary greatly from person to person. If you're experiencing symptoms that are interfering with your daily life or causing significant discomfort, it's a good idea to talk to your healthcare provider. They can help determine if your symptoms are related to perimenopause and discuss treatment options to help manage them.

    nstagram: www.instagram.com/weagegracefulpodcast

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/weagegracefulpodcast

    Host: Keli B.

    Instagram: www.ianstagram.com/iamKeliB

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/iamKeliB

    E3 - 15m - May 7, 2024
  • New Beginnings: How to have your own Renaissance like Beyonce

    In this episode we will be discussing how to have a new beginning. How to have your own Renaissance like Beyonce.

    It never to late to start over and have a new beginning.

    Lets recap the Renaissance movie on how it was motivating and inspiring.

    In addition, manifestation and goal setting. Lets remove all the noise and get to work.

    Books Mentioned:

    12 Week Year: https://amzn.to/42NxlDx

    Atomic Habits: https://amzn.to/3T5eNLA

    Amazon Storefront: https://www.amazon.com/shop/iamkelib

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/weagegracefulpodcast

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/weagegracefulpodcast

    Host: Keli B.

    Instagram: www.ianstagram.com/iamKeliB

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/iamKeliB

    E2 - 18m - Feb 20, 2024
  • How to Navigate Midlife as Women Over 40

    In this episode we will be talking about Navigating Midlife. As we age and hit that midlife point either your confidence can rise or self doubt can set in. Not to mention all the health concerns we go through as women.

    There areas we will cover in this episode:

    1. Hormonal Change
    2. Midlife Concerns
    3. Aging Process

    I know we will not cover it all but in future episode we will dive deeper.

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/weagegracefulpodcast

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/weagegracefulpodcast

    Host: Keli B.

    Instagram: www.ianstagram.com/iamKeliB

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/iamKeliB

    E1 - 14m - Dec 1, 2023
  • Welcome to We Age Graceful

    Welcome to We Age Graceful Podcast where we talk all about self development, life and aging graceful.

    I’m your host Keli

    I cant wait to have candid conversations around being a women over 40, growing up in Generation X, overcoming childhood trauma, setting boundaries, self love, living our best life while aging graceful.

    If this is something your interested in, make sure you listen on Spotify, Apple Podcast, or where ever you listen to your podcast.

    Don't forget to follow on instagram at We Age Graceful Podcast

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/weagegracefulpodcast

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/weagegracefulpodcast

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/weagegracefulpodcast

    Shop Merchandise: www.weagegraceful.com

    2m - Nov 29, 2023
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