How to Change Your Perspective

1m | Oct 8, 2023

Welcome to another enlightening episode of "Humor: Your 7th Sense." I'm Phil Sorentino, joined by Susan Sorentino, the Original Humor Consultants, and today, we're delving into the profound concept that humor is your seventh sense, and it's a culmination of the information processed through your other six senses.

Humor is essentially your unique perspective on the world, but what if you find that your attitude or perspective isn't quite to your liking? That's where the real question arises - what do you do about it?

Drawing inspiration from the wisdom of Wayne Dyer, we explore the idea that when an orange is squeezed or subjected to pressure, what comes out of it is its juice, regardless of the type of pressure applied. The same principle applies to us as individuals. When life exerts pressure on us, whether it's financial, relational, or related to our careers, what surfaces is what's inside us.

If love, forgiveness, and compassion are what manifest during challenging times, then that's the essence of who we are. But if fear, jealousy, defeat, and negativity emerge, then that too reflects our innermost self.

Here's the profound insight - if you find that you don't like what's coming out of you when the pressure is on, the solution is to start putting something different in. Fill your mind and heart with positive influences - read inspirational books, watch uplifting movies, and surround yourself with people who lift you up rather than bring you down.

In this episode, we explore how you can transform your inner world by choosing the thoughts and influences you expose yourself to. Remember, when the pressure's on, and you don't like what's coming out, it's time to start putting something different in. Join us as we delve deeper into this transformative concept. Love you all, and thanks for tuning in!

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Humor: Your 7th Sense