Daily Mental Shower

2m | Oct 5, 2023

Welcome to another enlightening episode of "Humor: Your 7th Sense." I'm Phil Sorentino, here with Susan Sorentino, the Original Humor Consultants, and today we're diving into the concept of your daily mental shower – a vital practice to cleanse and nourish your mind and spirit.

Just like we cleanse and nourish our bodies every day, it's essential to do the same for our minds and spirits. We explore the idea of what Phil calls "spiritual puke." Just as physical puke provides relief, when we unload negativity and toxic thoughts, we feel better. However, it's crucial to recognize that our negativity can affect others too, just like a chain reaction of puking. Zig Ziglar's phrase "stinking thinking" perfectly encapsulates this phenomenon.

To combat this, we introduce a self-improvement process, represented by the acronym S-I-P. "S" stands for sales, emphasizing that we are all salespeople in some form, as we communicate to produce mutually beneficial outcomes. "I" stands for inspiration, encouraging listeners to find sources of inspiration in their lives. Phil shares how his children inspire him, challenging the notion of pride. Instead of pride, we can say we're inspired by our loved ones. Finally, "P" stands for your product or profession. Continuous learning is essential in today's rapidly changing world, and staying a student of your industry is key to success.

So, join us as we discuss the importance of your daily mental shower, including improving communication, finding inspiration, and deepening your knowledge of your product or profession. It's a recipe for a better day and a brighter outlook. Stay tuned, have some fun, and let's cleanse and nourish our minds together!

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Humor: Your 7th Sense