How to Enjoy Being Your Best

3m | Oct 6, 2023

Welcome to another episode of "Humor: Your 7th Sense." I'm Phil Sorentino, alongside Susan Sorentino, the Original Humor Consultants, and today, we're here to explore a fascinating topic - how to not just be your best but also enjoy the journey of self-improvement.

Many of us have heard the advice to "be your best," but have we ever been given permission to relish the process? That's precisely what we'll discuss. We kick things off with a thought-provoking question: What nation boasts the greatest population, the lowest gross national product, and the highest crime rate? The answer: Procrastination.

Our first point is all about defeating procrastination by adopting the habit of completing tasks. It's in finishing things that we find a sense of accomplishment. Second, we delve into the importance of savoring life itself. Discover what truly brings you pleasure and make an effort to include those activities in your daily routine. Create a joy list, a catalog of activities that bring you happiness.

Next, we encourage you to have a little fun with stress and distress. Train yourself to find the humor in challenging situations, and you'll harness stress as a catalyst for success. Taking time to relax and do nothing is another crucial aspect of self-improvement. In today's fast-paced world, we often forget to slow down and recharge.

We discuss the imbalance between the vast amount of information we consume and the time we allocate to process it. A call to meditation and introspection emerges as a solution. We emphasize that worrying is essentially meditating for negative outcomes, and it's time to shift our mental habits.

Being your best doesn't mean striving for perfection. It means being willing to take risks, think outside the box, and adapt to new situations. We explore the value of defining problems thoroughly before seeking solutions and encourage you to ask, "Why can't I be committed to this?" to uncover the root of your challenges.

Decisiveness is key - even not making a decision is a decision in itself. Embrace the inevitability of making mistakes, as progress often arises from them. And finally, we leave you with a profound message to appreciate the silence between words, offering wisdom from a hermit who knows the value of listening.

Join us in this episode as we explore how to enjoy the journey of becoming your best self. Love you all, and thanks for tuning in!

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Humor: Your 7th Sense