• #132 - Is Procrastinating Slowing Your Progress?

    Procrastination.. the killer of dreams. Have you put off starting your weight loss journey? Maybe you said next week.. next month or even next year? Want to change that? Then today's episode is for you.

    If you loved this episode or learned something new help us get this information out to more women over 40 and leave a written review and 5 star rating on iTunes HERE.

    Or leave a review on Spotify HERE.


    Learn more about our VIP Program: Fill out an application form here

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    Josh Humphris on Instagram: @joshhumphris

    10m - Jul 4, 2024
  • #131 - Weight Loss Is Only 20% Exercise

    You may have asked in the past, "is weight loss more about food or exercise?". And the answer is in.. it's only 20% exercise. The rest is up to your food and sleep which we'll cover today!

    If you loved this episode or learned something new help us get this information out to more women over 40 and leave a written review and 5 star rating on iTunes HERE.

    Or leave a review on Spotify HERE.


    Learn more about our VIP Program: Fill out an application form here

    Join our Facebook group for more free trainings: Join here


    Josh Humphris on Instagram: @joshhumphris

    13m - Jul 1, 2024
  • #130 - She Lost 8kg in 3 Months!

    With the current weight loss plan you have in place.. how close are you to being able to attain your goal weight and maintain it for the long term? If the answer is not that close, then today is for you.

    If you loved this episode or learned something new help us get this information out to more women over 40 and leave a written review and 5 star rating on iTunes HERE.

    Or leave a review on Spotify HERE.


    Learn more about our VIP Program: Fill out an application form here

    Join our Facebook group for more free trainings: Join here


    Josh Humphris on Instagram: @joshhumphris

    11m - Jun 28, 2024
  • #129 - Why Can't You Just Figure Out Weight Loss?

    Have you ever had this thought, "why can't I just figure my weight loss out"? If so, you're not alone. But really should you be able to figure it out yourself? Tune in to find out the answer.

    If you loved this episode or learned something new help us get this information out to more women over 40 and leave a written review and 5 star rating on iTunes HERE.

    Or leave a review on Spotify HERE.


    Learn more about our VIP Program: Fill out an application form here

    Join our Facebook group for more free trainings: Join here


    Josh Humphris on Instagram: @joshhumphris

    11m - Jun 26, 2024
  • #128 - I Don't Need A Lot But I Can't Live Without This 1 Thing

    Today is a peek inside my life. I consider myself quite easy going, I don't need a lot of things. I do love my car but other material possessions don't overly interest me. But there is one thing I will not compromise on.. listen in to find out.

    If you loved this episode or learned something new help us get this information out to more women over 40 and leave a written review and 5 star rating on iTunes HERE.

    Or leave a review on Spotify HERE.


    Learn more about our VIP Program: Fill out an application form here

    Join our Facebook group for more free trainings: Join here


    Josh Humphris on Instagram: @joshhumphris

    11m - Jun 24, 2024
  • #127 - Are Your Bad Habits In The Way Of Your Fat Loss?

    We all have them.. bad habits. Whether that be alcohol, sweets, takeaway, junk food, smoking, binge eating and the list goes on. But what are they costing you? Let's dive in!

    If you loved this episode or learned something new help us get this information out to more women over 40 and leave a written review and 5 star rating on iTunes HERE.

    Or leave a review on Spotify HERE.


    Learn more about our VIP Program: Fill out an application form here

    Join our Facebook group for more free trainings: Join here


    Josh Humphris on Instagram: @joshhumphris

    16m - Jun 18, 2024
  • #126 - The Mindset Behind Weight Loss

    Becoming a 'fit' person just doesn't happen like a lightning bolt striking you as you go for a morning stroll along the beach. You have to become a "fit" person in an unfit person's body first. Listen in as I dive deeper today.

    If you loved this episode or learned something new help us get this information out to more women over 40 and leave a written review and 5 star rating on iTunes HERE.

    Or leave a review on Spotify HERE.


    Learn more about our VIP Program: Fill out an application form here

    Join our Facebook group for more free trainings: Join here


    Josh Humphris on Instagram: @joshhumphris

    16m - Jun 17, 2024
  • #125 - Consistency & Motivation Issues

    Consistency and motivation, the two biggest culprits for getting in the road of your weight loss hopes and dreams. Imagine if you just fixed those two, where would you end up?

    If you loved this episode or learned something new help us get this information out to more women over 40 and leave a written review and 5 star rating on iTunes HERE.

    Or leave a review on Spotify HERE.


    Learn more about our VIP Program: Fill out an application form here

    Join our Facebook group for more free trainings: Join here


    Josh Humphris on Instagram: @joshhumphris

    14m - Jun 13, 2024
  • #124 - How do you actually lose -1kg p/w?

    Ever wondered how to lose -1kg p/w consistently? Well you're in luck, today I'm pulling back the curtain and showing you step by step how to achieve that. Enjoy.

    If you loved this episode or learned something new help us get this information out to more women over 40 and leave a written review and 5 star rating on iTunes HERE.

    Or leave a review on Spotify HERE.


    Learn more about our VIP Program: Fill out an application form here

    Join our Facebook group for more free trainings: Join here


    Josh Humphris on Instagram: @joshhumphris

    16m - Jun 11, 2024
  • #123 - Is Positive or Negative Motivation more Powerful?

    Yes having the goal of losing weight or becoming more confident or playing with your kids freely is motivating but has it motivated you enough to reach your goal? If you've had your goal for months now and you haven't taken action on it.. maybe that's not the most driving force. Stay tuned to find out what is though.

    If you loved this episode or learned something new help us get this information out to more women over 40 and leave a written review and 5 star rating on iTunes HERE.

    Or leave a review on Spotify HERE.


    Learn more about our VIP Program: Fill out an application form here

    Join our Facebook group for more free trainings: Join here


    Josh Humphris on Instagram: @joshhumphris

    11m - Jun 9, 2024
  • #122 - 1 Nutrition Hack to Break the Plateau

    The most common nutrition mistake I see new clients make is around their protein intake. And generally by accident. But with a few tweaks we can unlock that steady fat loss again. Stay tuned to find out.

    If you loved this episode or learned something new help us get this information out to more women over 40 and leave a written review and 5 star rating on iTunes HERE.

    Or leave a review on Spotify HERE.


    Learn more about our VIP Program: Fill out an application form here

    Join our Facebook group for more free trainings: Join here


    Josh Humphris on Instagram: @joshhumphris

    18m - Jun 7, 2024
  • #121 - What's more important for weight loss: genetics, walking, exercise, sleep or food?

    A lot of people don't see the results they want because they're putting their efforts into the wrong areas. If you're focusing on the wrong tasks you get crappy results. So let's change that!

    If you loved this episode or learned something new help us get this information out to more women over 40 and leave a written review and 5 star rating on iTunes HERE.

    Or leave a review on Spotify HERE.


    Learn more about our VIP Program: Fill out an application form here

    Join our Facebook group for more free trainings: Join here


    Josh Humphris on Instagram: @joshhumphris

    20m - Jun 5, 2024
  • #120 - Why Exercise Isn't THE Solution

    The age old question, is exercise or nutrition more important when it comes to losing weight? Let's unpack that together, enjoy!

    If you loved this episode or learned something new help us get this information out to more women over 40 and leave a written review and 5 star rating on iTunes HERE.

    Or leave a review on Spotify HERE.


    Learn more about our VIP Program: Fill out an application form here

    Join our Facebook group for more free trainings: Join here


    Josh Humphris on Instagram: @joshhumphris

    11m - Jun 3, 2024
  • #119 - Where Most People Get Their Calorie Deficit Wrong

    So you've tried to eat less, reduce the calories and the "unhealthy" stuff but it's still not working. But you swear you're in a calorie deficit! Then this one is for you, enjoy!

    If you loved this episode or learned something new help us get this information out to more women over 40 and leave a written review and 5 star rating on iTunes HERE.

    Or leave a review on Spotify HERE.


    Learn more about our VIP Program: Fill out an application form here

    Join our Facebook group for more free trainings: Join here


    Josh Humphris on Instagram: @joshhumphris

    15m - May 31, 2024
  • #118 - How to Lose Your Next -10kg (Final Part)

    We've finally arrived, it's the last part in a 3 part series on how to lose your next -10kg. Today we're talking about your metabolism and how to revive that beast so it's burning body fat like a raging bonfire.

    If you loved this episode or learned something new help us get this information out to more women over 40 and leave a written review and 5 star rating on iTunes HERE.

    Or leave a review on Spotify HERE.


    Learn more about our VIP Program: Fill out an application form here

    Join our Facebook group for more free trainings: Join here


    Josh Humphris on Instagram: @joshhumphris

    19m - May 28, 2024
  • #117 - The Top 3 Exercise Mistakes to Avoid When Losing Your Next 10kg

    There a 3 mistakes we often see people make around the exercise when trying to lose weight. They're way more common than you think. No.1 is the most common, listen in to find out all 3.

    If you loved this episode or learned something new help us get this information out to more women over 40 and leave a written review and 5 star rating on iTunes HERE.

    Or leave a review on Spotify HERE.


    Learn more about our VIP Program: Fill out an application form here

    Join our Facebook group for more free trainings: Join here


    Josh Humphris on Instagram: @joshhumphris

    12m - May 27, 2024
  • #116 - How to Lose Your Next -10kg (Part 2)

    Today we're going through part 2 on how to lose your next -10kg. Enjoy!

    If you loved this episode or learned something new help us get this information out to more women over 40 and leave a written review and 5 star rating on iTunes HERE.

    Or leave a review on Spotify HERE.


    Learn more about our VIP Program: Fill out an application form here

    Join our Facebook group for more free trainings: Join here


    Josh Humphris on Instagram: @joshhumphris

    12m - May 24, 2024
  • #115 - What is the 40+ VIP Method?

    How did we help 1,500+ women lose more than 15,000kg of fat? Well tune in today and find out the secrets behind the results.

    If you loved this episode or learned something new help us get this information out to more women over 40 and leave a written review and 5 star rating on iTunes HERE.

    Or leave a review on Spotify HERE.


    Learn more about our VIP Program: Fill out an application form here


    Josh Humphris on Instagram: @joshhumphris

    14m - May 21, 2024
  • #114 - How to Lose Your Next -10kg

    This is the first in a 3 part series on how to lose your next -10kg. Today is all about food. I go over what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat for fast fat loss. Enjoy!

    If you loved this episode or learned something new help us get this information out to more women over 40 and leave a written review and 5 star rating on iTunes HERE.

    Or leave a review on Spotify HERE.


    Learn more about our VIP Program: Fill out an application form here


    Josh Humphris on Instagram: @joshhumphris

    15m - May 20, 2024
  • #113 - What Type of Ladies Do We Work With?

    Today I dive deep into two different calls I had this week with ladies that joined the VIP Program. And you'll see that they're very different and this is why we do 1:1 coaching not group coaching. A one sized fits all approach just doesn't work in the long run.

    If you loved this episode or learned something new help us get this information out to more women over 40 and leave a written review and 5 star rating on iTunes HERE.

    Or leave a review on Spotify HERE.


    Learn more about our VIP Program: Fill out an application form here


    Josh Humphris on Instagram: @joshhumphris

    11m - May 16, 2024
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Weight Loss For Women 40+